Contact and Guidance

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Developing Asking and Receiving Skills
  2. Higher Self Relationship
  3. Personal Guides relationship
  4. Angelic Realm Relationship
  5. Archangel Relationship
  6. Ascended Masters Relationship
  7. Earth Resources

The historical doctrine that we are alone in need of a mediator to connect with the Higher Power is simply nonsense. It is time to open to access of the the Cosmic resources. Learning to listen and to interact with your spirit realm as well as the Earthly realm is a key part of the new times.

Personal Care and Empowerment

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Reconnecting with the Original Design
  2. The Expanded Body Energetic System*
  3. Filling Basic Needs
  4. Clearing and Emotions
  5. Necessary and Expansive Re-Education
  6. Empowerment Experiences
  7. Active Application and Celebration

Since we are in the Third Dimension physical plane of Duality we must address the make up of the body, the incarnational vehicle. Each topic will explore elements that we shall be invited to and learn to rely upon in engaging and responding to our moments of living. In the spirit of the course intent to put the reclaimed design into action immediately, specific exercises will be provided to apply the learning to see what will happen.

Though these topics may appear to be off session topic, it is the intent to learn skills as we are showered with new information, making this a highly effective and useful experiential journey.

Expanding New Life Skills

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. The Mind and Thinking
  2. Inner Reconnection with Intuition*
  3. Expanding the Mind-Body Inter-relationship
  4. Accessing Higher Frequency Tools for Living
  5. Manifesting Abundance
  6. Vibrational Tools and Care
  7. Exploring and Opening the Nature Connection

The skills of the Piscean times served that vibration and those limitations. We, honestly, were never given permission to thrive. Even if we were, the doctrine of limitation was so imbedded that we would have likely fallen short of accessing the skills of our true design. And now things are different. As the vibration raises, so do the level of skills. By activating trust and a willingness to take action at the point of guidance we are revealing long hidden talents that expand the panorama of life. This section is about reawakening hidden talents and putting them into action just to see what happens. These are, indeed, frontier times. Saddle up, partner!

Embracing and Integrating the
World Community

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Family
  2. Community
  3. Race
  4. Religion
  5. Education
  6. Business
  7. Politics

So much of this new vibration Aquarian Age is about integrating with the Oneness that is the true Celestial Design. As we reclaim our balanced and empowered center we are given endless opportunity to interface with all of the forms of life, particularly in the human relationship realm. Service is a key domain where we learn to honor and respect others with compassion, empathy, and open heartedness. We require a lot of practice in these fledgling transformational times…

Celestial Design

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Source
  2. Cosmic Framework
  3. Multi-Dimensionality
  4. The Now Factor
  5. The Greater Purpose
  6. Continuity of Life
  7. TBA

Praise Science Fiction for keeping wonder, imagination, and fantasy alive long enough for evolution to catch up. It is imperative that we explore the nature of the Cosmos and see just how it is a love based vibration that is set up for life. Our playground expands as we step out of the learned boundaries to move and experience in all directions. In these section we boldly go where no conscious human has gone before…just to see what it is like,

And my how we each, precious and perfect by design, have been diverted and distracted to think and believe that we are so much less than we are. Prisoners of our own belief devices we putter about, whining about this and that. And all the while the body serves us right down to the cellular, no, the atomic structure. And, for some, many more these days, we learn to pay attention and start to discover just what this thing will do. That opens doors and reveals more and pretty soon we run smack dab into the wall of limitations we used to believe in. That is a primary point of choice. Let go of all that has been and jump unencumbered into an ever oscillating soup of possibility that depends on us for guidance and direction.  Are you kidding? Who in their right mind would do such a thing?! No one…in their right mind. And there you go, the crux of the trap. The right mind is the old program, so subversive, so convincing, so seductive, so familiar…so lethal. You won’t make it through the wall of limitations if you stay in your right mind. A major data dump is what is absolutely necessary….

And why not? We know how it has been for so long and can always default back to business as usual…I’ll have the baked limitations with the side of pain and a bowl of confusion…oh and sprinkle in a handful of poor me’s with that I’m not good enough dressing. Yes, that’s the meal I know and …love?  Hmmm…not so much…I have stood at the wall of limitations and felt the vibration of oh, so much more revving inside me. I felt this body come alive.

I’m not going back. Full bodied living, you say? Sounds great! How do I do it? What? Just take one step and hold on to my hat? I’m in! Here I go….

Full bodied living…yes. In a body that is functioning as designed. Up against the old model of  illness as normal, decay as inevitable, death as a given…Ha! Be gone…for you have no power over me! I am a spiritual being having a human experience in the physical body. I do not inherit sickness. I am the Divine Design, I AM That I AM Expressing As Me…yes, yes, yes!

I am designed for health. I am designed to thrive. Anything else is a learned perspective that dis-integrates in the Light. As I re-integrate my deeper knowing and bring the whole design back on line then I will have no need for this talk of sickness and dis-ease. It shall have no power over me. I stand in this knowing now and forever and invite all that I Am to reveal smoothly and fluidly to my conscious self, magnetizing all the forms and people to affirm, witness, and celebrate this knowing with me into constant life affirming action. I surrender now and forever any resistance to this revelation and moment by moment application of the High Frequency I Am. I am here to serve the full experience of living in my unquestionable power and clarity. And so it is…

Back sliding is no longer an option. Part of your consciousness is now assigned as the gate keeper. Nothing of lower vibration shall parade as truth. Nothing of lower frequency will be allowed into the inner chamber of your heart. Thoughts of less than will vanish before they are noticed. The Light is all that is needed now. The Love that the Light initiates and sustains fills up every space within commanding it to be in full alignment with the Celestial design …now and forver, in all dimensions, in all the multiple lives and forms of me…unfettered and constantly under the sweet, expansive influence of YES! And so it is…

Session Action

 The Expanded State of Health

Session Action

Beyond Trauma

Session Action

The New World of Alignment and Integrative Recalibration

Session Action

Thought, Emotion, and Health

Session Action

Some Higher Frequency Tools for Healing

Session Action

Sound Alchemy

Session Action

Multi-Dimensional Care

Session Action

Daily Choices That Deliver

Every human has a story. Every human is a story…told and untold. The journey into the form in flesh is an adventure for sure. Take the completely aware and infinite Celestial being and stuff her into a remarkable, but still limited vehicle, and send him into the incredible plane of duality, and, oh yeah, take away the owners manual as well as any memory of their true design expanse, and then start them as a dependent infant with no capacity to communicate ideas…yep, that’s it…been through it a thousand times, at least. And every time has its flavor, it’s unique components and occurrences, it’s personal destiny that adjusts to you on the fly, redirecting….and then just to make it the coolest thing, throw in the unique capacity to experience and feel emotion and all the unpredictability that that entails. Sound like the mechanizations of a mad man…indeed…and we sign up and do it again, over and over and over…why?

Because…that’s why. Because it is the best thing going in the entire Cosmos. SO much so that there is a serious waiting list stretching to the stars of upstarts, veterans, the curious, the determined, the wayward, the advanced, the etheric, the what-the-hell-am-I-doing-this-again-fors, the pure beings of Love…yes, you and me.

That this all happens in the physical energetic body is the perfect scenario. Each one unique yet the same…so much so that they can be overhauled and fixed much like an automobile garage or assembly line…or so it seems. Because, though it appears this way, it is really something oh, so much more. And that, my dear friend, is the crux of the adventure and why the lines to enlist are so deep into space. It is unpredictable. The same form infused with emotion and consciousness and a curious thing called ego. And for the most amazing cherry on the top…free will. Or, as some refer to it in celestial circles, the shit that will hit the fan…

c.1997. Mark Stanton Welch
We arrive in holiness  We have the gift of life

We can choose the way we live in shadow or in light

Yet, we have grown up in a culture

filled with limits filled with fear

We sacrifice our wellness to what they call career

 And it's hard to feel the glory

 And it's hard to touch the free

 And it's hard to taste the moment  Believing in disease

  I am much more   You are much more

  We are so far beyond the form but we don't know it

So don't tell me that your wellness

lies there in someone's hand

Don't talk to me of limits speak only "That I Am"

Our life on earth's not just a body it is Spirit it is mind

Remember who you are my friend, remove illusions bind

 Stand up and look into the mirror  Look deep into those eyes

 Can you see all of eternity the Oneness the Divine?

  All this is you All this is me

  We are not here to make it through

  We're here to soar beyond the grandest of our dreams

 Get in the flow Right here, right now

 Embrace the journey Make your vow

 To your well-being  To a whole new way

 To renewal and improvement  To a state of excellence

 To a life beyond the standard   A life in resonance

There are laws within this Universe Laws that govern life

My friend, we're meant for wellness To this we must align

 I'm in the flow right here right now…
I’m on my journey, I make my vow
To my well being, a whole new way…



























Message of the Week*



The Awakened
Medicine Bag

Spoken Words
of  Power


Living As If Already Whole Blog Access Point

  The Amazing Human Body   I   Navigating Transitions   l   Leaving the Comfort Zone       
   Get Moving Now   I   Inner Communication in the Silence  I  The Daily Restart    



Session Song
Become Iridescent, from CD, Opening Up
click to access lyrics


To be in a state of health is a wholistic idea that encompasses not only the physical body, but also the emotions, the mental, the spiritual, the energetic bodies, the chakra system, the capacity to raise vibration to eliminate dis-ease, the capacity to enjoy life, the ability to do all that you desire, the willingness to take care of self, and a choice think and act in ways that focus on prevention.

Being in a state of health is about seeing the big picture of life, understanding new medical models based on bodies without limitations and with the capacity to self heal, choosing to clear daily the energetic debris that comes from living, monitoring and clearing thinking and beliefs that compromise the whole system energetically, living life fully in celebration without hesitation.

The state of health is based on conscious and consistent choices made to stay clear, weed out limiting perspectives, be open to flowing in the now moment, choosing to live in the heart space and be loving more than not, and allowing change to be an accepted part of expanding.

-Mark Stanton Welch 2017

 Course Launch Point

Access Session 8