The Mineral Kingdom is the solid expression of the Second Dimension. They are foundation, grounding, the very Earth herself. All stones are grounding. Certain rocks have higher frequency qualities. Crystals are a breed of their own and highly desirable in the new vibrations of these times. Precious stones not only have elevated value monetarily, they had\ve additional healing and energetic qualities that would be useful in one’s personal Self care Kit.

It is the energetic qualities of the stones that is so important here. As we wake up to our own design and the accompanying higher frequencies we will begin to see how stones come and go. We are drawn to one for awhile. That one disappears and another comes in. We are drawn to something on the ground, we bend to pick it up. Something is sensed and felt and we put it into a pocket and create a short term relationship with its vibration. Stones are also record keepers, holding information, energetic guidance, messages from the Earth, Celestial downloads, word from a past life, directions about upcoming Earth changes, etc.

They have value. As we move through a brief exploration of 24 different stones, you will start to build your personal energetic stash. Travel with the stones you choose. Set them around your house for energetic influence. Meditate with them. Use your left hand to hold them to access their personal message. We shall explore more to do with the stones as we progress through the 24.

  1. Amethyst
  2. Lapus Lazuli
  3. Turquoise
  4. Amber
  5. Labrodite
  6. Malachite
  7. Rose Quartz
  8. Obsidian
  9. Clear Quartz
  10. Tiger Eye
  11. Amber
  12. Aventurine
  13. Calcite
  14. Carmelian
  15. Citrine
  16. Flourite
  17. Hematite
  18. Smoky Quartz
  19. Tourmaline
  20. Agate
  21. Jade
  22. Rhodmite
  23. Rhyolite
  24. Emerald

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Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy