There are so many things that exist that can be useful to create and maintain the healthy state. Here is a list of some of those you can engage as you choose:

Natural World

                 Earth; rocks and stones for grounding; gems and minerals
                 for  specific frequencies; trees for life force and grounding                  and connecting; plants for energy clearing, sustenance,                  and herbals; beach for grounding, negative ions, auric
                 cleansing via white noise, running water for sound and
                 vibrational cleanse; visual vistas for inspiration and
                 gratitude; fire for warmth and cleansing rituals; space and
                 stars for inspiration, guidance, and asking for help

All is vibration, oscillating particles that vibrate a frequencies that manifest specific shape and dis-integrate to allow the flow once the intention has moved on. Your voice is one of your most powerful healing tools you have. And raw sound, especially in slow moving vowels (ah, ay, ee, oh, oo) moves hesitant emotional energetic debris to assist in restoring the original healthy state. Paying attention to the sounds that enter your field is a useful tool, especially when you discern where they are impacting the body.

Words spoken intentionally for thousands of years as a phrase of high frequency or as an invocation to a particular deity, Mantras work because they carry the collective frequency of the intention from all the times it has been spoken. Typically spoken in a sing song manner for 108 times, their power is augmented by repetition. The more you speak them the more they impact your frequency and form to do their intended work. Om Mane Padme Hum, Shanti Prashanti Sarva Krodha Upashamanti Swaha, San san jo lie bah yow wu, I Am That I Am

Everywhere across the world cultures sing. Chant is a common element of most of the “uncivilized “cultures as they use the power of repetition and rhythm to distract the conscious, monkey mind and allow the space to open to receptivity of higher, clearer moods and frequencies. In north America most are strongly impacted by Native American chant as it evokes the past lives at the frequency and pairs one with the Earth for the purpose of grounding and empowerment. Wani Wachalo Wakenkatanka, Hinamaya Hinamaya Hinamay chi chayo, Wendeyaho Wendeyaho hey hey hey ho hey ay ho ya ya  ya,

Intentional Songs
The power of the spoken word as an intentional higher frequency statement of affirmation and positivity is amplified by putting the statement into melody and song. Thus, intentional songs follow principle of chant and mantra by applying repetition and rhythm and the power of singing it to create very effective tools that can assist is clearing old perspectives, thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that have kept illness in place.  I give a little Love give a little light it comes back round I feel all right ah life is good ah life is good, My eyes are open wide my heart  is filled with love I Am the perfect work of God

Affirmative Prayer
Prayer is the beseeching of God for assistance, healing, and Grace. Traditionally it comes from need and perceived weakness. Affirmative prayer affirms life and the desired condition as already being so. It is a gratitude practice that calls forth the in the now application of Source Grace. It creates an awareness and an attitude of anticipation that amplifies the senses and redirects attention to the subtleties of the manifestation in many unexpected forms

Affirmations and Proclamations
As health is so often a direct result of thought and thinking patterns it follows that the higher the frequency of the thoughts then the more likely they attract the higher frequency condition…health. Words spoken in the now as if already so, claiming the desired state or condition activate the manifestation laws of the cosmos. Proclamations proclaim  powerfully the new reality by accessing forces that feed the cells, tissues, and spirit. Daily use of each is a useful tool to direct thinking and anticipate results by shifting and expanding the focus.
At all times I remain fully in my body. All my energy fields remain clear and clean and in perfect alignment. My greatest peace and power comes when all my bodies are fully integrated and solid on the earth.

The vibrating nature of reality requires movement on all levels. To sit still is to go against the flow. Moving frees up the cellular energetic debris, it brightens the mood, moves emotion, activates the chi force, oxygenates the whole body, brings joy, and energizes. Dance, walk, exercise, frolic, celebrate, improvise, jiggle, shake, shimmy, oscillate, isolate, play.

Body Work
The many modalities of body work all serve to clear energetic blockages along meridian lines, in energy bodies, in cells and tissues, in chakras, etc to bring back the illumined state. Hands on sessions activate sense of value and worth and pass high energies of the foundational frequency of Love to the receiver

Inner Child Work
The inner child self is the creator and holder of beliefs and patterns that are too often the precursor to an unhealthy state. The well meaning decisions made by the child self are powerful and steer us into behavior patterns that are counterproductive to the healthy state. The child has done her best but was uninformed. Opening up conscious communication between child and adult will facilitate the re-education and release necessary to give the child back the childhood lost, resulting in profound healings in the physical realm. For a profound adventure with the Inner Child please visit Mark’s Inner Child Mentoring Process

Daily Cleansing
The clearer one is energetically the healthier one is on the whole. Clearing is a result of focused, conscious activities that clear the old energetic debris from cells, tissues, and chakras and establish a daily regimen of releasing the vibes of the day before retiring. This kind of process allows the being to function as balanced with all resources available in the now. Clearing the old rekindles the original state of complete health and activates the in body design to do its work without impediment.

Past/Future Lives
Beyond the 3rd dimension time and space are irrelevant. In this Earthly realm, however, we are bound by physical laws that create a traditional linear relationship which impacts us mightily, though mostly mentally. Within the framework of the dimensional design is the expanding awareness that all time and space exist simultaneously and, as such, are accessible in this moment. We have, through the activation of the whole 12 strand DNA the portals and coding with which to consciously access all past life incarnations as well as all future expressions to call forth the healing state in the now moment, via DNA Strand 8. From the past we can garner information that seeded the current condition and make the necessary adjustments to initiate the new frequency of health. From the future we can pull a vibrant state into current application. We can consciously contact the specific frequency based crystalline structure held by the earth to  tap into the continuum, the Akashic,  that supports the movement of the blockages showing up as health issues.

All substances that serve as food for the human organism are in the Earthly Plane by arrangement and agreement and thus serve that frequency without hesitation. Attitude and intent can impact the living frequency of the substance however. Mistreatment of the food source or of the self during the process of ingestion can have a significant diminishing effect on the food. Thus, be at peace when eating, when reflecting in gratitude to the food and its living source, when blessing the body through conscious support and trust to treat the substance with Light to insure that the substance transfers its life force completely. Herbs are nature’s pharmacopoeia, the very beings from which sustenance and healing manifest. Conscious use and application can have a prime impact on any condition. Often, in Nature, the antidote for any plant substance that is intensive or even fatal can be found within the sphere of that plant in the wild. For those who open to see and access, Nature is organized and available. Since ingesting food can be aligned or responsive to the emotions of the moment and those of the stored past, it is important to be in a place of center when choosing to allow that which is before you to enter your temple. Cravings for whatever are often a temporary need being filled to bring a balance that can precipitate healing. Forcibly restricting a craving can have contrary consequences by amplifying the craving to lead to binging…not useful at all.

Most would be surprised how quickly the body begins to dehydrate. Ignoring the signals is a learning that has consequences. Being comprised of primarily water the body requires a steady flow to function in its zone of health. Liquid does not imply being a substitute for water. Hydration is essential and regulated by your own inner wisdom. Tune in and you will know what is required. Water is also the medium for the movement of emotion. Being hydrated allows the emotion to enter and flow toward complete release. The water also serves to lubricate the cells and tissues as well as provide the substance for the premier body cleanser, tears.

By design all the vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain health are provided by the food sources, the water, the air, the chi, and the ethers. Unfortunately many of these have been compromised by Piscean influence and subsequent unconscious behaviors. Thus, we must augment the resources via supplements. Please learn to listen to your own body and follow the guidance that will lead you to the substances required by you. Daily recommendations, some tests, some diagnosis, medical guidelines, are useful but have likely been tampered with to support the pocketbooks of the supplier…so, learn to muscle test to let the body tell you. Use a pendulum for guidance. Open heart energy and trust the inner guidance. Ask for etheric help via word, writing, or outside intervention. Please be aware that supplements take time to show up. Taking one supplement to remedy symptoms noticed may be met with little change. It does take time for the specifics to build up and impact the physical body.

Western Medicine Intervention
Sometimes the physical makes manifest a condition before awareness has birthed another strategy, in which case intervention via surgery is required to sustain life. If this be the case, so be it. Trust the wisdom of the form and do all you can to prepare your inner and outer self for such invasion. Having the proper mind set, calling upon support, creating the needed healing environment, setting up resources and strategies for the pre surgery, during surgery, post surgery, recovery, and thriving phases of the process can be vital in making manifest the desired outcome. Words, music, color, aromatherapy, chant, mantra, intentional song, affirmations, proclamations, decrees, etheric assistance, etc are tools for the one who is embarking on that adventure.

Inner Guidance in the Moment
Learning to trust the wisdom of the current moment and developing the willingness to access the extensive support system we all have in the seen and the unseen world will open the door for spontaneous healings. Your own body wisdom via the Higher Self is unparalleled. Listen to it and do what you are told. Changes in the forms of the moments may be needed in the now and, when acted upon, can change the vibration enough to facilitate a change in form…healing.

Session Action Two: Some Higher Frequency  Tools for Healing