Our voice is one of the primary tools of manifestation. The spoken word commands response from the cosmos. In a Universe that always says, “yes”, we always get what we verbally claim, sooner or later.As one who is awake you must be able to recognize, understand, and apply the power of the intentional voice. It will not take long at all.It is awareness and application, observation and adjustment, then reapplication and repetition. There is a process for conscious manifestation. We will look at it later.

In this ongoing section we shall explore conscious use of voice as affirmation, proclamation, prayer, Light Language, and intentional activation of intention. Let’s set a foundation by establishing a small set of disempowering that are best dropped from vocabulary usage: can’t, try, should, always, never, and hate. They are immediately limiting and divisive. Stop it.

Affirmations are conscious words of intention to make manifest a desired state or form. They are higher frequency and positive. An effective affirmation is spoken in the now, includes multi dimensional awareness, includes energetic body uses, and transcends time. Spoken as if already so is a declaration of power, not wishin’ and hopin’. These power statements are served by repetition as they replace racket thoughts and patterns of limiting beliefs. These become your language from this point forward to call forth the life you desire and deserve.

Here from the book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness,  by Yvonne Perry are some general affirmations that are useful. We shall expand into into even more powerful statements as we progress.

I am honored and respected by all

I am always safe and divinely protected

Everything I need comes to me in perfect timing

Everything I need to know is revealed to me

I am loving, lovable, and loved

I am vibrantly healthy. I glow with the presence of my Higher Self

I prosper wherever I turn. I have more than enough to meet my needs and bless others.

I am willing to change, grow, evolve, and ascend in order to accomplish my divine purpose (remember who I truly am)

I am a blessings to others and others bless me

All is well in my world.

I am abundantly blessed and happy as I express the beauty and creativity in my heart

I deserve the best in all areas of my life

I am open to receive all good from the Universe

I clearly communicate my needs and take the necessary time to appreciate my body, know my true self, and grow spiritually

I only attract kind and gentle life lessons and relationships into my life

I understand the divine plan for my life. I have the passion and energy to fulfill it with joy

Proclamations are particularly potent affirmations. Originally stemming from the work of Rich Work and his book, Proclamations of the Soul,  they are designed to be spoken only one time…as they are that powerful. Here is an assortment for you to claim and speak out loud with a strong, affirmative, believing voice.

1. It is my intent to be well, whole, and perfect in mind, body and soul. And so it is.

2. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I command that all my energies be aligned in Divine Perfection. And so it is.

3. Whatever is interfering with my Free-Will Choice and my ability to move forward in my life according to my Heart’s Desire, I choose to embrace in unconditional Love. And so it is.

4. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I call forth all aspects of my Being that are tethered to the Earth to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I ask you now to integrate with me in Unconditional Love. I call forth all aspects of my Being to stand before all other aspects of my Being. I ask you to forgive all aspects and to accept forgiveness and embrace all bonds between you in Unconditional Love. I call forth the fragments of my Being, joyfully united, to move through all time in Peace and Harmony. And so it is.

5. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, whatever law I own, whatever beliefs I may have, whatever  vows I have made, whatever contracts or agreements I have made, on all levels of my Being that have created these judgments that have separated me from Joy, I now transmute into the divine expression of Creative Love. And so it is.

7. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, whatever fears I may have, I know I have experienced them before. I choose never to experience them again. I choose to forgive all my fears and all my reactions to those fears, transmuting those energies into the divine expression of Creative Love. And so it is.

8. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I love and honor those who have placed their power over me, but I now chose to claim my birthright and reclaim my power. And so it is.

9. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I declare my value, my worth. I am worthy of being loved and of loving others, for I am the Creative Expression of Creation itself. And so it is.

10. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being. I ask that my Being be filled with Infinite Love, Infinite Healing, Infinite Protection, Infinite Power and Wisdom. I call forth my Grand Adventure in feelings and emotions that will bring me Happiness and Joy. And so it is.

12. I call forth all my relationships on all levels of consciousness to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I ask you to forgive and honor me as I forgive and honor you. I embrace all bonds between us in Unconditional Love, transmute them into the divine expression of Creative Love and acknowledge that all my relationships are in Divine Perfection. And so it is.

12. I command that all voids on all levels of my being be filled with Unconditional Love. And so it is.

13. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I command that every cell in my body and every vibration of my Being align itself in Divine Perfection, for I desire to be all that I AM. I choose to be all that I AM. I AM all that I AM. I claim my identity and my Divine Perfection. And so it is.

14. Each day I become younger in mind, body and spirit. And so it is.

15. From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I am prepared and I accept the full integration of my Divinity throughout my Being. I acknowledge and honor all parts of my Being that have supported my journey in my physical experience, and I  transmute those thought forms which no longer serve me into Unconditional Love. I transmute all energies that would interfere with my ability to declare my freedom and proclaim my Divinity, into the divine expression of Creative Love, and activate the Golden Light of Transformation throughout the totality of all that I am. And so it is.

16. I call forth all energies and aspects of my Being that I have released, pushed aside or failed to embrace to stand before me as I stand before you, in Love. I rescind all intentions by which I released, separated from or ignored these energies. I ask you to forgive and honor me as I forgive and honor you. I thank you for the lessons we have shared. I choose to transmute all bonds between us into Unconditional Love, and I embrace you into my Oneness. And so it is.

17. I choose to transmute the illusion that interferes with my ability to see my Divine Perfection. I command that all records and memories— created to manipulate and distort my ability to recognize and experience the totality of my Divine Creation— be erased from Universal Consciousness. I command that the illusion be replaced with universal knowledge that will allow me to know, see, feel, and experience the feminine and masculine aspects of the Divinity Within. And so it is.

18. I command all thought forms, energies, illusions, devices, or other forms that I have created with or without my permission, that would interfere, distort or otherwise compromise communication between any part of my Being on all levels of consciousness be transmuted into Unconditional Love and used only in the divine expression of Creative Love. I proclaim my Divine Perfection. I claim my freedom to communicate with all levels of my Being and with all of Creation. And so it is .

19. I reaffirm all proclamations that support my intention to be well, whole and perfect in mind, body and soul. I am prepared and accept my abundance in all things that bring me joy. And so it is.

20. I am magnificent. I am an expression of Creative Love. I am Creation on all levels of consciousness. I am a reflection of each one I meet this day. And so it is.

We shall experience more as the course progresses, even reaching the point that you create your own.

Prayer will be explored in greater detail in subsequenct sessions. I am including a particularly useful prayer to start us
off here. Please speak it out loud in the knowing that it is already so. This prayer is an Ascension prayer from Yvonne Perry in her book, Shifiting into Purer Consciousness:

As I seek the stillness within my own heart in this now moment, I acknowledge my creator whose holographic image is in me, reflecting around me, and expressing as me in human form. I am part of the divine matrix known as ALL THAT IS. The voice of God-Goddess within me directs me in the rightful use of energy. I will respond by compassionately acting upon this wise guidance. My inner shepherd nurtures and protects me. I walk in green pastures beside calm waters as I diligently align my will with the will of the Christ within me. I align my emotions with the heart of the Divine Mother and I align my thoughts with the mind of the Divine Father. I long to know myself more deeply as a living Christ. I absorb Divine Love’s nurturing embrace.

 I allow my higher consciousness to be fully present in my human experience. I receive into my human DNA the ascension codes sown by Christ. Every cell of my body and every atom of matter is receiving the fast-vibrating (pure) ever-expanding frequencies of cosmic light, which are penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere and collective consciousness of humanity. I am now able to receive a full spectrum of light; and I anchor these vibrations in the core of Mother Earth. My desire is to expand my spiritual awareness and know union with God-Goddess while in this physical body.

Thank you for teaching me how to expand my consciousness into my subtle bodies in order to activate the Christ codes within my physical body. Awaken me to receive the energies of transmutation and ascension and master the secrets of cellular regeneration. This will renew my body for eternal youth and healthful immortality. Thank you for assistance in preparing my light body and merkaba for internal and multidimensional travel. I honor my place, part, and power in bringing heaven to earth through my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. I effect harmonious change in the world and help midwife the Earth into the next age of evolution. Thank you for helping me prepare the womb of my heart to immaculately conceive and birth the Christ Consciousness on Earth.

I submit to the process that dethrones my fear-based ego. I receive help in manifesting my desire to loosen and transmute all fear lodged in my mind, which resulted from my former beliefs in separation. I allow the necessary attunements to occur in my mind and body. I permit the transmutation of karmic patterns within my cellular memory. As I shake off old limiting thoughts and beliefs, I awaken patterns of global unity to reveal more loving ways to be in relationship with God-Goddess, myself, and others.

 Like our blessed Mother Mary, I dedicate my mind, body, and soul to the Cosmic Christ being birthed on earth now. May the Divine Mother express through me Her empowering and loving presence that heals the suffering and transforms the mental and emotional fields of the world. Open the gates that lead to the One who knows the truth beyond the Earthly deception of separation. I choose to increase in wisdom so I may be of service to others as a model of love, light, peace, and joy. Let me be a vessel that brings peace to this planet.

Help me succeed in my journey through this world and know the blessings of my eternal self. May the entire Earth and all of humanity collectively ascend during my lifetime. Help us to evolve our thinking, attuning it to the love and light of God-Goddess, so we may outwardly radiate into our world the oneness we have with Spirit. May each soul accept, feel, and become one with the energy of love as we merge with the Christ Consciousness, now arising on Earth. Let light descend upon Earth for our resurrection from the ashes of duality is nigh!

I thank my spiritual guides and all those who assist me with evolving and mastering my own soul. I am honored to be part of the process that helps to liberate the collective consciousness of Earth. I receive all the gifts the Holy Spirit wishes to impart to me. I will use these tools and abilities for the greater good of all. Help me to abide in this Sacred Heart space of the now moment where Spirit intimately communes with me. There, I understand the roles I agreed to play before I incarnated. There, I find wisdom and strength to carry forth this plan with ease of wellbeing and lightness of heart. All this or something better. Thank you and so it is.

Perry, Yvonne. Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience (pp. 132-133). Write On!. Kindle Edition.

Light language is a newly arriving sound code that delivers messages beyond current understanding. In some ways it is like the classic speaking in tongues. It involves channeling indivduals who have a message. I comes with character and varying speed and inflection. Some of it sounds familiar and some sounds like something you have never heard...but still familiar in a big way. In the weeks to come I will record a session of two for you to experience. It will be an invitation for you to engage this rpofound new guidance and communication tool.

Spoken Words of Power