All is Vibration, ever oscillating in a sea of etheric substance in the sweeping frequency of Love, dancing from form to form, kissing the spirit of you and me without hesitation. Vibration can be impacted by intention and new forms can be generated to seed the particulars of the now before you. This is the physics of the Universe. You can consciously enter the domain of creator by weaving energy with your intent to alchemize the current form. This is the domain of Sound Alchemy

Alchemy is transformation from a lower vibrational form to a higher form, responding to the intentional power you send forth from the center of your guided and aware being. You can create your world and all that populates it if you so choose. Really? You say! Yes…it starts with opening to that as a distinct possibility. It grows from your conscious application of etheric principles of sound as frequency of vibration.

Sound is an audible frequency to the ear or the sensory self. It is waves and particles triggered to action as a pulse moving through the air. Sound has the capacity to fabricate form (see Cymatics). Sound impacts and can be used to massage and nurture or dissolve and destroy (create new form). Your conscious intention, again, plays a pivotal role as the sound rides the wave of that frequency.

Voice is your built in sound device that can heal and communicate thought and emotion (both of which impact the healing capacity and intensity). The voice can make a continues sweeping wave of sound frequency to be used to clear the stuck energetics in cell and tissue and flesh. Through the conscious use of vowels and phonemes we can influence how life shows up, dis-integrating situation and form that does not serve us. Vowels carry the substance of emotion while the consonants steer the direction and starts and stops of that substance. Combining vowels and consonants intentionally communicates information and energy. Sounds through the voice can be supercharged for specific purpose. (See mantras)

Chakra and physical connection to sound. As the body is sound based, everything has a frequency of balance and health. You have a signature frequency that indicates you are in your design. Moments of living impact the system and reduce the vibration of your signature, creating compromise that can manifest in multiple forms primarily to get your attention so you will choose to clear. The chakras are the dimensional interface centers in your physical and energetic bodies. There are frequency dependent and can thus be influenced by intentional use of pitch. Sounding the frequency with your voice will draw the chakra back into balance by clearing away any attached lower frequency energies. Conscious use of pitch and song and music can be a powerful tool to manifest and maintain your balanced and healthy state. The notes are as follows: Root-C, Sacral-D, Solar Plexus-E, Heart-F, Throat-G, Third Eye-A, Crown-B.

Music and Intent…music is the combination of key, rhythm, pitch, melody, and word to convey an intentional message. Thus, music can be used to influence the moment, enhancing or reducing energy and focus. It can be used to balance and inspire, energize and calm, initiate action or cause one to turn within. Conscious choice of what and when to play a particular piece of music can greatly influence the flow of your moments of living. Rather than be at the mercy of sound, you are quite capable of orchestrating your moments and your flow by choosing music that is of a higher frequency, infused with the pure intention of the composer.

Chant/Mantra/Intentional Song are all musical tools based in repetition and intent. The chant is a repetitive song often from another culture. It focuses the mind and interferes with lower frequency thinking patterns, replacing them with the smooth vibtration of the chant message, or the sound of the language used. See Native American music… The mantra is intentional and repetitive as well. Typically it consists of phrase of purpose and spiritual vibration spoken over and over to invite in the energy to create and sustain the desired condition. It can be spoken in a traditional sing song manner as in Hindu practices or it can be given melody that further directs the pitches to impact the body. The mantra is empowered by the collective intent of all the times it has been spoken, delivering that to the speaker. Om Gum Ganapatayea Namaha is a Hindu chant beseeching the God Ganesh to clear the path to the manifestation of that which I desire…The intentional song is like a sung affirmation. The repetition of the lyric helps to clear the mind of lower vibration thinking and enter the subconscious to reprogram with higher frequency thought.

Key and Pitch are frequency based and thus can be used intentionally to focus on a chakra or a body point. The sound can be directed by voice or instrument with the intent to break up blockages and free up the flow. The pitch descends as it moves down the body. The key of the song can be in alignment with the chakras to purposefully address a need there to clear or enhance. Start to notice that certain songs are felt in certain places in the body. This is reliable information so you can use songs for specific healing/enhancing purposes.

Melody and lyric provide a bridge between the music and the reception of the song. Melody redirects pitch which can be purposely fabricated to specific healing purpose. A melody of C to G to B to F will carry one from the root to the throat to the crown to the heart. That sequence can be infused with intentional healing. Songs with lyrics tell a story. The story is what the composer wants to tell. The story can resonate with you in a higher or lower frequency way. Lower frequency songs can be used to dredge up woundings and facilitate release. Higher frequency lyric can raise the vibration of the listener and instill life affirming messages. All music has purpose to the listener. The old adage of music for every generation is real as each generation needs a tool to create separation from the previous generation, especially useful in the teenage years as the inevitability of leaving home to live in one’s identity is just around the corner. Choose your music wisely. I loved the Rolling Stones “I Can’t Get no Satisfaction” and would sing it all the time…at some point I realized that this was reflecting my own life. I was affirming and thus calling in a particular frequency of living and the Universe was giving me what I was singing for…music can make manifest. It is that powerful.

Rhythm is the pulse of the ever oscillating elements of life. Frequency is rhythm. Nature is rhythm. Movement is required to connect with the rhythm. The seasons have a rhythm, as does your heartbeat, your breath rate, your digestion, your cellular replacement schedule…to become stagnate is to attempt to hold back the flow. People stagnate and they waste away, dis-integrating and isolating. We must move…and music does that. The rhythm of the song calls the movement into action. Heart rate music of 60 BPM is useful for relaxing. While 120 BPM is where much popular music resides. Find songs that feel good to you. Create a collection and use them to influence your moods, exercise, and get the blood flowing.

Repetition is a proven learning tool. If you desire change then use repetition to activate new action , new thinking. Repetition in music is a foundational element. Subtle change can inspire one to lift out of the repetition, but the repetition is still the floow of the experience. Mantra and chant and intentional rely on repetition to implant new ideas and activate healing frequencies. Children’s music relies on repetition and patterns to cradle the message. Repetition gets the mind out of the way because it gets bored. Perfect way to access the subconscious mind…unimpeded by an overactive monkey mind.

Personal attraction to song. DO pay attention to the songs you like and feel a connection to. There are multilayered messages being delivered. The key, the rhythm, the melody, the feel, the lyric, the mode…all are directives to somewhere within your energetic system. The song will be your song for as long as necessary. The relationship with the song contains moments of living, all that happened when you were “together”. Listening to an old favorite is a great way to free up the old unexpressed debris. Enjoy it while it is there, for surely another will come along.

The song in the head is like the above element but it is purposefully providing a lyric message. Using repetition the song seems to be on a loop. And it is not the whole song usually, just a phrase that recycles. Look for the obvious, what is the lyric saying. How is that applicable to the forms of your life in this time? Use these seemingly random visits as a direct call from higher Self.

Synchronicity of life and sound. Nature is in cahoots with each of us in an intimate way. 24/7 we are impacted by the arrival of sound, coming and going to influence our clearing and clarity. The song of the nearby bird, the wind through the trees, the buzz of the fly’s wings, the soundings of the turkey, the barking of the dog…on and on the animals come with a message. Do you listen? DO you hear? DO you respond? Start connecting through your voice with the orchestral nature of life. Talk to the trees. Love your plants with intimate whispers upon their leaves. Stand by the brook and feel the cleansing wash of your energy bodies. Let the powerful waves of the ocean extract the unnecessary from your field. Let the howling wind cleanse your aura and reset your hearing with its white noise wash. Listen to rain…listen to life.

This is a touch of the expansive world of sound alchemy, a powerful and reliable and expanding new healing tool. We haven’t even looked into instruments and tools of sound like drums, tuning forks, rattles, bowls, digeridoos, computer generated pitches, subliminal words, bio resonance, and the like. There is so much.

Visit the Sound Alchemy section at my store for a host of recordings you can use to influence your vibration and facilitate a consistent balance. Check out this collection of 10 sound alchemy recordings for a very special price. Get two years worth of chakra clearing calls, each an hour long at a package price. Visit the Sound Alchemy Resources for more possible tools to raise your vibration.

Check out also the Musical Prescription Sets for a 5 cd special bundle that will address a variety of themes that reflect areas of personal need and support.

Session Action Six: Sound Alchemy