When one looks out into space or peers through an electron microscope they get glimpses of the mighty infinite expanse. It is hard to make sense of either direction from our learned perspective as both are shrouded in mystery, agreed upon company lines, misinformation, misinterpretation, and intentional diversionary/false directives. The Cosmos is the encompassment of all that is. It is, as one has put it, the body of the I Am, the playground where the infinite variations of life interface and interplay. As an ever oscillating, ever changing vibrational substance it takes form in alignment with the intentional directive, which can come from the individual or the collective.

In this section we look at the natural history in the past, present, and future with the idea that we can shed some light on the way things can shape up in any now moment. Some of it is conjecture based on now  information, while some is inspiration, and some is direct downloads from guides via a form of channeling. As always, take it in and let it do what it will do with you. The invitation is that it activates your own inner knowing allowing you to embrace and engage that which you are both ready for and that which you have called forth in a conscious and an unconscious way (as initiated by your ever present Higher Self orchestrations).

Our exploration sequence is as follows, starting this session:

  1. The Cosmos: An Overview
  2. In the Beginning
  3. The Current State
  4. In the Days to Come
  5. You and the Cosmos
  6. Intentional Conscious Interfacing
  7. Expansion to the Boundaries of the Infinite

In the meantime, play with the idea that you are in complete knowing about the workings of the Cosmic. Invite in new insight and copious amounts of information to jump start your eventual reawakening mastery. Stay open and put everything into motion and action to see what comes of it. Start to trust the accuracy of guidance. Let the new be disproved first before you jettison the possibilities it contains for you. Trust and develop an unwavering faith in the responsiveness of life to your inquiries.

Click here to access the 7 topics of the Cosmic Framework

Celestial Design 2: Cosmic Framework