In this vibrational Universe one of the most powerful tools we can have awareness about is using sound consciously. Sound creates forms. Sound breaks patterns. Sound communicates. Sound empowers. Sound inspires. Sound precipitates change.

Sound alchemy refers to the conscious use of sound to alter vibration, form, and experience. There are many tools that can make this happen. Voice is the most profound and versatile of them all. We shall spend time with conscious use of voice later on our journey. For now we shall experience sound files of a host of other elements that are directed towards impacting specific vibrations.

With each tool there will be information and explanation as well as the available sound files. Here is the sequence we shall follow through the course starting with session one:

  1. Quartz Bowl treatment 1 pitch C
  2. Quartz Bowl treatment 2 Pitch D
  3. Quartz Bowl treatment 3 Pitch E
  4. Quartz Bowl treatment 4 Pitch F
  5. Quartz Bowl treatment 5 Pitch G
  6. Quartz Bowl treatment 6 Pitch A
  7. Quartz Bowl treatment 7 Pitch B
  8. Tibetan Bowl Treatment 1
  9. Tibetan Bowl Treatment 2
  10. Tibetan Bowl Treatment 3
  11. Rattles Treatment 1
  12. Rattles Treatment 2
  13. Rhythm Treatment 1
  14. Rhythm Treatment 2
  15. Rhythm Treatment 3
  16. Rhythm Treatment 4
  17. Bells Treatment
  18. Gong Session 1
  19. Gong Session 2
  20. Gong Session 3
  21. Atmosphere plus Drone plus subliminals
  22. Atmosphere plus Drone plus subliminals 2
  23. Atmosphere plus Drone plus subliminals 3
  24. Atmosphere plus Drone plus subliminals 4

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Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy