Session Six

Release Emotional Debris

We incarnate into the the Earth Plane to experience the magnificence of feelings. These feelings are a unique element of the Earth dimension that, believe it or not, few other locations in the Cosmos have. They are precious, desirable, sought after to be experienced. And yet, here on this Earth plane we are certainly not taught or supported to make friends with feelings. That would be something called a Catch 22…an impossible situation.

On the contrary, we have been taught to not feel, being told that feelings are weak, that they indicate lack of center, of power, and that they need to be repressed and swallowed…men don’t cry….women are weak because of their feelings…you get the picture. We are living in a time of confusion. Running from feelings takes one out of their physical body and  diminishes the richness and juiciness of life. The sooner we realize that we are designed for feelings and have incarnated to ride the emotional roller coaster, the sooner we can walk into our wholeness.

One must be open to the idea that we are here to feel. Next one must become aware of the sensations of emotion in the body. Historically, many have been taught to be numb, that the body is balanced when you don’t feel any sensations…in other words, numb. Then, if the feelings are noticed they must quickly be squashed, by ignoring, swallowing, replacing with substance of your choice, medicating away, etc…live from the neck up, essentially.

Emotions are energy in motion. The celestial energy of emotion arrives at the back side of the Sacral Chakra. It gets integrated into us as one of the basic emotions: joy, sorrow, fear, anger, and grief. Each of these basic emotions, along with all of their variety of expressions, have a unique language and signature of their own. Each has a sensation to it within the body. Each typically has a body location where it is first felt (aligned with the in body chakras and energetic anatomy). Each has some specific tools to assist in the supportive flow. And, each arises from stimulus, a thought reaction typically based on beliefs, and a personal action that is likely a neural pathway learned and repeated until it seems “natural” ( allowing the flow or repressing or anything in between).

Feelings, when allowed to express, have a life cycle where they are initiated, the energy and sensation becomes present, the energy expresses, and then dissipates, back to a place of balance. When those feelings are repressed they follow a design element that redirects their energy into tissue and energetic anatomy. The chakra system stores the unexpressed residue with the intent to eventually release it. The root stores survival feelings. The Sacral stores the joy and fear. The solar plexus stores the anger. The heart holds the sadness. The throat holds the unexpressed words from all the emotions below. Grief is split between all of these five. The body stores these energies with the intent to clear them. To do so the body attempts to get conscious awareness through sensation, numbness, or pain. The more we ignore the louder the inner calling. The vibrational frequency of the chakra lowers with each new load of debris un til it begins to physicalize to form a condition/disease that usually gets attention, though too often too late.

It follows that to stay clear allows one to be solid in the body. As emotion is moving energy it tends to want to lift us out of our foundation as it moves to clear. Learning to sense, identify, and develop an emotional literacy that supports the natural flow and release will keep you fully in body…thus grounded. The more you allow the flow then the more familiar you become with the process. Rather than thinking and reacting to feelings as “bad”, you can easily begin to see them as dimensional gifts that expand your life experience. They always carry information about what is going on within and without. Learning to communicate with them is an essential life skill that is just now, in these Aquarian times, being recognized as such. Make a commitment to befriend these feelings…it is, my friend, one of the main reasons you came to Earth….

Expansion Activity One: Grounding

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