Tuning forks are pure tone sine wave sound tools typically made of stainless steel or aluminum that are of a very specific frequency. As such, they can be used to bring resonant elements back into balance. The fork is sounded as the pure tone or as the tone with harmonics (depending upon how it is struck) and held over the area of focus. Repeated applications will serve to impact the vibration of the intended area by bringing its frequency into alignment. A practitioner can also hold the fork stem on a specific point to send stronger vibrations into the area. Some “professional” forks have elements that help to lengthen the sustain of the fork tone.

Over the course of the Living As If Journey we shall experience varied sets of tones to assist in bringing you back to realignment. It is best to listen to these tones on a speaker rather than on headphones because of the nature of vibration and the desire to allow the sound to wash the whole body. Having said that, there is evidence that setting the headphones on the intended point can have a strong, positive impact as well.

Here is the sequence of the tuning fork treatments that will begin with session One:

  1. Fibonacci Series 1
  2. Fibonaci Series 2
  3. Fibonacci Series 3
  4. Solfeggio Tones 1
  5. Solfeggio Tones 2
  6. Solfeggio Tones 3
  7. Glandular Treatment 1
  8. Glandular Treatment 2
  9. Glandular Treatment 3
  10. DNA Nucleotides Treatment
  11. Meridians 1
  12. Meridians 2
  13. Meridians 3
  14. Body Organs 1
  15. Body Organs 2
  16. Body Organs 3
  17. Kabala Tones 1
  18. Kabala Tones 2
  19. Kaballah Tones 3
  20. Planetary Frequencies 1
  21. Planetary Frequencies 2
  22. Planetary Frequencies 3
  23. Chakras 1
  24. Chakras 2

The tones will be on audio files with a player here to utilize. Information about the tones in the session will be provided. These tones are powerful and will support your realignment and reawakening in your new frequency.

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Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy