Until recent times the primary elements of human beings, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual were kept isolated from one another when it came to health. In its own domain each functioned as its own field, for the most part: physical under the doctors care; emotional under the tutelage of counselors and therapists; mental in the domain of psychologists and psychotherapists; and the spiritual in the land of the priest or pastor.

Now there is a growing understanding that they are not isolated but directly influence one another in profound ways. Still this is not necessarily a widespread tenet, but rather, in the hearts and minds of those waking up to the Oneness. Therefore, we shall treat it as gospel…

The physical was the place where sickness and disease happened. It was a result of germs, viruses, bacteria, infections, and physical traumas. It required treatment in the physical through surgery, extraction, repair, drugs, antibiotics, hospitalization, etc…There still is little willingess for most practicing doctors to see a correlation between the physical and emotions…though the mental is opening up a bit. As far as the spiritual…forget about it for most, though some are akin to calling upon God for interventions, mercy, and miracles…but, still, only for those who god deems worthy…bit of a crapshoot really. And spiritual healings are in the hand of fakirs and charismatic Christian tent revivals of the Holy Rollers….

Lately, the importance of emotions as a contributor to conditions is growing in awareness. New perspectives tied to energy and vibration and the chakras is showing that emotions that are unexpressed and swallowed without vocalization are indeed being stored energetically in the body tissues and cells themselves and in the in body chakras and meridians creating blockages and reservoirs of toxicity. Emotions, especially fear, anger, sadness, and grief unexpressed will store by design and grow in intensity, trigger by moments of living aligned with the emotion. The storage reduces the vibration of the area. This has the intention of physicalizing the energy to get the attention of the conscious mind so that release can take place to restore the state of health. The slower the vibration, meaning the longer it is held and resupplied by like frequency and themed energies, the greater the likelihood of a condition or disease. Growing evidence is showing that the cost of emotional stuckness is at the root of an increasing number of classic physical based diseases and conditions.

Naturally, it would follow that the healthiest thing one can do is to insure the release of emotional energy and to also clear out the reservoirs of specific toxic frequencies already contained in chakra, tissue, cell, gland, and organ. Unfortunately this is simply not supported yet on the mass level. Emotions are still seen as weakness and women’s work and as such, do not get released. Rather, they get, ignored, masked, medicated, and whitewashed with the addiction du jour.

By design, emotion is to be allowed and experienced. It is, in some circles, perceived as the reason for the third and fourth dimensions and the Earthly Plane: for beings of all kinds to have the opportunity to incarnate here and have the truly expansive experience of feeling emotion in the flesh….for it is not a regular thing throughout the cosmos. In fact, esoteric knowledge says this is the only place. Wow, that puts a high value on it to those wanting to have the experience. Interesting how so many, once they get here, are supported by the culture and family to not feel a thing, mistrust emotion, and completely not want any part of it. Emotion as a pure force of energy enters through the back side of the sacral chakra and, once it crosses the spinal midline is then released to be the energy/emotion of the moment. And, as a fluid evolving force, emotion must be allowed to be born by the stimulus, have full expression, move towards release, and be completely released energetically. Anything less than this sequence denies the incarnate the full experience. To reach the state of health one must have emotional literacy which consists of an understanding of the nature of emotion as well as the location, sensations, methods of release that go along with each. Not fearing the emotions is a great place to start…but how to make that happen when one is wrapped and sustained in a fearful state. Enter the cosmic intervention…

The mental has struggled in the generational dances of what is normal and accepted and how to deal with that when it is not. Institutions are peppered with individuals who were experiencing anything from the triggered release of a great deal of emotional residue to the actual movement of the divine energy called the kundalini. Each impacts the chemistry and the capacity to stay fully in body. And these reactions have been often treated as abnormal conditions worth of drastic treatments that change as fast as the fashion industry. Even as close back as the 1950’s, the acknowledgment of a mental condition had severe public judgment surrounding it. Therapy or working with a counselor were seen as weaknesses and diseases, socially ostracized by the ignorant masses.

The brain is a complex organ that is geared towards quick response to stimuli in a fight or flight way or in a rational thinking process that sees the bigger picture. It is chemical and energetic and responds well to patterns and born out of repetition and emotion, creating entrenched neural pathways that, when established, divert behaviors automatically for the organism. The woundings of life put certain beliefs and memories into play. Some become powerful and life defining. They are active until they are not, having been discovered through therapy, awareness, or inspiration, and then consciously changed.

Focus of attention creates the results of the focus, made manifest in form. If one is bound by fear that recycles the past or engages in the what-if scenarios of the feared future then it will follow that the physical is compromised. Thought and beliefs are, along with the energetic debris of the unexpressed emotion, the building blocks of disease in this current and growing medical model. Ignoring this can be fatal…consider the gravestone that proudly displayed, “See, I told you I was sick”

Thoughts must be weeded out to reveal the culprits that keep patterns in play. The patterns keep the neural pathway alive. Replacing the stinking thinking with higher frequency truths begins the re-education process. This will eventually alter the forms of one’s life. Yet, it is slow because of the nature of the physical. Changing ones focus is actually more powerful. Engaging imagination and emotion and the capacity to visualize can begin to lift the body out of its current physical form into new places of higher frequency that will become manifest.

Finally, the spiritual domain is one where the divine connection can be established and maintained, calling upon the celestial and Source resources to support the whole being. Being tied to a man made religion of limitation and arrogance will do more damage than it is worth. Perpetuating misinformation and devaluing will cripple any forward momentum and force the body to eventually pay the cost. Opening up to the greater spiritual connection of all life and stepping out of the I Am Human arrogance that isolates will unleash the very energies that can assist mightily in aligning the whole being into health.

The grand design of you is no accident. Everything is there on purpose, interrelated and aligned with the Whole of I Am. Calling upon any part activates the companion energy that expands and heals the whole. Each initiates activity in the other. They coexist and oscillate in unison energies even as they maintain their separate frequency. Do not live as an isolated being anymore if you desire to be in a state of health. Come home to you. Utilize the whole design and trust that this multi-dimensional vehicle you travel in is a dream machine headed for the inner and outer stars.

Here is what you are up against…in the realm of thought:

Embedded Lower Frequency Messages About Health

Wow, what a load of crap! Indeed, but to so many of us we are wondering what is wrong with this list…for it sure seems like how things are. That you were lured by false promises long ago to surrender your inner freedom to the Homeland Security is one of the great tragedy's of life, but also one of the greatest adventures we are engaged in. It comes down to this: anything that paints you and your being in a wash of limitation, helplessness, less than, weak, flawed, etc. is not worth the time it takes to entertain it. Extricate, eliminate…remove the stinking thinking and replace it with life affirming. That, alone, will jump start your leap to inner and outer recovery and eventual alignment.

Go back to the exercise in Action 1 where you made the list of your diseases and conditions in this incarnations. Now go through this companion list of lower frequency messages and see which fed into your condition, helping to artificially inflate it to have a longer shelf life than necessary. Likely you will find some key thoughts that interweave into a variety of conditions. Those are the ones which have served you well…and must now be assassinated. This is a loving act that must be done. The separation must take place.

Now you are left with a short list of some of your previously cherished messages about you. They have, if you can get your head around this, assisted you in surviving to this point in time, steering you randomly towards this point where you become aware. And, for this, they must be appreciated and blessed on their way. This is not a surgical strike, it is a gentle surrender to a greater knowing that you both understand. Everything has played a part to get you here. So, I am inviting you to create a ritual of release and a blessing for each of them. Re-write each message on a separate piece of paper. Go to the store and secure a single rose, preferably red. Take your messages and place a single petal from the rose on each. Then one by one pick it up and read it out loud, followed by these words and actions:

  1. My faithful companion, so much we have been through since we have met. Oh, the things you have taught me. I apologize that I was not able to love you like you deserve. I was distracted by the forms that you initiated and forgot that you were even involved. How many times did you try to make manifest to get my attention? I am sorry that I did not pay attention. I am now. And I am ready to bless you and release you to the ethers and honor you with the a heart felt blessing of deep appreciation. And, as I let you go, I want you to know that you are no longer welcome in me in a shape, form, permutation, variation,hint…you get the picture. I love you and I set you free. Thank you…and fare tee well…
  2. AT this point you can fold the petal in the paper with the message and burn it, set it free in water, or bury it in the earth away from your home. When you have done this then intuit where that message lived in you and fill that space with love, light, or color. Then cut the cordings with your right hand…ending with “and so it is” spoken 3 times.
  3. Do this for each one of those messages.
Session Action Three: Thought, Emotion, and Health