There are some basic high vibrational tenets that form the foundation of this course as well as the great awakening of these times. This will be an ongoing and growing list that you can refer back as a touchstone when the moments stumble and call you back to the familiar ways of old.

  1. You are on a beautiful adventure to remember consciously who you are by design.
  2. Your “waking up” is guaranteed and will unfold in alignment with your intention and effort.
  3. You are not alone on this journey.
  4. You are so much more than you have allowed yourself to be.
  5. Your old thoughts of limitation no longer serve you in the illusory way that they did. You must replace the old thoughts, beliefs, and patterns with the higher frequency truths that will significantly expand your experience of the I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.
  6. Nothing is as it seems. There is always another multi-dimensional viewpoint to look at and from.
  7. Your ascension impacts those around you as well as the life collective. Every remembering is felt by every other in this Oneness soup.
  8. Your free will choice is your greatest tool for making this journey your own. Learning to use discernment will make the choices blend with your highest intentions of being you in wholeness.
  9. You must take good faith action forward to activate the endless support available to you.
  10. The outer reflects the inner unequivocally. Stay clear and clean on the inside to experience the life you deserve and desire.
  11. You are interconnected intimately with all of life in all of its myriad of expressions. Choosing to interface in unconditional love will greatly expand the You that is living in the Now moment.
  12. Your body is designed for longevity and absolute health. Believing so is the pathway that activates that manifestation.
  13. Your essence is Love, the big kind. Allowing that Love to flow through your heartspace in all that you do will align life to you and insure the flow.
  14. Resistance is the sure way to conflict, chaos, pain, and staying put. This ever oscillating Universe is in constant change. Learning to be in and trust without hesitation, the Flow will deliver you into the Truth of Your Being.
  15. Conscious breathing is essential and necessary to step out of the familiar world of limitation.
  16. Your worthiness and value are non negotiable. Choosing to claim this will deliver you to the magnificence of that ongoing experience.
  17. An open heart expresses gratitude and welcomes the wash of Grace that follows.
  18. All you need to embrace and expand the forms of your moments is already contained within you by design.
  19. Every conscious, high vibrational choice made and step taken opens the door and calls forth the next “thing” for you. Your expansion awaits your now choice.
  20. Wonder and imagination are key elements to aligning with the cosmic design that ignites the Universal Laws into action for you.
  21. You have incarnated to feel completely and ride the delicious waves of emotion from start to finish. Do so…
  22. As a spiritual being having a human experience you are composed of energy. You have the complete skill set to flow with as well as  direct that energy to make manifest the desired forms of your moments. Consciously tend your inner energy garden.
  23. You get what you give. As you receive, so shall you give. This circle is reliable and must be tended consciously. Interrupting the beautiful flow has consequences that will divert you temporarily for as long as necessary.
  24. Your design is impeccable. Embrace it all. The Ego is necessary for your personal expression of you. Your Inner Child self is an energetic representation of your divine design that has been, temporarily, sold a false, illusory, bill of goods. Befriending both the Ego and the Inner Child is a doorway that delivers the juicy life that you signed up for.
  25. You are not your body. It is your remarkable and magnificent vehicle for this incarnate journey. Treating it with love, respect, regular tune ups, and unwavering self care will result in a fluid journey that delivers the richness of life to you. That body is a self-replicating, self-clearing wonder of creation.