You and I are not just a random creation, wandering aimlessly through space on this beautiful blue planet called Earth. We are a complex mirror of an aspect of Source, filled with a unique frequency that expresses like no other. We gather experience by being in the physical body as a human being. Our spiritual essence inhabits the body and we experience our spiritual selves through this medium. We are always in direct contact with Source, though that is “forgotten” when we cross the veil of incarnation in each successive life on Earth in the flesh.

Our Higher Self is the interface between Spirit and Human. It is this that we explore for the next 14 weeks. This is the order that we shall do it:

  1. The Higher Self
  2. Making Contact
  3. Interacting With Your Higher Self
  4. Asking and Receiving
  5. Befriending
  6. Living in the Relationship
  7. Going Beyond

In the meantime, reflect on what this means. Invite in information about and experience with your own Higher Self. Pay attention and use the teachings as a springboard to develop this connection and relationship with your Higher Self.

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Contact and Guidance 2: Developing the Higher Self Relationship