Though I believe it was not intended to be a trauma, life has become that in so many ways. The sequential loss of connection to true self and all the elements that that awareness delivers, has left us believing in limitations, disease, and the inevitability of aging, decay, and death. The sheer knowing of this is traumatic as the spectre of death hangs over us mostly because of the unknown (or so we have been told). This is where mainstream religion has failed its followers, in replacing the peace of the known continuity of life, with the stress and fear of heaven and hell and all that lies between.

We have been taught to be afraid of life. Universal principle and law gives us what we focus upon. And since most people fear life and have learned to expect calamity and loss and wounding and death, we suffer more than we thrive. That is simply not the design. And, at some point we must adopt the broader understanding and choose to live in the expanded state…if we want to achieve and maintain full bodied health.

The very act of entering this planet is traumatic, especially in the non-natural methods of the medical community that shock the mother and child, implanting untold impact energetically. We start off with toxic residue. And though the child is equipped by design to clear this vibration, there is little support to do so. Depending on the severity of the birth trauma it may be cleared or not. But, even in the ideal setting and new home, the impact of separation from the Source interface and the comfort, for the most part, of the womb we are already in the wounded state.

And, we are not even talking about the traumas of living that each human experiences. The growing list can easily compromise one’s flow with life and quickly reinforce a fearful state, neither of which is what we are meant to experience. Choosing to move into and through the trauma residue is what is necessary. And that is what we shall be looking at here.

Trauma is an unexpected shock to the system. The energy of the trauma is likely held, as that is what we have been taught to do with emotion, and stored in the energetic bodies, primarily, the physical. That energy, depending on the event, will be stored in the chakra that aligns to its frequency. Again, as we have said, over and over, the body will store temporarily, pinging the conscious mind to take action and release it The pinging will intensify the longer the energy is stored. This precludes the addition of more traumas, of course. Additional traumatic is stored and the residue becomes amplified in amount and intensity. You can see how one can become severely compromised in a very short time.

We are designed to release. We attract opportunity to release in forms that will trigger the residue already there. This helps you see how the common theme of traumatic events can run. We become prone to certain types of experiences. Unfortunately we are taught to swallow emotion, grow up, and be tough at an age when this is highly challenging, and even traumatic in itself. Add this learned behavior to the reaction of the paramedics to an accident victim.

When trauma happens the shock triggers a response to the nervous system. That nervous system has to clear to recalibrate the whole body. If allowed to then the trauma, for the most part, is also cleared. Though there may be some memory that has to be processed through tears and talk and sound. The paramedics are taught to vies the initial release following the accident as shock. The shaking and flailing is the natural release attempting to run its course. Interfering with a sedative forces all the moving energy to store for eventual release, hopefully…unfortunately, it is not common for that to happen…so people become a walking time bomb. Care and comfort without the injection are what is needed in those initial moments.

At this point it is useful to briefly discuss the degrees of trauma. Certain , etc. Many lesser experiences become traumatic because of the already existing traumatic reservoir of the unexpressed/unreleased: disappointment, arguments, shaming, guilt, humiliation, embarrassment, etc. Then there are the very traumatic events that are very overwhelming, personal physical attack, prolonged terror, threat of death, being a soldier in combat, threat of incarceration, a traumatic physical event. The impact of these can infuse itself more deeply into cell, tissue, energy body, and mind, precipitating the need for more sustained care to enable the release. Again, it must be said, even in the case of these, the degree of intensity is impacted by the already existing residue of the previously uncleared traumas.

Over the last five years trauma has moved to the forefront of attention in multiple healing modalities, likely doing so with a Celestial hand, as trauma is one of the critical containers of wounding, thus addressing it is paramount to giving one back a place of balance and peace. The work of Peter Levine has been instrumental in establishing momentum for healing.

I did a variety of forms of trauma work for over a year, addressing specifically original childhood wounds that I, honestly, wasn’t entirely convinced were there…until I experienced the trauma work called Somatic Experience. Basically, the body, as keeper of the energies, sends out pings to gain attention and then release. When one learns to pay attention and respond to these signals then one can make great headway in getting clear. This is not a mental process in any way, though awarenesses and fleeting memory visions do parade through the conscious self, none of which require anything more than witnessing. Trust in a process, permission to release, and full participation are the foundation elements of a successful release and reclamation of the grounded, clear inner state.

A session would start with becoming aware of what the body was offering as a sensation. I tune into the sensation and send it awareness energy. Soon it would move. I would follow it. Soon I would be prompted inwardly to do something. Once, I felt the strong urge to make wrist circles with the left hand. These soon engaged the elbow, soon the shoulder, the left side of the body, and then a flailing on the floor that seemed completely out of control. Sound joined in , no words…it went on for about five minutes culminated by deep sobbing and curling up in a ball. Overseen by the practitioner whose job was to redirect the focus and encourage direction, I found myself in a conscious altered state that seemed fresh like the ocean air or the mountain breeze, vibrating in an obvious higher frequency that did not leave, even after leaving the session. I felt more alive, vibrating in new sensations. It was remarkable. And I really had no idea of what had happened or what it was about…and that was the best part. The mind found no reason to engage with analysis. That was critical.

Another time I was on a massage table, wrapped in a swathing blanket, just like an infant who was newborn. It was lovely…for awhile. In no time at all I started feeling a pressure building that wanted to break out of the confinement. I pushed out of the blanket and flailed arms and legs, again with “random” vocal soundings. The movements began to coordinate and I felt like I was running away. And I ran…I ran so far away…just to get away.

According to Levine, in the natural world when an animal becomes prey for a carnivore, like antelope and cheetah, a certain predictable process occurs. The antelope runs to escape. The cheetah engages the game and follows. When the antelope starts to get overtaken it collapses on the run to play dead. And dead it become, or so it seems. Likely the cheetah, so invested in the chase for the sake of the chase, sniffs over the now still prey, and loses interest…leaving the dead antelope behind. Still watching the antelope you see, when deemed safe, movement begin as body spasms. Increasing in frequency and degree soon the movements become frantic. What appears random soon slows to show the antelope running. It runs until it stops. In a sense it has gotten away and the danger has passed. At that point, with the nervous system restart, the antelope arises, and resumes his pre chase business…as if nothing had ever happened.

There I was on the table running away. I was sobbing and totally focused on running away from what, I did not know. But, I ran until I stopped, actually climbing into a tree and looking down at what, I did not know either. I had resolved my helplessness at the hands of the specific traumas I had experienced as a very young boy. I escaped the perpetrators of pain and found my power and personal refuge. That dis-integrated the traumatic energy and freed me from the patterns of living and thinking that had been beacons to healing, mostly unseen and misinterpreted. I felt strong, accomplished, victorious, and free from the clutch of those events. It was amazing.

We are designed to clear, everything that happens to us. Yet, we have grown diverted, fearful, and unwilling to face the “personal demons”. Through the beauty of what was originally called Gestalt, where one acts as if they are in a scenario, choosing to re-experience it to release and resolve, we can clear a great deal, if we choose. Sure it would be best to have an assistant, a therapist/counselor in attendance, to guide us on the way…but it is not necessary. I have learned that I will go no farther than I am ready to go in the release. Though it may appear out of control to an observer, from the inside I am in a place of clarity and growing power, very safe.

 I have been personally transformed by this work. The days of lengthy therapy are behind me. The higher frequency energies of these times has done much to lift us all into a swifter healing process. The more work one does to get clear, the more smooth and flowing and successful it grows to become. Remember, we were not created to suffer.

 I pay attention and listen to and respond to my body callings. I would be a fool not to. I invite you to do the same. Here is a strategy to start facilitating your release of trauma:

On paper, write a double spaced list of numbers from 0 to your current age. Then Speak your birth name 7 times and make a verbal request like this: “From the center of my being I call forth the release of any energies tied to any trauma I have experienced in this incarnation as well as in the previous 3. I surrender any resistance and call forth the manageable movement of these energies out of my energy bodies and into the Earth. I call for angelic and etheric support to assist in that regulation to insure that I progress only as fast as I am capable of going. In full trust of the process I give permission for these energies to clear now and forever. And so it is”

  1. Start at age 0, in utero and just born, and list any event that comes to mind or is remembered. When you feel you have listed all for that age, then go back to each and read it out loud. At the reading pay attention to the body for any kind of sensation or feeling of energy. If something reveals then put your conscious attention there. Watch what happens. If the sensation moves or changes form then simply follow. Breath and allow and accompany the journey. If you are prompted to make sound, do so. Go with this as long as there is energy. You may have a large release or it may dissipate. No judgement, just what is for now. Thank the energy and move to the next item on the list and repeat. When you have finished the age bless all that has occurred. Cut the cords of any experience released and fill up that space with Love and Light. Finish with a “And so it is!”
  2. Make note of any of the list that do not want to clear. You may need to get professional assistance with a somatic experience practitioner. New perspectives on the movement of stuck emotional energy support the overall safety in such a process. Please note, however, that there is generational support for the old model of mental illness as being a cause for over medication and isolation. Nothing could be worse for the real issue, the inner cleansing of trauma and woundings through the proven process of safe release. Your health is not a desire of the controlling collective. Just the way it is. If you really want to heal, then inform yourself and take personal action a bit at a time. You will quickly activate the deeper knowing and capacity to heal via a variety of contained methods.  Having said this, I am bound to say the obvious disclaimer: If you are in a dangerous place seek professional help from a health practitioner. This is not offered as a cure, but rather an experience involving energy and awareness. Results are unique and not guaranteed…

I can understand the need for a disclaimer because there are those who will peddle snake oil cures. And yet, these are profound times where a host of new effective healing modalities are being born out of individual journeys and individual success. Tragically, the hold on life and death by the medical establishment is nothing short of criminal. The sooner this is replaced the sooner humans can get on with the business of enjoying life.

The process outlined here can be remarkably effective in clearing you out of the wounds of before. As you progress you will likely be guided by your own Higher Self to other modalities that will mesh with your frequency, your issues, and your bigger picture. This is really the beauty of what is unfolding. Trauma has happened and still continues to do so. The clearer one gets then less there is need for traumatic reminders. In this higher state you are able to steer clear of those experiences that are drawn to a held energy. Moving beyond that is a serious step in coming home…to you.

Session Action Four: Beyond Trauma