Session Zero

Your journal will accompany you through the entire course. You can use it fro reflections, experiences, keeping questions to ask me, insights, and inspirations. Weekly I will offer some guidance to get you started.

This week, simply share how you feel about committing to this course. What are your hopes and your concerns?

Session One

Reflect on your relationship with and your history of change. How have you responded or reacted? What was the result of those choices? Are you ready to change your relationship with change? Well, brainstorm and ask for guidance as to how that might happen…keep good notes and then do not hesitate to put the suggestions in action to see how they fare. Fear is such an old way of living. In this new frequency there is truly little to legitimately fear. The clearer you get the less you are seduced by the massive fear vibe on the planet. Ponder and reflect…

Session Two

Take some time and reflect on what kinds of resistance have shown up for you thus far. There is a whole lot of information to digest, a whole lot of activities to choose from, a whole lot of choices to be made. How is your “there just isn;t enough time” thing going? Do you use that one to sabotage your focus and action? How about the old, “am I doing this right”? And then there’s the, “Is this really worth it?” to answer. Reasons keep showing up to divert. List them all and then address them. Which are true/legitimate/workable? The old saying is where there’s a will there’s a way. This is a solar plexus issue. It is about about taking power. Are you willing even in the face of resistance to do something? If so, then you can use your higher vibration frequency and all that that delivers to assist you in doing what must be done…for you. I believe in you and know that you will spiral forward into the field of remembering and reclamation in alignment with your moment by moment choices. You deserve this…

Session Three

Reflect on where you are. See what calls you in the course. See what pushes you away. Be honest with resistance. Be clear about your likes and dislikes. All OK. But own it and lay it out on the altar for all to see. That is how we find the gold and are inspired by the new energy, the new direction, the new you…also take a moment to list your revelations and successes, the changes that affirm you, the results you have had in being a new frequency. Keep this list handy and spend some time each day appreciating you, affirming your achievements and amplifying your ongoing commitment to do all that is necessary to make it home.

Session Four

How deep do you want to go into your own rabbit hole? How much do you really want to know? You are so much more than you have allowed. Likely there is that seductive comfort zone surrounding how you do you in these times. No point in going to far and making everything all discombobulated…right? There will be other life times. Won’t be long till I find out the answers on the other side anyway…

These are the questions of one who is on the brink of settling because the effort to go beyond the limited version of you is getting to be too much. Is this you? Or are you the adventurer that I keep saying you are? What are you not doing thuis far? Where have you short changed yourself? Where have you turned your gaze away from the invitation? Is that OK with you? Can you look in the mirror and smile at that face that clings to limitations, especially having tasted the potential of the real life! It is time for your personal pep talk. Write it out and deliver it to you out loud while looking in the mirror. Things are just starting to open up to the panoramic palette of possibility. Motivate! Get into gear! Time to deepen! No more Sleepin’!

Session Five
I do not know if any of you have been visiting this section. There are so many offerings that it may be hard to choose. The power of journaling is that it gives you outward expression of inward energy. Often we feel more comfortable revealing ourselves in writing as opposed to speaking that to someone. Maybe that will shift soon as the power of the spoken word to initiate manifestation is unparalleled. Write on!

Take the energy of the first of the year and articulate all that you are done with. That acknowledgment is enough to gather etheric support to make it happen. Of course you must respond with action to the moments as they come. Make the list and start the movement.

So, too, make the list of your desires and intentions. Be clear on what it is that calls you. Speak them out loud and start marshalling the forces of manifestation to your side.  Your life will be well served by this conscious writing action.

Session Six

Session Seven

Session Eight

Session Nine

Session Ten

Session Eleven

Session Twelve

Session Thirteen

Session Fourteen

Session Fifteen

Session Sixteen

Session Seventeen

Session Eighteen

Session Nineteen

Session Twenty

Session Twenty One

Session Twenty Two

Session Twenty Three

Session Twenty Four

Journal Suggestions