These are evolving and awakening times and so the common understandings are expanding and in some cases, exploding into new vistas. The previous epoch, the Piscean Age, was devoted to the human mind and the intellect. Science was the determiner of truth and reality and academic institutions that were devoted to fact, information, and the how to do it were the hallowed halls. The intellectual was the highest state, supposedly gifted in weaving thought and idea, often sounding like a master of information , but often saying very little. Worshiping the mind has had a significant cost to the quality of life. People have lost connection with their physical body. They are invested in simply getting better (whatever this is) and buy into the less than belief that activates the need to learn more, at workshops, in books, online, in sitting at the feet of the master. The doctrine of less than triggers the ego into needing to do more to get to the head of the class, be the teacher’s pet, be the best, be the Valedictorian, graduate with honors…but, as we see, with the sea of recent college graduates who are unemployed, living at home with parents, and under an unforgivable mountain of school loan debt, this is not what is seems, not the sure path to success (whatever that is).

The arrival of the Aquarian Age is more about the heart, and so the transformation is under way. But this is not a matter of either/or, it is about the unification, the synthesis. We are, by design, made up of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components…all equal, none less important or less necessary to your full life experience of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. We are entering times of blending the heart and the mind while weaving the fluidity of emotions into the mix while under the guidance of the spirit self, connected to the One Source, the One Mind, that lives in us all.

It is no longer a matter of IQ (the mental intelligence thought of the individual), but it is evolving into the EQ (emotional intelligence that is opening to others), the SQ (Spiritual Intelligence wisdom that connects with higher self and purpose), the WQ (Holistic Intelligence Knowing (connecting profoundly with others and potential), and QQ (Quantum Intelligence or the Hyperspeed Bandwidth), Super Creativity connected to the Allness.  These distinctions, as set out by P. D. H. Atwater, in her essential book, A Manual for Developing Humans, are showing us a glimpse into the rapidly unfolding new paradigm of these expanded times. The new generations are already incarnating carrying many of these traits (thus the difficulty in shoving them into the status quo). And we shall open to these capacities as well as we get out of our way and consciously flow with the new frequencies. We are so much more than we have allowed.

In this expanding New Life Skills section 1 we shall explore elements of the mind, thought, and belief, and how they can be engaged to our great benefit, but in new ways outside of the old paradigms. To be open one must be willing to empty the mind, release the dogma of resistance, and stand on fertile ground uniformed for the moment. In this crucible we shall reawaken the willingness to remember who we are by design…and claim it to be it. We shall explore and we shall function as if through the variety of active opportunities.

Here is a sequence we shall follow in this sub-topic

  1. The Brain: it’s expanded design and characteristics
  2. Exploring the Mind
  3. The Nature and use of Intelligence (expanding a bit on Atwater’s work)
  4. Understanding and using Brain Waves
  5. An exploration of thought and thinking (clearing the pool)
  6. The Emptiness and the New Information
  7. Imagination, Wonder, and Creativity

Wow, what a sequence. This could be the substance of an entire course, rather than an add on to our journey. Let me remind you of your true capacity for receiving, storing, and applying information. It is unlimited. Be aware of the old tendency to feel overwhelmed or throw up the warning bell of “it’s too much! I can’t do this! I’ve never been able to____”  Simply old beliefs that have corralled you for much to long. Come on, the horses are bustin’ out of that corral.

By the way, click here to access the information about the above 7 topics.

Expanding New Life Skills 1: The Mind and Thinking