Each session will have a glossary of relevant terms used. This introductory session defines some general words useful for the entire journey.

Reality: the energetic, ever changing reflection of your beliefs and experiences. The old version of reality is a collective belief that has been recycled by consistent programming and a vibrational undercurrent of fear. Your version of reality is quite malleable and responsive the more you open up to the higher vibrational concepts.

Duality: the make up of the Earth Plane where there are polar opposites and a wide variation in between. Beings oscillate along the continuum based on their response to moments of living, ever seeking a place of balance that is equal parts of the extremes, a presumed desirable place.

Change: the ever oscillating state of the Cosmos. Nothing is static. As all is vibration, shapes and situations do not stay the same, being influenced by magnetic attraction, human intention, and the personal and collective beliefs. Resisting change is a colossal waste of time and effort

Flow: in alignment with the changing nature of all things. To be in flow is to be without resistance, living in trust of the form of the moment, knowing that it will lead us to the most useful place and situation.

Multi-dimensional: acknowledgment of the design of the Cosmos, with 9-12 different dimension levels, each with specific characteristics, frequencies, and types of inhabitants. New awareness claims that we can be in multiple dimensions at the same time, consciously.

The Now: the primary point between the illusory time/space distinctions of past and future. Here lies the fertile ground that seeds the form of the next moment by integrating past learnings with current inner wisdom. This is the prime place in which to live.

Awareness: the more desirable state where one pays conscious attention to the forms, sensations, sensory input, thoughts, actions to be able to respond in a higher vibrational way to the moment.

Discernment: a higher level capacity to use multi-dimensional information to make choice and take conscious action

Intention: a primary element of the manifestation process. Intention is a whole bodied expression of the desired condition/outcome. It sets magnetization into motion.

Soul: the spiritual You living in the greater heart space. It is the conduit between higher Self and your consciousness.

Mind: not to be confused with brain, the mind consists of conscious mind (left hemisphere), subconscious mind (right hemisphere), and superconscious (limbic system).

Higher Self: this is your personal direct connection to Source and all the guidance that offers. The Higher Self connects through the soul which is housed in the greater heart space. The guidance received is then fed to the conscious self for action.

Source: the All That Is, existing eternally everywhere and in everything in all dimensions. As a unique expression of that Source you experience the expanse of life using free will choice, providing unique experience that is absorbed by Source.

Grace: a spontaneous dispensation from Source. The Higher  your vibration the more frequent the experiences of Grace. You can choose to become a facilitator of Grace yourself when you re-access your whole self design.

Gratitude: the consistent act of appreciation and acknowledgment. It is a high vibration frequency that builds upon itself to make manifest that which you feed with thought, belief, and action.

Trust: the capacity to allow without resistance or hesitation. Living in Trust opens up many doors to the greater expanse of the Celestial Design as well as your own internal Divine design.

Love: the vibrational fabric of the entire Cosmos. It is the essence of Source. Living in the vibration consciously regulates the beautiful flow of life to, through, and from you.

Toxic Energetic Debris: unexpressed emotional experiences stored in cell, organ, tissue, chakra. And energy body. The more it is stored and unspoken then the more magnetic it becomes to attract opportunities for release. When the debris is gone then the body and Being are in balance. One of your greater purposes is to learn and choose to allow the flow of emotion in order to stay clear.

Wholeness/Oneness: to be whole is to live in your true design with all of your skills, talents, wisdom, and knowledge available to you in any moment. This Wholeness is a specific frequency of Source that unifies with all other Source Expressions to create the state of Oneness, unified and separate simultaneously.

Authenticity/Integrity: In alignment with True Self. A genuine reflection and expression of your Divine design.

Consciousness: the eternal essence of you in all your forms, expressions, and incarnations. It unifies you with all of life as you allow it.

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A just released contemporary metaphysical resource from one of my primary channeled resources