Perpetual change is the dynamic of the Cosmos. Resistance is futile as it calls forth change of the undesirable kind. One cannot hold back the river. Flow is the required response to the forms of moments in this new vibration. In some ways the old has become irrelevant. The moment is the access and launch point of possibility. Will there be resistance to becoming flowing?…of course! It is required for you to be courageous and willing to surrender to flow. There are no accidents here.

Life is spontaneous by design, dependent on the choice just made. The quantum field is malleable by intent and observation as well. We impact the forms in the instant we observe them. The sooner you grok this then the sooner it will work for you as it is designed to do. Any movement from the moment of intention to the manifestation, from the awareness to the action, from the thought to the form, is a transition. In these new frequencies transition is a constant  companion of change.

We have been indoctrinated to fear and resist change, seduced to believe that we are better served by keeping things the way they are. To put effort into this runs counter to the design of life…therefore requiring massive effort to pull of temporarily, for that is about all it can ever be. The effort to keep life the same is a distraction that robs you of higher frequency focus and diverts you from any direction  into expansion. Thus you stagnate energetically, eventually succumbing to the growing inner reservoirs of toxic debris from the unexpressed words and unprocessed experiences by manifesting 3rd dimensional illness…that steal the life from your vehicle.

The old way simply does not work. It never has. We become restricted by the above while at the same time are force fed information, images, and normalcy that tells us we are less than and must learn, access, buy the next thing to be able to be as good as others…in other words…change. We are told not to change while at the same time, we are seduced into engaging commerce to change into what is being sold as the desirable. This a classic mind-fuck.

So be it. Given that as foundation, you can see that it is time to step out of that cesspool of an eddy and begin to embrace a fluid transition process that guides us along the spontaneous pathway that has our frequency all over it. Let’s look at transition and establish a new strategy that aligns with the Truth of the design.

We spiral along the way as we recalibrate and reawaken. The spiraling shows us that we increase in vibration (move up the spiral) and also revisit key elements of the past that have seduced us for the sake of moving beyond them, sort of check point/evaluation points. We are in fluid evolution that is showing us more accurately who we are in order to finally be able to integrate into the expanded world in which we live.

This information starts the process. It is spoken/shared so that it will trigger your inner remembering to initiate the openness/willingness to embrace the change by claiming a new paradigm. Once we have aligned with the accurate knowing of the actual design, then we are ready to expand our awareness capacity to put it action in our moments of living. Transition is a process that we consciously engage. We show good faith willingness by taking the first step forward which activates the magnetism of the appropriate form. This then gives new direction which requires an additional response/choice and action. Down the now road we go, choosing to live spontaneously because we put awareness of the big picture into action. These Celestial elements feed themselves while they activate new forms and ways to be, which are seen and claimed and explored by the awakened one.

We surrender to the movement of life and anticipate new experiences that are ushered in by your loving Higher Self to deliver the next best thing to further your awakening/remembering. Simple, but contradictory to the old way of victimhood. Yes, we are makers of our own “destiny”. This is the greater nature of this “as if” work, to move forth in good faith on a bit of information that just feels right. The truth is that there are no real consequences, just information and experience…a loving and compassionate life force that serves us with great honor and respect. Sorry, Buddhist friends, life is not suffering, unless you choose it to be so.

This is the moment by moment strategy in which to move through this incarnation. This awareness serves the bulk of the forms that enter your personal life sphere. The one large transition that hangs around like a cloud of doom for most of humanity is the fear and uncertainty of death. Calling it inevitable simply adds to the controlling perspective that has imprisoned humanity for far too long. Death, my friends, is another transition. It moves you from one form, circumstance, energy, to another. So, how does one in these new frequencies navigate this swamp of misinformation?

Yes, in incarnation after incarnation we have dutifully died. We get why we think it so present, believing that it is inevitable. In that frequency of belief and paradigm devotion, it is. But that is not your design, per se. We are not here however to explore and debate immortality, but we can look briefly at the transition point called death from new perspectives, especially from those who have had Near Death Experiences.

I found a book by Mike Dooley called The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You. Things ain’t how they have been told…let’s face it and open to new perspectives. It makes living so much richer. Here they are:

  1. We’re not dead!
  2. There’s no such thing as a devil or hell
  3. We were ready
  4. You’re not ready
  5. We’re sorry for any pain we caused
  6. Your dreams really can come true
  7. “Heaven” is going to blow your mind
  8. Life is more than fair
  9. Your “old” pets are as crazy as ever
  10. Love is the way; truth is the path

He offers a view of what happens when we die:
“ There’s an abrupt disconnect, of course, that comes from leaving behind all  things time and space and learning to maneuver the unseen. The nature of transition depends entirely on the beliefs of the dearly departed at the time of transition, because their beliefs and thoughts carry over to their new environs. Even there, thoughts become things, only they become things bigger and faster, arranged to match the experience of the new arrivals, often in the twinkling of an eye.

…loving guides soon appear, glowing, radiant, and joyful. They orient you and answer your questions. They teach you. Remind you. Love you. Show you. Everything becomes clearer…

You can read on or find another source. These new experiences of NDE’s are filled with enlightenment of a favorite religious control topic that is highly slanted and absolutely self serving. SO be it. These times are about opening up to the new information. This highly charged transformation is a natural part of the eternity of life, an piece of the spiraling eternal journey that each of our energetic beings take. We come and go and are quite cognizant and participatory, making conscious changes that lead us to being fully immersed in love and compassion once and for all.

Any transition is elevated and clarified by awareness, opening to higher frequencies of information, feeling fully and deeply to assist in clearing old resistance, and is ignited and expanded by a willingness to proceed into the arms of the unknown, one of the greatest adventures. Life is the panorama of our beliefs on display at any given moment. You will know what to do with this statement…

This whole course embraces transition, small and large. We are jettisoning the mis-information, the programming, the beliefs, that no longer serve…they never did. And you and I know it. Transition is fueled by trust. Trust comes from immersing in the big picture and acting as if until new information and confirmation occur. You will become a master of embracing transition as you traverse this course. There are cliffs to jump off everywhere! How else will we discover those wings?

Extras: Navigating Transitions