Contact and Guidance

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Developing Asking and Receiving Skills
  2. Higher Self Relationship
  3. Personal Guides relationship
  4. Angelic Realm Relationship
  5. Archangel Relationship
  6. Ascended Masters Relationship
  7. Earth Resources

The historical doctrine that we are alone in need of a mediator to connect with the Higher Power is simply nonsense. It is time to open to access of the the Cosmic resources. Learning to listen and to interact with your spirit realm as well as the Earthly realm is a key part of the new times.

Personal Care and Empowerment

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Reconnecting with the Original Design
  2. The Expanded Body Energetic System*
  3. Filling Basic Needs
  4. Clearing and Emotions
  5. Necessary and Expansive Re-Education
  6. Empowerment Experiences
  7. Active Application and Celebration

Since we are in the Third Dimension physical plane of Duality we must address the make up of the body, the incarnational vehicle. Each topic will explore elements that we shall be invited to and learn to rely upon in engaging and responding to our moments of living. In the spirit of the course intent to put the reclaimed design into action immediately, specific exercises will be provided to apply the learning to see what will happen.

Though these topics may appear to be off session topic, it is the intent to learn skills as we are showered with new information, making this a highly effective and useful experiential journey.

Expanding New Life Skills

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. The Mind and Thinking
  2. Inner Reconnection with Intuition*
  3. Expanding the Mind-Body Inter-relationship
  4. Accessing Higher Frequency Tools for Living
  5. Manifesting Abundance
  6. Vibrational Tools and Care
  7. Exploring and Opening the Nature Connection

The skills of the Piscean times served that vibration and those limitations. We, honestly, were never given permission to thrive. Even if we were, the doctrine of limitation was so imbedded that we would have likely fallen short of accessing the skills of our true design. And now things are different. As the vibration raises, so do the level of skills. By activating trust and a willingness to take action at the point of guidance we are revealing long hidden talents that expand the panorama of life. This section is about reawakening hidden talents and putting them into action just to see what happens. These are, indeed, frontier times. Saddle up, partner!

Embracing and Integrating the
World Community

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Family
  2. Community
  3. Race
  4. Religion
  5. Education
  6. Business
  7. Politics

So much of this new vibration Aquarian Age is about integrating with the Oneness that is the true Celestial Design. As we reclaim our balanced and empowered center we are given endless opportunity to interface with all of the forms of life, particularly in the human relationship realm. Service is a key domain where we learn to honor and respect others with compassion, empathy, and open heartedness. We require a lot of practice in these fledgling transformational times…

Celestial Design

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Source
  2. Cosmic Framework
  3. Multi-Dimensionality
  4. The Now Factor
  5. The Greater Purpose
  6. Continuity of Life
  7. TBA

Praise Science Fiction for keeping wonder, imagination, and fantasy alive long enough for evolution to catch up. It is imperative that we explore the nature of the Cosmos and see just how it is a love based vibration that is set up for life. Our playground expands as we step out of the learned boundaries to move and experience in all directions. In these section we boldly go where no conscious human has gone before…just to see what it is like,

Through a growing number of ones who say “yes” to life. That is a good thing…in fact, an incredible thing. We are spiraling into the complete reclamation of the original design, one and all, infused with the Celestial bequeathment of Love. It has become inevitable. The forms we see that, on first glance, appear in contrast to a world waking up to its own beauty, are the birth pangs of the Now Age. Life in the moment with consciousness ( and that part is critical) is fast upon us. The collection of humanities worst hits is being played out in these “last days”. Revelations 2 is upon us and it is not the fear driven attempt to herd the sheep into the pen of indoctrination like before. No, this is the freedom train coming down the track, when humanity, one and all, yes, you heard me, one and all, shall reclaim the ever present, but just below the surface of awareness for now, knowing of the true design and choose consciously to dwell there now and forever.

The higher in frequency we oscillate, the more it becomes evident that we are too clear to fail. The old holds a steadily decreasing lure to dance in that vibration. For the higher frequency gifts are so thrilling, so fulfilling, so loving, so shared, that anything less would be a waste of our true design. One who becomes conscious at this level is simply not capable of lower frequency action for long. When Love fills in the space between the cells we go about the business of loving, receiving and giving it in unprecedented amounts, ushering in the collective and perpetual love-in of all time. The blossoming of you and me as individual expressions of the Supreme Light is combined with the growing knowing that we are united as One, in a seeming oxymoron, the Individual as the Whole and the Whole as the Individual.

Living in Grace, in Compassion, in Empathy, in Gratitude from the Awakened Heart space is what we each deserve. Can you taste it yet? It is at the edge of town. You can hear its song in the distance, riding the currents of the wind, oozing up and out of the Earth herself to bleed into us. It is the Celestial promise of something more magnificent, the cherry on the Celestial Sundae, the new reason for staying alive. It is the prime gift for your hard, incessant work for all this time. It is the end of the road and the beginning of the super highway. It is the new way of life in this Now Age.

One thing births another. Tend to the moment to give substance and frequency to the next. Align the without with the within and see how life feeds itself to oscillate into the pinnacle. Principle stirs the soul, which activates the conduit to the heart, The awakened heart seeds the plexus brain and sends tendrils of wake up to the dimensional chambers in the head brain, restimulating the pituitary and the pineal to activate the original design. It is a simultaneous sequence in the big picture, the birth of your own Universe, your own big bang…

We are love, made of Love, born to Love, destined to Love. There is no other mission. Now is the time to surrender the resistance, the devotion to the old ways, pack up the comfort zone, and head out on the highway…looking for adventure…in whatever comes our way…born to be wild…Get your motor running. All the resources you will ever need are coming on line again, available at the slightest awareness to spread out before you to bring the what is in this moment in to the alignment that ignites its pure truth. Serve life, precious one. It is the Holy Mission that has peppered your soul for eternity. Born to be wild…yes, indeed!

Session Action


Session Action


Session Action

Awakening the Heart

Session Action


Session Action

Empathy and Compasion

Session Action

Living in the Awakened Heart

Session Action

The Nature and Care of Unconditional Love

Session Action

Seven Living Words and More

Perhaps you have experienced someone with a bright light in their eyes…perhaps that is you. It is frequency, a radiance that emanates from within, a reflection of the true and original design. That is the Light that exists in every living being. It shows when one is clear and has reawakened to the inner design, the inner template, the inner knowing. There is a feeling that accompanies that light. It is a pure place of balance and comfort in one’s skin, a deep Celestial awareness that allows one to flow smoothly with the forms of the moments of living, that allows one to trust life, that allows one to know that everything will work out, that allows one to know things far beyond the traditional learnings, that allows someone to be in a consistently joy filled state.

It used to come through one who was still connected to their own cosmic self. It then came through one’s devotional path played out in Mystery Schools and high frequency connections with etheric beings. It then was predominantly dormant and reserved for holy devotional men and women who lived in mountain caves, hidden away from the everyday lives of the masses. And then it woke up like a song with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. It has led us through a host of thresholds that have been successfully navigated, leading the way from one to the next which did not even appear until the previous one was crossed. Each one a test, of sorts, a showing of a collective willingness for enough to do the work and make their way back home to the big Love. This impacted the collective frequency and the Earth herself, signaling the go ahead to proceed into the deepest inner frontiers to find the original design of the I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. And here we stand, poised to burst like a kernel of popcorn into the new more flavor filled expression of life in the clear lane.

The language I have been using for some time, many of the perspectives I infused in courses like this, many of the beliefs that I took as gospel though in contradiction to much of my upbringing, are now showing up in books on Amazon. Around the world there is a gathering of aligned ideas birthing

Journey of the Heart
c.1990. Mark Stanton Welch
Come on, we're gonna take a journey

To the source of all creation Where the pure light shines

We'll be there 'fore you know it

If you'll take a breath and close your eyes

And tune...into your heart
Breathe let yourself expand Into the emptiness within you
That is calling your name

Swirling gently falling to surrender It's a journey of the heart

Feel the love that's  flowing Let it soothe you Let it renew you
Energy keeps growing When you open wide
And dance for a moment With the endless universe inside

That love, when you send it out

It fills the nooks and crannies of this wondeful world

Everybody feels a little takes a little bit

And wraps it all around their heart

Many are the pathways we can walk in this world
But let me tell you all this
The one that nurtures every living thing

It is the journey of the heart

 Honesty trust and devotion

Sharing openly what's in the core the true emotion

Taking chances walking in faith

Shoutin out love not runnin' from the pain

Everybody gets to choose

How  about You, will you take the path

The one of least resistance With illusions and lies

The one that's been the hand me down
Of countless generations who would turn their back and
Put he blinders on
their eyes
Maybe    you're one whose gonna
Step into the power live compassionately
And walk in full awareness with your essence
On a journey of the heart



























Message of the Week*



The Awakened
Medicine Bag

Spoken Words
of  Power


Living As If Already Whole Blog Access Point

  The Amazing Human Body   I   Navigating Transitions   l   Leaving the Comfort Zone       
   Get Moving Now   I   Inner Communication in the Silence  I  The Daily Restart    


 Course Launch Point

Access Session 7


Session Song
Heart Please Open, from CD, Simple Living
click to access lyrics


To get to the heart of the matter is to get to the visceral substance that breathes life into the situation. The heart chakra is the middle chakra of the in body seven. The heart pumps the fluid of life through us. The heart is the seat of the Soul. It is the doorway , the portal to the multi-dimensional worlds. It is the playground of the Higher Self and the tender, loving arms that cradle the precious inner child. It is the nerve center that emanates an electro-magnetic field far beyond what the brain can produce. The heart is the new root chakra, the foundational source for our own life expression, the place from which we are being groomed to live unfettered.

I see the waiting hand  I take the waiting hand

I take the first step   and I am on my way

The Universe has sent an invitation and I say

I accept, I accept

Howwww I’m on my way, I’m on my way

Every hero starts a journey by saying, “yes, I can”

I’m on my way, I’m on my way

C.2016. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights reserved