The more I research and listen then the more amazed I become. Nothing surprises me any more. I honestly do not know about the validity of the information but something just feels right about the way it comes in and the way it sits in me, intriguing me, inspiring me, motivating me. It follows that everything is worth checking out at least. Either there are some very fertile imaginations out there, and thank God for that starting to happen, or there are a bunch of dead ends. As far as the latter, not much that has dropped in or crossed my awareness since this journey/course began has been bogus. I like the idea of trusting life and knowing that my own solar plexus capacity to discern is active and quite capable.
The two volume set of DNA of the Spirit, channeled by Rae Chandran, is the source for some brand new information and suggestions for activation. I explore two elements, Genetic Light Codes and Star Heritage here to pique your interest and get you opening to the expanding possibilities that are are blessing us all now. These books are filled with channelings from a host of Ascended Masters, who we shall meet later on in this course.
You know the akashic records as a library of every life experience you have ever had, but the akashic records are much more than that. They also record your origin — where you originated. Your DNA originated in the Pleiades. We ask you to start activating your genetic light codes.
[Archangel Metatron: This is done through intention. Call this forth. This is called empowered living. The time has come to start working on yourselves. This is called rewiring the physical body. Rewiring is not done by spirit but by you. It is done by asking and setting intentions.
This is very important. Humans are being rewired. You are doing it yourselves. It is part of your natural evolutionary process. You are evolving to the point where you can begin reconnecting all twelve strands of DNA and even activate some of the higher chakras, which you never even thought you had. You need to work on yourself and ask for these codes to be activated.
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 2401-2408). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Your natural self is your original self, and this original self is recorded in your DNA and in your akash. You may go back to your origin and tap into this. When you go back to your natural self, you are automatically activating DNA by raising your consciousness. Your DNA will command your genes to activate.
You can also activate light codes inside Mother Earth’s body in the same way. [Archangel Metatron: This is done by being and forming the intention. When this activation is done, it helps Mother Earth tremendously. And because Mother Earth is part of your body, it naturally affects you too.] These are compatible with your personal light codes. There is a light code inside all creatures of Earth; to Mother Earth, you are one of her creatures.
You have light codes within you of your Pleiadian DNA, the light codes of Mother Earth, and also the light codes of your star heritage, where your dual higher self started living its existence. You also have light codes from the country where you were born. All of you
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 2418-2426). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Chandron suggests that there are three phases of learning: crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. New information crucifies the old information and resurrects the deeper inner knowing held by the original design. This inner release leads you into the ascension beyond the old thinking/beliefs into the expanded forms that are awaiting. Disconnecting from martyr consciousness is essential to allow you to embrace and experience a Source of Light. Connect with this light code and state, “I disconnect from pain and suffering to find God.” Ask to disconnect the world from the energy of martyr consciousness.
Break free from the use of separating definitions. Each time we define something we create a separation from the experience of it. It is the experience that we are being guided to return to. That is full bodied as opposed to the mental limitations of the definition. Start using the mantra “Om Ha Hum” which translates as the combined force of unity consciousness.
Your father’s code and your mother’s code still affect you, along with your family’s code. We ask you to release these codes, though not because your family is not important or your parents are not important. These codes are a direct influence on your reality and your thinking. You acquired deeply held beliefs during your upbringing, and these are held in the cells of your body and your bones. Many of these codes were formed during your childhood when your consciousness was very different, and they still affect you. These codes no longer serve you. You may say, “I give intention today to remove and disconnect the codes of my father’s and my mother’s lineage. I honor them and bless them for the life they gave, but I will now create new codes for myself with Mother Earth and Father Sky.”
Chandran, Rae. DNA of the Spirit, Volume 1: A Practical Guide to Reconnecting With Your Divine Blueprint (Kindle Locations 2508-2509). Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that we are designed to be receptors and, as such, can receive coded information that is frequency based on a regular basis. The higher our frequency then the more receptive we are to the information reception. The system has a “fail safe” mechanism that is frequency based, assuring that no one receives an energetic download that would be disruptive. We are given that which we are ready to receive, likely not on a conscious level. And, herein, is a powerful tool…consciousness. Becoming conscious of the capacity to receive codes and knowing that there are codes to be received from a growing variety of sources can really increase the flow and the vibrational result.
Despite our previous programming about the nature of growth (that we must work hard and that certain elements are available for those deemed ready) it appears that the cosmos is much more simply and thus, supportive. This all is a personal thing and is regulated by openness, belief, and a willingness to ask for support. Many of the codes available are there at your request. Others are regulated by vibrational level, as stated above, to insure that you are able to integrate the frequencies.
These times have implemented the wisdom of the download. As you raise your personal vibration through information, belief, and choice for action, then you are quite capable of regulating the inflow. What is required of each of us, so to speak, is to move forward in good faith to put the information into personal action in your moments of living. This not only serves to expand you but also sends frequency messages and uploads to others of like vibration and intention. This is how we can continue to serve the greater awakening…though, in many ways, this all is just about you and your capacity to remember, reclaim, and be the true You.
Looking at the big picture it is useful to know that there are coded downloads of a wide variety available to all by request, as we have established. Additionally there are more impactful codings that function as time/frequency capsules that open when a certain number/percentage of humans have reached the appropriate frequency. That “information” then becomes available to the masses. The beauty of the design is that even those most resistant hold the same inner design and thus, potential, to”wake up”. So the greatest thing we each can do to influence the form of how life shows up collectively is to tend our own vibration. Doing so allows us to raise that frequency which then becomes the catalyst for revelation.
Then there are the implants. These have been placed within your personal inner and outer space by your own pre incarnational intentions as well as your frequency guides and teachers. Also, those who consciously choose to engage in expansion of consciousness and the reclamation of true self become particularly receptive to assistance/increased exposure to much higher frequencies of information delivered by Ascended Masters, Archangels, and even Source, through the interfacing with Higher Self. Consider yourself becoming a high frequency host for information that transforms. And again, to keep underscoring it, you have only to be attentive and committed to the unfettered full expression of you as the I Am That I Am in Unique Source Frequency.
Thus, as you recall, we started out with becoming aware of, acknowledging, opening to, inviting, and connecting with your own implants in the very first session. It seemed a bit science fiction, especially at the beginning. But, what we were doing, was opening the door to an unfolding process that would eventually involve all of humanity in a highly personal and collective way. Your waking up to you is unique and different from my waking up. The very same implant information may mean and trigger and result in something very different to the frequency of you than me. That is why we simply started the process and were invited to just play with it. And, that is why it was claimed to be an ongoing process, which it is. The more you ingest what I am sharing here and make it yours, if you choose, then the more likely will the implants open and reveal to you that which you are ready for.
Though it seems complex, there are just a few elements to keep aware of: you have chose to be open and have thus invited in an accelerated process that will serve the Oneness mightily…the more you continue your leaps of faith and allow the flooding of your own Trust to seed your moments of living; the greater pods of information will reveal themselves when you have reached the appropriate frequency ( this frequency raises the more you loosen the old programming and allow in the new information); you can expect that wherever you go there is the potential for new information to be delivered through a variety of means, mostly frequency based and environmental. Your receptivity and openness is again the primary requirement to keep the river flowing; the more you open then the more you shall understand and experience the cosmic connections and the immense interconnectivity that washes through all of life in an infinitely varied multidimensional dance; all of this is engaging, refining, and activating your expanded DNA pool to reveal even more about you and your capacity and capability (your 2 strands become 12 which become 144 which become 144, 000 which becomes unlimited). AT this point we can only affirm “that we do not know what we do not know” and let that be the Celestial Invitation to fill in the blanks.
Another essential element here is that we have been influenced by many codings in the past. And in order to become a clear and receptive being for the higher frequency information we must release many of those codings. Again, as a higher vibrational being, your intent and spoken command are enough to make it so. To that end we shall include some spoken commands below.
SO, let’s look at some of the codings that are already available and are also just around the Cosmic bend. And, underscoring we go, much of this is based on your request to have it delivered. That request followed by your trustful receptivity. Heart open…mind open…hands open…here we go!
First, here are some of the codings to release:
Here is a suggested process for releasing these codes. For each do the following:
And now let us explore and activate some of the life affirming, expansive codes that are available for you to choose to call in:
What you have here is a whole series of potential code requests, each with specific outcomes. The Whole You is capable of embracing the entirety of all this and oh so much more. You are given free will choice to access that which you are ready for. Know that change and expansion will happen. For the most part you are able to regulate the flow, speed, and duration of the experience. But, know that for some, there is a spontaneous opening that shifts and cleanses and delivers you to a very different frequency simply by opening that door. Know that you will always be taken care of and that nothing “bad” will happen to you. You may, however,be altered in ways that I can not currently foresee.
With each of these 20 Codes you are initiating a DNA expansion and activation that is based on the topic at hand. The infinite capacity of the DNA is such that the experience will be revealed as you go, along with the information and relevance to you and the Oneness. “Play” with these and see what happens. I have been assured that even in the midst of the most expansive experience you can always downgrade frequency and dimension wise to tend to that which is current in your Earth life. Good to know…eh?!
To conclude, here is a suggestion for a ritual to activate the codes. It can be applied to any of the above. Also know that this is by no means the end all of the codes available to the Celestial you and me. There may be codes that are only meant for you that will reveal themselves. And lastly, know that all the work you do here in exploring and raising your vibration impacts the One and seeds the opening of the mass of humanity. We are so close to an exponential explosion of I AM…
Enjoy the experience. Perhaps you can keep a record of what occurs. It may be gradual and it may be spontaneous…this opening up to the information. As you can see from the descriptions of the codes above, some are larger than others. Some come with a warning. That is not a deterrent, but more a call to have the very best of you solidly in body before you invite the codes in.
Know that with every request you are consciously choosing to expand the working knowledge of You in Action. You are doing so because of your higher vibration that has evolved over these last 4 months doing this work, no matter how much you have actually done. It is your intent to come home. Thus, it is being made so. As always, the more you invest in the action the more that will be revealed to you…and to all of us. This journey together is directing the Celestial energy to serve humanity in even more profound ways. It is possible that we may be impacting the current course of life…or we may just be a bunch of open hearted kids at play.
But, do know…This work is pivotal. I do not know what is on the other side…but I shall meet you there. Yeeeehhhaaaaawwwww!!!!!