Love, by design and definition, infuses all, matter and energy and everything in between. As such, it becomes paramount to begin to view and experience life from this perspective truth, embracing all that this choice reveals…if you want to thrive. Every moment in these shifting transformational times is a moment of choice between the awakening original design and the way we thought it was. The visceral and energetic programming of the old way it was is tethered to a host of accompanying beliefs that counter the flow of life from the knowing of I Am Unlimited. Living through this crossroads is one of the greatest Celestial adventures one could imagine. “Wake up” is the call…

Love is. It is by nature unconditional. It is that way in Divine Application as it moves throughout all the Cosmos and all the living Beings in matter form. It infuses each of us and washes us clean moment by moment with its frequency deliverance…only as we allow it. And that is the rub…as they used to say.

We have been brain fed and experientially indoctrinated to believe that love is conditional, love hurts, love is blue, love is a battlefield, love stinks, love bites…on and on we are told that love ends, is a fleeting thing, we will be hurt by it, it is conditional. That is a whole lot to overcome…and coupled with the deeper wounds of lack of value and an inner child wishing that someone would come and take it all away, never leave, and accept them as they are no matter what, presents an uphill climb to the eventual acceptance of the truth about the frequency of love. But that is exactly where we are heading in these remarkable reawakening, re-calibrating times of Celestial tough love blessing.

We are all in it for the long haul because the true design of you and me is that we are made of love to be living and thriving as Love. So, get used to it.

The state of unconditional love has been hung out there as the most highly desirable, yet seemingly unattainable state for eons. So much so that many have given up on the idea, leaving it to the songwriters, artists, and writers to keep the idea alive. These days a casual hook up is supposed to take the place of the magnificence of the ultimate frequency we are infused with. Let’s just call that a need to connect…without any demands. With new generations estranged from human in body contact due to the technological realities for now, there is a need to come together, even if it is for the reminder of pleasure and temporary value. It is enough to keep us moving along on the grand mission…to heal the Earth frequency and re-establish the Inner Knowing in you and me that Love is all there is. It is not in the details but in the overall process that we would be advised to keep the focus. Change is hard, especially when it has to undo so much damage.

Yes, the new generations are coming in at a higher frequency with knowledge aplenty, already versed in the greater wisdom and understanding of the big picture of these times. The pressure of the previous generations to sculpt them into just like us is there is spades…and it is not working very well. That is because the new beings are not programmed for control. They are independently connected in ways that us old fogies are yet to understand. To judge them prematurely is to turn our back on our own reawakening…and the price of that is, honestly, too unbearable, especially for us Light Workers who have been working so damn long to see the Light of day flood the inner and outer land bringing the Kingdom on Earth into fruition. As always, things ain’t like they seem…

To get to the land of unconditional one must get clear. Getting clear means surrendering the misinformed beliefs and releasing the energetic debris that directs our most favorite and destructive familiar patterns of living in the less than paradigm. Beyond getting clear is the somewhat familiar frontier of the I That I Am Expressing As Me…only familiar because it is what we re-enter every time we die in an incarnation. Hello, old friend…bringing Heaven to Earth is what is implied. It is no accident that that phrase has fed the holy books…too bad that it was misunderstood and misinterpreted and misrepresented…keeping us under the thumb of ignorance for as long as it has. But it has…and we are in the blossoming phase brought about by the Grace of an eternally loving Cosmic Source and a willingness by many like you and me who say, “Enough! There is so much more! And I am willing to do what it takes to reawaken and reclaim it to then live it with unabashed vigor!”…or something like that.

Clear the debris of the past and reactivate the inner knowing that inserts the aligned thinking and beliefs and then we are capable of unconditional Love. When that starts to happen more and more in the willing ones who have walked that long road then the new day shall be upon us all. It only takes a small percentage to activate the collective shift that makes it a doable reality in the masses…there you go, world changed forever.

Do the work and reap the reward. Everything we have done so far in Living As If Already Whole leads to this moment and then to the next. It is all about awareness and focus and action. The opening is a parallel and simultaneous path from the inside and the outside. That has to be comforting. Maybe the Cosmos will match your efforts…no, that would be too slow. You and I do not yet remember just how powerful and capable we are. That is being rediscovered with each breath…whether you want it or not. For now, we shall defer to the Source Wisdom on this one, and allow our selves to be ushered along into the bliss of the eternal knowing and living in the Light of the All That Is.

Can you dig it?

Unconditional means without conditions. Conditions were de rigueur up until these times. The very wounds each had and held were determiners of how love was supposed to show up. You’ve heard of the love languages. Everyone has their own version of what love is and what they want usually sticks pretty close to that. One gives what they want given to them while the other does the same…and rarely the twain shall meet (without some conscious work). Looking for someone to fill the hole within is an exercise in futility. There is no one on earth who is capable of such a thing…except you. Yes, you heard me. You are the one you have been looking for. Start there…loving that.

Doing so will start to heal the thinking and replace the wound with the salve of self love that then opens the door to the unconditional love for another. When you don’t need fixing then you won’t need to find someone to fix you…free to be, you and me…in this frequency lies the seeds of unconditional love. How you see me is none of my business. I need nothing from you except for the best of you, in every moment. Your actions do not disappoint me for I am well served and cared for within, thank you. That is a relationship that can weather any storm.

The Celestial blessing of an intervention is leading us into the hallway of unconditional love. Your choice to rediscover and awaken the truth of you to then nurture and sustain will lead you down the hallway. Your continued choice to love without conditions, even if at first you fail completely, is what will lead you to the master bedroom where your own fulfillment awaits.

The Cosmos has done her work. You have chosen to activate self care and reprogram the misinformation and jettison the old energetic baggage. Now you must practice, my little one…to this end I offer a list of suggestions:

  1. Reflect on the nature of unconditional love and what it might look like in the world
  2. Do away with finding fault and laying blame…for anything
  3. Align your senses to beauty and magnificence, becoming receivers of the higher, expanded frequencies that co-exist with all the lower frequency shit we have become accustomed to
  4. Expect to experience love in everyone you meet and every place you go
  5. Open to beginning to see the nuances of the Love frequency. Everything is a call for love. Go there first…before you cast dispersions on the one before you
  6. Do your inner clearing work
  7. Stay energetically aligned by clearing chakras and energetic debris gathered through the day before going to sleep
  8. Celebrate you regularly out loud
  9. Be spontaneous with your loving.
  10. Before you go anywhere tune into your heart space and send out that pure love to the place and people who will come before you
  11. Treat every meeting as a divine opportunity to connect
  12. Reclaim the power of eye contact and an unexpected smile
  13. As you do not need any more love, be generous in giving yours away
  14. Notice when you feel hurt…trace your way back to cause/trigger, and then do some inner child support work. Love your way back to cooperative connected wholeness
  15. Send your love often to the places on earth where it is needed. Affirm a higher frequency outcome.
  16. See everyone as waking up
  17. See everyone on the journey you are on, with their own twist
  18. Spend some time with classical music of all kinds (most of it came from the ethers)
  19. Witness how much love a child exudes into the moment
  20. Play more, dance more, sing more, smile more, laugh more, cry more, feel more, be more
  21. Be in constant gratitude
  22. Be a dispenser of Grace
  23. Exercise your muscles of compassion and empathy
  24. Live in the heart space 24/7
  25. Nourish and love yourself without restriction

Unconditional Love can become just who you are, and how you do your moments. Doing so activates the flow even more and showers you with all the Universe has to offer…no exceptions.

Session Action Seven: The Nature and Care of Unconditional Love