The original design spelled it out…the heart is the center of our Being, the place from which we are guided to live. When we do so we are aligned with the flow, open to life, in our power, living in the Now Moment, and completely capable of receiving clear and direct guidance from Higher Self, Inner Child, ascended beings , and even Source. Yay!…but that is the design that was tucked away at the point of incarnation, playing hide and go seek throughout our lives. Not many found it in the past…more are doing so now.

Humans cut themselves off from the neck down a long time ago. Anything down there below seemed foreign, a distraction, an annoyance, a place to stay away from because you might feel something or worse yet, cry…

The good human is a head based human. The intellect is king. When we reflect on who we are we usually identify with the body vehicle and our beliefs and mental skills. Easy to think the whole thing is finite…and most do… here today, gone tomorrow. We were taught for eons to not pay attention to the body, ignore and deaden the emotions, be in control, which is all about the mental, and analyze and be witty and be the authority, the specialist, the best at whatever…OK, look where that got us. Just look at the state of the world. Freud even had to make up categories to house the intellect, the mind, the ego. All of that hangs north of the neck, for the most part.

Women have traditionally been more in touch with emotion, have conscious access to the range of feelings, rarely celebrated for their mind, though their wisdom has long been treasured by cultures, mostly indigenous. The Old Crone, the witch, the goddess,  and the Native Grandmother are the wise ones who often brought deeper understanding to the mind based renegades consisting mostly of dudes…

Society worships the mind, the facts, the information, the how to, the directions, the science, the rules, the laws, the theories, the diagnosis, the prescription, the degree, the doctorate, the leader, the highest paid, the…oh, you get it…still to this day, these are paraded around as the most desirable, the pinnacle of one’s desire and efforts. So, how is that going for us?…I was a Liberal Studies major in college. I could talk for five minutes about anything, really! Beyond that, I would likely change the subject or move on to someone else. In many ways I was balanced, a man for all seasons…and I played it out well. I studied Latin, wrote stories, developed a great vocabulary, knew how to spin a yarn, could wow the masses, and even knew how to speak so that others would listen. I even taught elementary school for awhile…perfect place for that kind of mind.

Trouble was, I could feel as well. That would often get in the way of my teaching because I felt for my charges, was sensitive to their challenges, and saw them each as a unique beautiful being. I just could not, would not, put them in categories, or pigeonholes, or boxes…that’s why I left teaching…well,  I had also done a lot of work to heal some childhood wounds since I taught at the school where I was a boy…and I did that, too.

Yes, education, the fact based kind, the spread the company line kind, the teach the propogandized history kind, the do as you’re told kind, the anything below a B is failing kind, the prep me for factory work kind, the teach me to follow the rules of society kind…is a sham. Even with the revolution of the sixties and seventies to make the classrooms child centered, little changed because it all came back to ADA and test scores (for that is where your money came from). It is a poor commentary on a culture when their teachers, who would seem to have one of the most important jobs of all, were very poorly paid. Year after year any kind of bond for any pay raise was voted down by an angry public who could voice that rage in an election…anyway, you guys get all that vacation time (not paid)…critics who never spent a moment in a classroom with 30 children 6 hours a day to know what that entails…but, hey, don’t get me started. My feelings might just start talking here!

Do you think it is an accident that there is so much heart disease in the civilized world? There is so much wounding that has been stuck there to rot away: broken relationships, personal abuses, criticisms spoken, failures made, dreams shattered, disappointments, abandonments, losses, death…enough to build a pretty solid wall around that heart. And the folly here is that the wall that was built to protect serves more to keep life out, recycling the wounds and the losses and the poor me’s and the beliefs in limitation and sin…

And now, after generation upon generation, incarnation after incarnation, giving up on ourselves to serve the “greater good”, the Cosmos invites, I mean, forces, us to turn into the heart, saying that is where our beauty, our power, our integrity, our magnificence, our love lives…no wonder life seems so hard these days. The infusing of the Celestial frequencies are breaking the inner ice caps, melting the past, and giving us increasing glimpses and access to our real self, which is…yes, you guessed it…heart based!

Doable, yes…hard, you bet, optional, not in the least bit. We have to fight hard to break out of our self imposed citadel of woe to stand in the pure light of life…talk about The Odyssey! Is anyone immune from this forced march into Love, the big kind? Not a single being…and therein is the beauty of this celestial intervention at just the right time.

Our US president, a one, Donald Trump, is the perfect foil for these times. He most assuredly is there to show us the most undesirable things a human could become. Oblivious, or so it seems, to his heart and true design, he rules with the mind, a distorted and confused one at that. He whitewashes life and paints anything he does not like with the  venom of fake news.  How often have we fooled ourselves with such thinking, choosing to see what is as what is not while feeding in our own self serving bullshit…believing every word…for as long as needed. This kind of behavior has infiltrated humanity for the longest of times in many ways, though  rarely in such a complete package. Corporations, organizations, owners, educational and financial institutions, religions, the medical industry, politicians, playground bullies, people who are too wounded, people with a walled in heart have done their best to hide from their true being, the self that is designed from and as Love. Masks, diversions, distortions, addictions, going crazy, senility, psychosis, bi-polar…put a label on it a send it to the farm. Isolate it from the rest so the charade, the smoke screen, the veil, the illusion, the lie…can continue. This is what an unregulated mind can bring to the table. And up until now, society has celebrated it, worshipped it, demanded it.,

While underneath the frenzy lives the heart, the pure center of life and love and the actualization of happiness. It has never gone anywhere, waiting deeply within, in cell and tissue, in the canyons of the cosmos, in the grand design, for the perfect time to wake up and start to blossom. Like the seed that needs fire every decade or so to activate and sprout, so too, the heart, has been mostly dormant in too many people. With the timely assistance of the Holy Flame that has power washed Earth life since 1987, we stand at the point of no return, at the precipice of possibility eternal, and the birthing of the new world…manifesting through the awakened and opened heart.

You may be getting weary of my bringing up the way it was, what we all have been through. I get weary of it too…but repetition is one of the most useful tools for changing habits and establishing the new paradigm. And I am not saying it was horrible, by any means. Everyone of us has survived till now despite the lack of awareness and support for our own higher design. In many ways it has been OK…but the learnings of old are slippery, as they have been in place for a long time, impacting us daily, over and over. To assist the transformation from that to the new, reminders followed by new information and suggestion are a useful and effective technique. As we progress in this journey the reminders will be less and less as the new paradigms and beliefs and actions will have become your response to life moments.

So, wake up the heart…we must. Doing so allows the design to take over, ramping up to full awareness the more you pay attention in your moments. In one of the body design sections I addressed the capacity of the heart energy field  to be so much more electromagnetically powerful than the brain or the plexus, two of the body’s other nerve centers/consciousness centers. The attention is what ignites the opening. Consistent referral and affirmation of the capacity of the heart space is what sustains and energizes the reawakening.

Bring your consciousness to the front of the heart on your chest. Notice if you feel anything. If you do not, then breathe deeply while you rub your chest with your left hand. Amplifying your awareness will typically result in a tingling sensation or a general felling that the heart center is there (felt). By the way, the real center is on the inside, actually on the heart itself. It also expands out into the etheric bodies as well. But the starting point is the sino-atrial node at 11 o’clock on the heart itself (right side facing outward). (a small body of specialized muscle tissue in the wall of the right atrium of the heart that acts as a pacemaker by producing a contractile signal at regular intervals) This node is a dimensional portal known to shamans everywhere. It is also the point where the heart beat sustains, activated by the Celestial pulse.

The intention here is to live in and from your heartspace first. When you move outside you are led by that heartspace and your awareness/consciousness centers there. You breathe through that space, allowing that breath to infiltrate the rest of the body outward. Attention and focus will activate your particular relationship with your own heart.

We have been taught to look for strategies, finding the “right” way to do something. We give power to others thinking they have answers, and at times they do. The challenge is that we keep reinforcing our own not good enoughness, our own limitations. We are being guided to affirm and claim our own inherent wisdom, which can access anything, all the information we could ever need, all the inspiration that will facilitate our living in wholeness. Right now that might be a leap of faith…but just do it…

Are there techniques?…you bet! But, let’s refrain from the great bulleted list that you will look at and probably not engage. No offense…I know the pattern as I wear it too…now and then. Let’s activate that inner wisdom and trust that we can also jump start that heart connection from the inside. It starts with attention. When you engage others do so from there. In conversation, go to the heart before you speak. Heartmath calls it coherence , that grace full alignment that reveals itself when you get there...a bit tricky…

Create conscious relationship with that heart space and let it reveal a deeper truth to you. Some say that the soul is in the heart as well. You know the song “Heart and soul, I fell in love with you” indeed!

The next actions will be somewhat fruitless unless you create relationship with the heart space and start to feel the sensations, the warmth, the connection, the guidance, the inspiration, the vision, the information, the Love…how will you be able to maintain the heartspace if you haven’t got there? Quit looking for the proper channels/exercises, trust your heart. It will give you the keys to your kingdom…go home…over and over and over…until the door opens and lets you in. Then we can talk…

Session Action Five:  Awakening the Heart