Grace is the spontaneous dispensation of Love upon you in the Now moment. It is neither a miracle or an accident. It is akin to Source feeding Herself. You, as a unique expression of Source are being reminded you are more than you allow. Consider Grace a jumpstart to remembering who you are. With six billion plus souls on the blessed Earth, imagine that each received Grace at least once each week. That is over 857 million dispensations a day, 35 million each hour, 595 thousand a minute, and 9,920 every second. That is some fast blessings…enough to keep any Celestial Source Being occupied.

According to this fantasy, you are four acts of grace each month. Can you recall what they were. Make some notes so you can remember. Life showed up for you in some unexpected and special ways to remind you of your worthiness and beauty and connection to Love. Really…make it up if you have to…but get something on paper. By now you know the power of an intentional jump start.

Humankind has been taught to suffer and see the down the road as borderline hopeless. In fact, the word hope is really a wimpy word. When the priests convinced the rank and file that they could not contact God directly , thereby needing an intermediary to make contact, we were all dealt a bowl of gruel (shit). The decorated the gruel (shit) with hints of an afterlife and sprinkled in the scoop of hope to keep people leaning into what they were told. Disempowered and basically indentured, but, you know, it just might be Ok someday (hope) if you do as I say…maybe…but then again, a little dough might make that hope so much more stronger, move it right up the Celestial search engine for top placement…

With the smokescreen came another wash of something called Grace. This was like the Holy Father guy patting the dog on the head and saying “good boy”. Here’s your dose of Grace! Now run along and leave me alone….

Grace has been transformed into miracles, thus diminishing their likelihood of occurring significantly…because, you know, only a few get real miracles delivered…and if you get one in your life then you must be pretty holy/special/lucky/blessed. I can see God in the yard right next to Lucy at her 5 cents a minute counseling stand with his “get yer miracles” booth all ready for the fortunate few who will pay with their re-subscribing to the doctrine of limitations, accompanied by your own steaming bowl of gruel (shit) to remind you that you aint no God, no priest, no Holy Man, no guru, no President, no CEO, no principle, no war lord, no dictator, no pimp…just a short lived human doing…just what I want you to do.

Yep…there’s your Grace…

Perhaps another track is needed here. Suppose Grace was everywhere present and always available to anyone who wanted to be reminded that they were and still are something special? Because, believe it or not, we are in a multi-dimensional world made just for us, our enjoyment, our survival, our thriving, our dining and dancing pleasure.

Grace reminds us what is possible. The “miracle healing” is something that you are capable of when you are fully integrated in your whole self using your in design skills. Your winning the lottery is the result of focused use of the Universal Laws of Divine Mind and Law of Attraction. Your “chance meeting” is a vibratory response to the magnetic capacity of your new frequency of being, derived from the inner work you have been doing.

Now I am not here to explain away the magic that miracles seem to toss about in most minds. I love that land, where anything is possible, where you get surprised by how generous life is and just how much Love is there for us all. That, my friend, is the design of this dimensional world and how we are made up to live. We have been mentally whitewashed for so long that we do not see our own magnificence nor take the time to peer behind the historical facades we have lived under for so very long. Grace is a beautiful idea, God smiling down on you…so sweet…but God has 6 billion souls to tend to. Why you? Is it just your day? Your turn? Kind of like the Highway patrolman who pulled me over out of the 6 car pack going 75 MPH…”It’s your turn”

Supposed the Grace you get was aligned with the Grace you give. Suppose showing up for another out of the blue is the catalyst for your own reciprocation? What if it all depends on how you see the world, your world? Could Grace filled moments be a reward for your observation skills? For your willingness to pay attention to your own precious moments of living? For your open heart and mind that affirms and celebrates the interconnected life?

How much Love is in your world? How kind are you to you? How tender are you when you need it? How generous are you to you? How kind are your words to your self?

How deserving are you? How nurturing are your personal beliefs? How much good will you allow? How flexible are you? How devoted are you to your own Comfort Zone? What holds you back? How much do you desire thriving in this life?

Grace assures that you are taken care of no matter what…even at the last minute. Do you have faith in Grace, that things always work out, that you get just what you need, that the moment arrives just for you, that you are fed on many levels with each breath?

So, how open are you? How willing are you to receive? How much are you willing to surrender the how to the Cosmos? Can you let life work for you and trust every minute? Are you ready to take the road less traveled? Are you willing to say yes? Are you willing to toss the words “what if”? Can you find peace in the middle of what appears as chaos? Can you flow with the unexpected?

Understanding that Grace may be a manufactured process does not mean that there is no awe in the workings of the Cosmos. It means that you are a major part in those workings and deserve to be in the comfort of the flow. When you get out of your own way, surrendering the beliefs and patterns that locked you in a form you receive the pure Love from the cosmos, because you are…because you can…because you are worthy by definition. The flow is always there. Sometimes you block your own access…we know what it is like to go without…been there…done that. Are you willing to taste the other side of that and never fear lack again? How are you with leaps of faith?

Use this action from Alan Cohen in his book, The Grace Factor,

Surrender_______________________(fill in name). Surrender to the love that wants to care for you in ways you cannot care for yourself. Surrender to people and forces that truly want to help you. Surrender to the worthiness you already own. Then precisely at the moment you give up complaining about being hungry and you recognize the vast sustenance in and around you, a fig from nowhere will touch your lips and you will be fed.

Do you see the face of God in everything? Do you allow time for you to dance your dance? When was the last time you sang your song? When was the last time you really played hard? How was your last mistake received by you?

You find Grace by engaging life and the current Earth playground in all its glory> With Grace in mind you start to seek it out. You see it in vignettes of natural beauty, in the play of light upon the sea shore, in the flight of the murmur of birds, in the clouds framing the morning sunrise, in the sound of two dogs bark-talking, in the cooperative flow of the traffic during a rush hour…get the picture. All life is special, a miracle, and deserves to be witnessed whole heartedly. Give your knowings to this precious moment and give life the gift of your devotion. Say yes to every invitation…why not. See what the bee will do if you do not swish him away in fear. Stand in the face of the wind and feel its sweeping caress as it literally clears debris from your auric field of energy bodies. Feel the rain upon your face. Negotiate with the mosquito on your arm. Thank the sun for its visit and invite him back tomorrow. Find the star with your name on it.

Give Grace to receive Grace. Make eye contact with strangers. Smile when you make a mistake. Ask for directions. Compliment someone out of the blue. Open a door for someone. Say excuse me when you walk in front of someone. Do a give away. Throw quarters on the sidewalk. Thank a tree for providing shade every day. Pay homage to the insect world in some way. Pick up a rock and tell it a story. Then ask it to pass it on….just tell me where to put you down. Walk until you find the spot.

Grace is trust. It is flow. It is know that you are taken care of. It is being there for you…and others. It is seeing the gift the sky brings in that moment. It is stopping to hear the song of the hawk. It is stepping back from a challenge. It is ease. It is solution. It is the diverted journey. It is the letting go. It is the starting over. It is the walking away. It is the giving attention to the heart space. It is in saying no…yes…maybe…I don’t know. It is offering no resistance. It is following guidance. It is a deep breath. It is a moment of silence. It is a hug. Grace is a phrase like take what you have and make what you want…

Grace sees you as whole and perfect. Grace claims abundance and delivers.  Grace says I Am Enough. Grace reminds you:

I am whole, complete, loveable, powerful, solvent, and wealthy just as I am. I have infinite resources to do all I need to do when I need to do it. I live under the Law of Grace. Abundance is my natural state. God doesn’t owe and neither do I…

Grace invites you to shift your vantage point, throw out the manual, follow that first hunch, let the old ways die, change. Grace looks for the gift in the moment, the light in the distance, last train out of here. It sees a rainbow in everyone, the face in the clouds, the best way to not go, the real reason for believing, the heart that is open, the moment that is ready, the sudden shift in perspective,

You are in constant relationship with Grace as you are the unique expression of Source in action. It is only a matter of choosing to access that Grace. Be not surprised by the flow of life to you, through you, and from you. You are an essential element of the All That Is. Everything always works out. Know that…always, and in all ways. Reflect back on moments when you, in the middle of the terrible whatever,  saw no way out. Look from where you are now. Every one of those worked out and brought you intact and amplified and vibrationally amplified to the glory of this now moment. Celebrate the inevitability your life always working out. Trust and move forth with that knowing to bless the steps you take and attract all the players needed to make manifest the once upon a time.

You are Grace in alignment. You are the receiver of Grace. You are the giver of Grace. That is all you need to know.

Grace flow through me lift me up

Oh carry me away

To the world of Pure Delight

Where I shall strengthen

All that’s True and Good in every way

 I will      I will Thy Will
 Thy Will be done

C. 2004. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights reserved.

Session Action Four: Grace