The reawakening, the recalibration, the evolution…call it what you want. The Multiverse is expanding and much of it is growing in frequency, eliciting/forcing change upon the living ones in its regional care. The Earth, according to a new book, A Course in Mastering Alchemy, is one of only 12 planets in the entire Cosmos where the Christ matrix is manifesting into form. Not since Jesus roamed the planet has that been the case. You want to discuss the return of Jesus, or, The Christ…well, here it is, in you and in me.

The Christed matrix is pure Love in action, no exceptions. Now, as you can imagine, this requires an adjustment period here on Earth. Some of the planets where this is in action have already fallen in consciousness while others have not, and others will not, allowing a smooth transition into this Love force in form. To fall in consciousness is to allow the progression of free will choice to wash over the Source design…simply for the sake of the experience, for, as you can recall from the Celestial Design sub topic above, Source is all about experiencing the new through you and me and the rest of life. So we, essentially, have the run of the playground. The cost of such action is that there is a reduction in frequency vibration the farther one moves from the Source directive in the original design. Though the freedom and choices are exciting, alluring, and even addictive, the cost is that pure Love becomes compromised as a frequency. Actions become more about me as opposed to us. This “fall” from higher frequency consciousness has brought things to the form that they are, vast confusion and individuality of every permutation doing a personal dance that has lowered the collective frequency.

Fortunately, the Celestial wisdom put in a fail safe where the energetics and vibratory forms/actions cannot go below…because of the impact upon the whole. Each being hits the lowest frequency of experimentation and then starts to wake up to the design. Can you say Earth and humanity in 1987? We have received the wake up call, one and all. The diversion has been pure delight…at quite the cost. The third dimension is the lowest the energy can go. This is a restrictive zone immersed in fear, separation, linear time, duality, rational mind. It’s just the way it is. We call it home…but it might as well just be called what it is a temporary prison. Everything here is conditional, steeped in limited possibility, influenced mightily by the collective mass consciousness tenets.

The higher call is coming from the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions. The higher frequency qualities are only available in these dimensions and beyond. We are currently dancing in the third and fourth. That is why so many new perspectives that seem too good to be true are revealing themselves. And, unfortunately, the programmed humans will see this as fantasy for awhile, as long as it takes for the old debris and unprocessed emotional sewage to cleanse and clear, allowing the higher frequency thoughts that lead to informed living to form as beliefs. Be patient, grasshopper…

Suffice it to say that everything we are not is being cleared away by the Celestial Love wake up wash. To enter the Fourth Dimension one must be baptized clean of the debris, the misinformation, and the devotion to lower frequency living. Are you beginning to see how some of the sacred books, i.e. Bible, are pointing in the direction, but are so manipulated and infused with the humanization of God, that the real Truths are steeped in “code”. Fascinating…

The Pure Love frequency is simply not available in the third dimension. Love here is a country western song extravaganza dripping with poor me and can’t live without you and I’m not worthy drama. It is a sham , oscillating, posing as the real thing…no wonder there is little that lasts. The fourth dimensional bleed through influence brings in vibrational teasers that give us the taste of something fine…enough to pull us along like the donkey and the carrot before him. It is as if we know there is something different, better, expansive but just cannot grasp it for any sustained period. That is shifting through vibrational recalibration. The clearer you get the better the wine…Love, in its purest form is calling.

Third dimensional love is rigid, conditional, restrictive, and reactive while fourth dimensional Love is open-ended, fluid, expansive, radiant, and powerful. It is endless beauty. It is what is underneath form and what breathes life into the living. It is creation in action. Not just good sex, it is a sustained orgasmic experience that reminds you from whence you have derived and what you are made of.It is the altar of joy, felt on many levels viscerally and in the very energetic bodies to which we have lost touch, for now. It is sweeping and consuming and well worth the effort in reawakening the knowing to call forth the sweetness that forever quenches thirst.

So, how can I have what she is having? By doing your inner work, sustaining the solid intention to remember who you are. At the same time you can begin to taste the Higher Love and bring it into your third dimensional moments to feed the fire and usher along the inevitable transformation. To this end, I offer a few tools.

Heart focus

The heart center is your new living zone. From it you can service your moments through an expanding understanding and experience of Love. Simply bring your attention to the heart area at the center of your chest/sternum. Breathe into it and notice how attention begins to stir the expanding awareness. For now, bring your attention there often. In moments that seem too full, when you have a situation, when a decision must be made, when you see beauty, when you fell sad,,,awareness and attention and observation…for now. We will explore more deeply in the Awakened Heart actions 5 and 6.

Step off the relationship train

By now you have done enough relationships that seem the same, running old familiar patterns onto new faces with the same results. It is obvious that there is a loop running. After a while we begin to think the repeating pattern is who we are, who we are destined to be, or even, who we do not want to be. Relationships, as we shall learn when we immerse ourselves in them in Block 3 Session 16, Living in Connected Relationship with All of Life, must grow up. This is done by casting adrift the patterns that brought the same old results. We likely play out what we learned in our early years. We likely determine self worth by how much we are “loved” by others, by our mates. We likely hold back our love for fear of “getting hurt”. We likely are weak at self love, choosing fault finding and self abuse as our love games. Enough! This is third dimension 101. It is not who you are and not what you are becoming through reawakening.

Start looking at the relationships in your life. Delineate by those that affirm you and those that don’t . Start off by sending a “Dear John” letter to those that do not. Set them free of the dynamic that has overtaken the interfacing between the two of you. Start there…more to come.

Intentionally practice seeing love everywhere

Universal Law assures that we attract what we give our attention to. Start to look for beauty and flow. Notice it and affirm its existence. Then give gratitude for it being there. Say “I love you” a lot to life, to you, to strangers, to nature, to music, to breath, to information… begin to infuse into being the understanding and knowing that Love is the foundational makeup. Begin to experience that when you place love first, things go more smoothly. Start looking for love in all the right places…which is everywhere. Everything and everyone deserves Love and is lovable, despite what they have done in a moment of living. Expand into the Big Love that embraces and activates the Whole Body connection to Source.

Call for assistance

Consider that, honestly, you are a neophyte when it comes to love. Never been taught about Real Pure Love. Never seen it in action, unless in the fourth dimensional dream state. Ever want to get back to a special dream? Consider an energetic counterpart already in the fourth and fifth dimensions. Call upon them to feed you more about Love. Teach you about how it works. Bring you opportunities to be more loving to self and others. Be grateful for that help. Keep asking and keep receiving. You will be doing mighty work here…


Practice giving and receiving Love in all ways

Reframe self imposed exile

Broken love in the third dimension leaves us in a wounded and hopeless state, often isolated and alone, hesitant to interface with others, with life. SO be it. The sick animal finds a place to heal…trouble is that we have learned to be professional whiners in the poor me dance. We play up losses and feel sorry for ourselves, seeking allies who will commiserate and remind us that we are lovable and that all will be OK. Just wounded children seeking an adult who will be there for them…so be it. Be there for yourself. Begin to dialog with your child self and listen to her hurts. Tell him all will be Ok and that you will always be there. You might be surprised how much personal witnessing of the child can alter the inner and outer landscapes. Reframe the need to isolate. Purposely seek humans and human interaction. Be spontaneous before your patterns have a time to work their “magic”. We do not have to proisoners of our own devices. That is just an eddy in the stream…flood it with Love and free it to experience an expanded life. Why not?!

Quit wishin’ and a hopin’

Dusty Sprinfield had a great song in ‘63 but it is not a directive on how to do relationship. In fact it is the opposite. Wishin and hopin that the perfect mate to complement you will arrive at your bidding is an exercise in likely futility. Sure, anything is possible, but why not be proactive in seeking life through intentional experience. The idea of pain and getting hurt is just the reminder of what has not been fully processed and released from the past. Let that go and stand fresh with each new person you meet. Have you asked the Universe for some assistance. Have you fleshed out your order for the perfect mate? Well? There is work to be done here…

Be Love

One way to immerse yourself in the life of expanding Love is to be that Love in all you think, say, or do. I have a song that is very popular with the youth.

Be Love See Love (3x)

If you want to be Love you got to see Love
If you want to see Love you got to be Love (3x)

There ain’t no other way, mon (5 x)

So say, Jah….Jah! Jah! Jah!

Der ain’t no udder way, mon…

So, get loving. Start with you and let it blossom. The past results do not determine the future…unless you make it so by choosing the familiar. Knowing that Real Love is being blessed upon you in growing doses might give you the motivation to start living as if…just sayin’!

Session Action One: Love