Contact and Guidance

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Developing Asking and Receiving Skills
  2. Higher Self Relationship
  3. Personal Guides relationship
  4. Angelic Realm Relationship
  5. Archangel Relationship
  6. Ascended Masters Relationship
  7. Earth Resources

The historical doctrine that we are alone in need of a mediator to connect with the Higher Power is simply nonsense. It is time to open to access of the the Cosmic resources. Learning to listen and to interact with your spirit realm as well as the Earthly realm is a key part of the new times.

Personal Care and Empowerment

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Reconnecting with the Original Design
  2. The Expanded Body Energetic System
  3. Filling Basic Needs
  4. Clearing and Emotions
  5. Necessary and Expansive Re-Education
  6. Empowerment Experiences
  7. Active Application and Celebration

Since we are in the Third Dimension physical plane of Duality we must address the make up of the body, the incarnational vehicle. Each topic will explore elements that we shall be invited to and learn to rely upon in engaging and responding to our moments of living. In the spirit of the course intent to put the reclaimed design into action immediately, specific exercises will be provided to apply the learning to see what will happen.

Though these topics may appear to be off session topic, it is the intent to learn skills as we are showered with new information, making this a highly effective and useful experiential journey.

Expanding New Life Skills

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. The Mind and Thinking
  2. Inner Reconnection with Intuition
  3. Expanding the Mind-Body Inter-relationship
  4. Accessing Higher Frequency Tools for Living
  5. Manifesting Abundance
  6. Vibrational Tools and Care
  7. Exploring and Opening the Nature Connection

The skills of the Piscean times served that vibration and those limitations. We, honestly, were never given permission to thrive. Even if we were, the doctrine of limitation was so imbedded that we would have likely fallen short of accessing the skills of our true design. And now things are different. As the vibration raises, so do the level of skills. By activating trust and a willingness to take action at the point of guidance we are revealing long hidden talents that expand the panorama of life. This section is about reawakening hidden talents and putting them into action just to see what happens. These are, indeed, frontier times. Saddle up, partner!

Embracing and Integrating the
World Community

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Family
  2. Community
  3. Race
  4. Religion
  5. Education
  6. Business
  7. Politics

So much of this new vibration Aquarian Age is about integrating with the Oneness that is the true Celestial Design. As we reclaim our balanced and empowered center we are given endless opportunity to interface with all of the forms of life, particularly in the human relationship realm. Service is a key domain where we learn to honor and respect others with compassion, empathy, and open heartedness. We require a lot of practice in these fledgling transformational times…

Celestial Design

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Source
  2. Cosmic Framework
  3. Multi-Dimensionality
  4. The Now Factor
  5. The Greater Purpose
  6. Continuity of Life
  7. TBA

Praise Science Fiction for keeping wonder, imagination, and fantasy alive long enough for evolution to catch up. It is imperative that we explore the nature of the Cosmos and see just how it is a love based vibration that is set up for life. Our playground expands as we step out of the learned boundaries to move and experience in all directions. In these section we boldly go where no conscious human has gone before…just to see what it is like,

all is God, that all is made of the same Source as you, and that all has been living in an altered reality, manipulated and measured to keep you distracted and distant from your knowing of the true you. So be it. From that place you ease into the multi-dimensionality of the moment and experience it in a wide variety of ways. No longer invested in fear, drama, projection, control, and winning, you are free to allow Love to be your deep response and experience.

And, regarding your implants, they will reveal themselves to you at a space regulated by your own Higher Self and your openness and willingness to expand into your fullness. From the old vibration it is a challenge to become aware of these implants and then articulate them with any sense of believability, let alone open them up. Step by step we go. Use the established ones first. Open those six following the suggested process and pay attention. Clues will come…guaranteed. The more you seek the more you will find. Remember to play…open to the memories of the unfettered child and allow that frequency to assist you. Overthinking is the strongest roadblock to your remembering. Trust that something is happening even though you do not yet see or get it. Move in good faith and call for help. Again, play with it…for there are no negative consequences here for mistakes, mis interpretation, wrong roads, or WTF’s. Everything is simply information that assists you in responding to the what is and then making adjustments, setting new intentions, and taking informed action…to simply sees what happens.

You are assisted mightily here, in the seen and the unseen, in the inside and from the outside. Start calling for help, using what is and has always been available to you. Expand…be impulsive and spontaneous. The old ways and beliefs and entrenched patterns are a bit insidious. Fearing annihilation, they dig in and divert and resist. It is simply what you bought into in its death throes, so to speak. Leaving it behind is easier than you think. Do it once and then know that you have burst over and through a critical threshold.

Here are some phrases that have just come through from, The Book of Truth, The Mastery Trilogy, Part 2, by Paul Selig. They will assist you mightily in shifting resistance, mostly on a deep level of awareness that might not make sense…yet. Speak these aloud…a lot.

  1. I Am here, I Am here, I Am here
  2. I know who I Am in truth. I know what I Am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I Am here. I Am here. I Am here.
  3. In truth I Am. I Am in Truth. In truth I know. I know in truth. In truth I have my being. I Am here. I Am here. I Am here.
  4. I Am Word through my body. Word I Am Word. I Am Word through my vibration. Word I Am Word. I Am Word through my knowing of myself as Word. Word I Am Word.

Session Action

Engaging the New Children

Session Action

Locating Your Personal Implants

Session Action

Your Personal ConsciousnessTimeline

Session Action

Your Personal Litany of Skinned Knees and Broken Bones

Session Action

Making Peace with Your Piscean Past

Session Action

Spreading the Energetic Word

Session Action

Some New Aquarian Duds

Session Action

How Much Good Will You Allow

NEW   The real movement has begun. The new paradigms have been postulated and they are being spoken and considered by you. In your openness you are allowing your own inner guidance as to what you will allow as your personal truth. And this is in alignment with your right as spiritual human being. You must choose and discern how you walk your moments, how you express your truth, how you flow and unite with life. I encourage you to move to make this work, at minimum, a regular part of your daily actions. Repetition is the primary element of inner transformation of old programs, beliefs, and paradigms. Repetition not only replaces the sub conscious tenets, but it also calls forth the aligned vibration to you so that the forms of your moments reflect your choices accurately…and inspirationally.

Your capacities are so significant and universal law is so reliable that you are allowed to progress as you see fit. I remind that every step taken raises the magnetic frequency that then will attract the next higher vibrational form, be that person, idea, thing, or experience. The more you receive then the more there is to receive. You can shift as quickly as you are willing to choose. Of course, the forms of your moments of living are changing. And, yes, that may be unnerving and disturbing, but the truth of you knows and trusts the flowing forms and what is coming. Thus you can stand in the fire and allow the consumption of that which no longer serves you and rise from those ashes, exponentially awakened and expanded.

Perhaps the concern is that you may become dysfunctional to the life you now participate in with all the accoutrements. Truth is that an expanded, awakened being integrates more fluidly to the forms of the moment. Free from the energetic debris that steered your reaction to life, you can flow in the moments allowing the greater wisdom to wash through all involved. Witnessing the moments is a full bodied investment in clarity, understanding, and compassion. You will be different in that you will see the beauty in all forms of your moments as well as oneness that accompanies the knowing that

This is the Now that golden moment  

reach out to take it  it’s time you own it
Into your heart now saturate it  

with Grace and Love  new life created
We were born to be here in this time to realign with Divine Mind
To take the Light  burn it bright reignite in Love’s Delight
To live the life of wonderment

with open eyes and clear intent to Be
A New World, Mark Stanton Welch 2012



























Message of the Week



The Awakened
Medicine Bag

Spoken Words
of  Power



If the only prayer you said in your life was “Thank you”, that would suffice

Meister Eckhart

Session Song
A Better Time, from CD, Trust Your Vibes
click to access lyrics

Living As If Already Whole Blog Access Point

Foundation Truths

Celestial Truths in these Now Age Times


The Amazing Human Body   I   Navigating Transitions   I   Leaving the Comfort Zone   I   The Daily Restart
Get Moving Now   I   Inner Communication in the SIlence    

Course Bibliography

An  Ongoing
Variety of

Activating the Implants

 Access Course Launch Point

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 More Empowering and Activating Statements of Truth

 Session Application Continued