Your design contradicts your beliefs (your programming). You are an unlimited being, a unique expression frequency of the Source, eternal, multidimensional and with working knowledge of the design, workings, and expanse of the Cosmos. But for over thousands of years you basically forgot, except when you revisited home in between incarnations and did your evolutionary reset, swapping stories , and setting new intentions for the next adventure.

Things have changed. You are no longer forgetting. For almost 30 years you and humanity and the Earth herself have been recalibrating. You have been spiraling into the reawakening and the remembering, moving ever closer to conscious reactivation of you.

Any belief in your lack of value or worth is an investment in untruth and a colossal waste of time. As a spiritual being having a human experience you immediately bypass the misinformation and activate the cellular knowing of your flawless magnificence, regardless of what happens during your incarnation.

What is unfolding is the knowing of the double life, the parallel life, the simultaneous life of you as spirit and you as flesh experiencing a special journey in the third dimensional earth plane…soon to become the 4th dimensional Earth Plane. Are you ready for this?

In many ways it does not matter. It is happening anyway. The more you open the heart and surrender to this flow the more quickly you transform into YOU.Of course you have choice. Yes, you can throw a cog in the whole thing and cling to your comfort zone surrounded by your testimonials of less than.  You can polish your trophies of almost made it and shouldda-couldda-wouldda while you stare out the bars of your cell watching the big life go by. Yep, you can call that scenario back any time you choose. That’s the deal here…free will.

But, why would you? You have touched the hem of the garment and felt the expanse that lit you up like a firework and there is no forgetting that feeling, those sensations, the visions. It is time…

It is time to reactivate the true essence of you. Perhaps this will intrigue you

I love myself absolutely
I gift myself everything Life has intended for me
I rise into the glory of the Divine Self daily
Anchoring Heaven on Earth as blessings flow forth in and through me.
I Am grateful for this physical vessel that gifts my Spirit its life on Earth.
Daily I tend it lovingly, maintaining perfect Radiant Health on every level
I love to take great care of myself
Self Loving and Self Nurturing my keynote
I blossom fully and realize a Higher Destiny,
Gifting myself everything I need to actualize my Greatest Potential.
I emerge, my Eternal Immortal Self, recalibrated to the Divine Matrix.
The Diamond Light of Love radiates from my center, touching all who step into my field.
I affect positive change on the planet effortlessly as I Am completely
My Divine Self.
I have great PEACE, knowing the wondrous change taking place on Earth. Many around me are also being recalibrated to a higher frequency and way of being.
Together new form a collective on Earth, Vessels of Great LIGHT,
Majestic Beings who came to fulfill a high and Holy Purpose. The transformation occurs at the molecular level, shifting everything in our reality to Divine Intention. Lives are changing, I am continuously changing, becoming more radiant, more youthful and alive, passionate about life and living in what is known as the Free Zone above Earthly karma and travail.
     —The Sacred Alchemist,  by Aurora Julia Ariel, PhD

Read this through regularly for awhile. Get used to the ideas. Make changes as you are inspired.

Give this one some time as well:

 Mastery Invocation from Zau Kai Ran

Your mastery from all of your thousands of lifetimes, sits above your head in your Soul Star Chakra. It is waiting for you to remember it and recall it. It is waiting for your body to be sufficiently prepared and opened for its embodiment. It is time to remember All That You Are.


By Divine Decree, Under the Law of Grace and Love and in accordance with Divine Will, In the Name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is and my own Divine I-AM-God- Goddess-Presence,

I call upon my Mastery that I have accumulated in my soul, from all of my lifetimes, past, present and future, across space, time and dimension, to return to me now and to be embodied here and now, with Grace and Ease, for the activation of my Divine Mission and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth.

And I ask for these masterful abilities and Divine Functioning to be embodied easily and gracefully and all elements hindering this mastery be released to the light, all necessary DNA to be aligned and brought to full function, all channels to be opened, and all vows, agreements and contracts rescinded, broken and released to the light. So that the power of that can be manifested fully in my experience.

And so it is!

—The Ascension Manual, by Zau Kai Ram

You are more than you have allowed. Becoming aware starts the reawakening. These statements kick it into higher vibration. Now live as if you never questioned your worth. Show up, be fully present to that which is before you. Move forth without hesitation or fear. Interface with life every chance you get. Be compassionate to self and others. You get the picture…be You! You really do know what you are doing…

Session Action Six: Activating Self Worth