I am enjoying how the flow is inserting itself into these sessions. I am given a topic or title and I wait for inspiration. I regularly check Amazon for new releases that may provide information. These are typically just published and I am growing in trust that there will be a study flow of just what I can use at just the right time. Thank you Cosmos.

This book by Paul Selig is about claiming the truth of who we are. Sound familiar? He has a host of Celestial beings he channels. They are dictating the books. I believe I heard him once going North on Coast to Coast Radio with George Norey. Paul was doing live channeling. In the early days with the channels who populated the California Lemurian corridor from Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara they had names like Mafu, Bartholemew, and Ramtha, and were prone to physical gyrations and affected voices that made it a challenging listen (seemed theatrical and fake…but the information was powerful and accurate and resonated). Kryon recently gave light to that process in the early days in that the vibration of the channeler was lower and it took a great deal of effort to let the channeled entity clear the space to move through them. 30 years have raised the vibration enough to make it much more fluid, though some channels who have been around the block a few times, still rely on the irritating voice…) Paul’s channeled voice is with an English accent and a higher pitch. He also says softly what he is going to say just before he shares it more loudly. Really? Is that necessary? I grew weary listening so I read his books. Probably I have some work and clearing to do so I can reclaim neutrality…

I am including some direct quotes given by the beings through him. Right now I have not secured permission but I will as this all goes to print at some point in the year. I invite you to speak these out loud on a daily basis. Yes, add it to the foundational statements and celestial truths. The voice is being accessed quickly to clear debris. Words of Light will clear the old and transform the beliefs and patterns that no longer serve…to be replaced by the higher frequency words you are speaking. Be the participant and the observer. You are creating the inner space so the true you, the seemingly new you, can rise up and out.

“The ones we see before us, in awareness or unawareness of what they truly are, the Divine Beings that they truly are, are stepping forward to be claimed in resonance with truth. And as they agree to this, they are called forth to align to the higher nature of all things made manifest. As they lift their world, their world is healed. As their world is healed, the celebration echoes throughout the atmosphere to all nature, to all things, into infinity. We know who you are in truth. We know what you are in truth. We know how you serve in truth.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 23). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“On this day I claim that all I may know may be in truth, that all I may see may be in truth, and all I may experience will be in truth. And as I agree to this, I claim truth in all I see, in all I know, and in every word I speak. I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am here. I am here. I am here.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 53). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“In my knowing, I align to my truth, and I lift my hands to be taken so that I may be lifted to the higher octave that is present now by my agreement. And as I allow myself to be lifted, I give my consent to support my world as it undergoes change. And as I accept this, I have faith in my being that the truth of who and what I am will keep me steady and knowing of my worth as a Divine Being in spite of all appearances, all claims, all fears that may be lifted to be witnessed as they are transformed. In my agreement, I say my name, ‘I know who I am in truth, I know what I am in truth, I know how I serve in truth, I am here, I am here, I am here.’ And as I say this, the song of my being claims me as the one who has said ‘yes’ to the journey she says ‘yes’ to in truth.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 85). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“On this day I claim that I give agreement to perceive a new world, and that the investments I have made in what things were is being released for me by the Divine Self I know myself as and all the support that is present for me as an initiate on this wondrous journey. The claim that I make now is being imprinted in my field for the purpose of remembrance. As I remember who I am in totality, I give every aspect of my life permission to reflect the Divine truth that I know is in all. I say these words of my own free will, and as I say them, I say ‘yes’ to all that may meet me, all I may know, and all I will witness in Divine truth. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 88). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“On this day I claim that the truth of my being in every cell of my body or my field will be reborn and reknown and realized in Divine truth so that the expression of my being may be the field of truth, and that the field of truth will claim me in agreement with a world of equal vibration. I set this intention of my own free will and in alignment to the truth of all mankind and its ability to reclaim its own Divine nature. I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am here. I am here. I am here.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (pp. 109-110). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“On this day I choose to know what I am as truth. And as I say these words, I give permission to the body I hold to be made manifest in accordance with this name. I am in truth. I am in the current of truth. And all I see is in agreement to truth. I know who I am. I know what I am. I know how I serve. I am here in truth. I am here as truth. In truth I have my being.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 134). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

“I see a new world before me. I see what was made in form being reclaimed in truth and aligned to the Source of all that is. And in this witnessing, I claim the song of love that all men may know what they are and love themselves and their fellows in the knowing of their truth. I say these words of my own free will. I am in change. I am changed as truth rises in me and resurrects all I witness in its name. I am here. I am here. I am here.”
Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (pp. 173-174). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Use these and see what unfolds. They are accessing a potent inner and outer resource in symbiosis. You deserve nothing less… repetition, out loud, often over the next three weeks. We are clearing out and replacing.

More Empowering and Activating  Statements of Truths