The Earth is alive and in profound symbiotic relationship with humans. Spending time in her arms serves to clear, cleanse, and amplify your whole being. You simply must find a way to get your bare feet on the Earth. This is non-negotiable. The more the better…

The living planet, Gaia, has been manifested and formed to support humans on all levels. The way she is designed to provide all a human needs to thrive is beyond remarkable. The energetic system of the Earth is set to not only support her evolution but also interface with you and me on multiple levels.

Much like our own energetic meridian system which delivers life force, chi, to the organs and interface with the chakras, so, too, does the Earth have meridians that run energetic frequencies. These intersection points are often power spots where high frequency energy abounds. Many natural sacred spots, Mt. Shasta, Ayers Rock, Mt. Kilimanjaro, to name a few, as well as man made cathedrals and temples are located on these grid point intersections. Even in your own area there are intersection points that can support your vibration. Find them buy using your inner guidance and developing trust muscles.

The Earth has a Crystal Grid system as well, again interfacing with humans. This 4th dimensional grid functions as a record keeper for human interaction. It holds energetic memory of human events in location making them available at any time. Every incarnate that has ever been and shall ever be has a record keeper crystal that charts the experiences of each incarnation. Upon arrival in body we can interface to download the information about ourselves. The access point is contained in Layer Eight of the expanded 12 strand DNA that is an unfolding part of this current awakening. We can now learn to access this treasure  consciously when we choose (more to come).

Earth also serves to reflect the state of humanity in her ever changing form. Weather changes can be reflections of humanity’s collective inner vibration. The frequency of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, or any cataclysmic event can be aligned to how the collective views itself as well as the amount of toxic energetic debris held. We simply do not realize the depth of the loving connection the Earth provides for humanity. When that is understood, the Earth abuse will shift dramatically.

Water cleanses, rocks ground and amplify vibrations (they are also individual message keepers for you), wind clears the auric bodies, the sun delivers life as well as daily codings to the cells, fire transforms,. Plants create atmosphere and heal whatever ails you. They feed us and sustain our lives as a higher vibration food source. Animals provide companionship, are a conscious food source (to be honored, respected, and acknowledged), and also function as totem messengers. Whales and other cetaceans are keepers of the greater wisdom, a plug in when we forget who we are and the bigger picture.

We shall explore all this and more in the 4th session of Block One. For now be open to expanding your relationship with the natural world. Spend time in her. Seek her support and guidance. Find power places where you can get recharged. Make the Earth a critical and regular part of your daily life. We must heal the relationship between Gaia and humanity. Our survival depends on it…There is so much more to come…

Session Action Two: Deepening the Connection  with Nature