Several resources have referred to the New Human that is making a profound presence in this magnificent time of change. It is primarily an inside job as it is an inner revelation of templates and  cellular memories and implants that are revealing you to you. Please read through the section below in the row of 8 titled, Locating the Implants, before you continue with this section.

Just I was in research for this information I received a new Kryon book, The New Human, which contained some relevant information about new attributes of humans showing up as the vibration raises. I wanted to share briefly some of that information as it aligns with the idea of implants, or information planted within to be called upon when the frequency key was possessed (in other words, you reached an awareness level that would be able to contain the information vibe). There are 7 attributes that will start to appear. (Even bringing them up is likely a tool to hasten the revelation).

  1. Attribute One: The Human Relationship with God.
    This is a foundational element that must be clear to move onward. Religions have basically steered us far from the truth. There is no need to dig into why…you know it. Let’s just establish what is necessary to trigger your own clarification and relationship with Source. Humans have made God in their image and thus given him emotions and behaviors that are human. Thus a vengeful God who loves you makes sense…in the old way. This God is like a dysfunctional parent. Thus, it is easy to manipulate the masses because in many ways it ties right into the many, many unresolved childhood wounds that pepper most of us. Trigger the wounds and then force a solution. The white wash phrase, “That’s just human nature” is another manipulative tool to underscore that we, as humans, are faulty and there is not a thing that can be done about it. Hogwash!

    From Kryon, “ The Nature of God is pure. It fills every molecule of the atmosphere of this planet with love. It is as our as anything you can ever imagine. It is beyond anything that you can conceive of, in its benevolence and its care for you. Spirit sees you as family, temporarily on the planet coming back. God does not feature punishment___ever! This is a human concept. God does not have human attributes of anger or disappointment. God does not have low consciousness or argue with itself. God is not dysfunctional. You are!That’s old human nature and that’s about to change and become more God-like”

    We are realizing that the God of the Universe is inside you and the hand of God is before you waiting for you to take it. As you grow higher vibrationally you so too will your DNA evolve to increase the awareness of God in you…expressing compassion, benevolence and wisdom. The New Human will know God, relate to it, and not be apart.
  2. Attribute Two: Awareness of Self
    Most of life before now has been about surviving. Learning to compromise self to be normal and fit in is really no truthful awareness of who you really are. The New Human knows that she deserves to be born, to be here, to thrive, and to celebrate the Source. He has done nothing wrong. She made choices and that is what the dimension is designed for. That is how you evolve and learn. There is no punishment so you are invited to forgive yourself because God does not need to. Earth life is not a test, it is an experience you choose. You are not here to suffer or make amends. You simply must remember that you are Love and God is in you, not separate. Knowing this will allow you to stay in high vibration choices because anything of lower nature is unacceptable to the frequency of Love. So relax and enjoy the privilege of being you in spirit as a human physical form…for now. Be compassionate and caring. That is all that is really required (encouraged…for you do have choice).
  3. Attribute Three: Changes within the Compassion of Humanity
    As more Light floods the planet humanity will experience sweeping changes. The injustices and the hidden treatments of our brethren will all be brought to the Light. And in that Light, you and I will be forced to face the big picture of our human connection…that we are not separate and thus we cannot turn away from one another's current challenges. The new vibration directs us to compassionate action to find solutions for the issues of humans living together. Thinking and living compassionately will birth new solutions outside the box that were not considered in the old vibration of isolation and me for myself living. Fear of others will diminish and disappear. With hearts open the New Human is invested in serving humanity. Compassion for self will insure nurturing self care that will open hearts to the presence of unconditional love for another. Namaste!
  4. Attribute Four: Integration of the Shift
    The shift has forced us all to step up and get clear, if we choose. The increasing Light has presented us with an accurate picture of self and humanity and we are in a a turbulent limbo land between what was comfortable and what is right within our hearts. Change is afoot like a stampede. There is much social, political, and religious resistance to this powerful change and it forces itself right in our face…as a Light Worker who is an old Soul you are seeing the first major waves of all your years and even lifetimes of work. And, yet, you are so tired…

    Everything around you, all the forms, are a massive correction of the balance between dark and light. The world of anger, hatred, and frustration, those cornerstones of civilization, are purposefully disintegrating…can you handle it? Those old friends that so easily gave drama and a feeling of power to your otherwise mundane normal life…Can you live without them and integrate the sweeping nature of this timely shift? You are designed and equipped to do so. And, still, you have choice. Choose from the heart, and then see the high frequency result of the new life as the New Human.
  5. Attribute Five, Six and Seven: Relationships, Earth Energy, Ancestral Energy
    Kryon put these together because they interweave and influence one another. In the New Human we are in relationship with life consciously. How do you attend to that? Are you open to the depth of expanded relationships that we have by design? Or do you hold your relationships close to the vest and engage just a few, while passing on the many that are actually a part of your day to day comings and goings. How much do you rely on this life for inspiration, ignoring the Akash and all those past and future lives for resources, information, and skills?

    The New Human flows with all of this. Are you open to your star connections and the lifetimes you had in far away places and do you want to access those memories and information and skills as well? Can you be comfortable with your starseed connections, knowing that you are even in Unity with Creative Source? Where do your eyes go when you look up at the stars at night? The Pleiades? Andromeda? Orion? Another constellation? Does it seem so familiar like it’s calling you home?

    And what about your relationship with Earth? Are you comfortable knowing that your complete record of Earth incarnations is contained in your own record crystal that is contained in dimensional fabrics within the Earth herself? Do you resonate with the Crystalline Grid of Gaia that contains an energetic memory of human events in specific locations? Do you realize that the Earth reflects the mass consciousness of humanity at any given moment in weather, phenomena, events? How do you feel if the Earth events were happening to create openings for your own DNA expansion, all part of a cooperative effort to wake you up? Do you talk to Gaia? To the Earth creatures? To the stars? To your guides? To your ancestors? Do you call upon your own ancestors for information, history, skills?

    How much do you believe about the real nature of the Cosmos? Are you willing to step out of the known and dance in the unknown with the same level of willingness and confidence that you apply to the norm? How much faith do you have in the existence of God within you? Can you embrace the level of equality that implies? The amount of power you are blessed with? The incredible depth of love and compassion you are capable of?

    All of this and so much more is contained in your esoteric blueprint that is constantly surrounding you? Would you be willing to call upon it? Interface with it? Consult with it? Trust it to feed you the wisdom of you? This is what you are being asked to release within you…your trust in the revealing forms of the New Human, far outside the limited view of the Piscean human. This is what is arriving as we speak. The truth has been implanted in you at the incarnational point. Raise your awareness and thought frequency to reach the energetic codes that will feed you the New. It is all in your hands…your choice…

Activating the Implants

You were asked to play with the idea of locating the implant locations within you. Did you? If not then take a moment and ask for them? Take the first thought and make a list of where those that are ready to open are located.

Go to them one by one. Feel into the location. See if you can grab a sense of its energy. Give it a geometric shape and a color. Spend some time infusing the shape and color into the location of the implant. Now breathe into it the number of times you are guided to do.

Speak your birth name seven times to call forth the original I Am That I Am Living As Me Template to be active (even though it always is). Bring your focus to the location, shape and color of the implant. Speak the following words or an equivalent that you create:

I Am here now. I Am connected to Source and claim all the knowing that that entails. I affirm my commitment to nurture and maintain my frequency at all times, allowing the raising of it to flow with the release of the implant information and material. I am safe on all levels and in all my energy bodies to now allow the release of this material into my True Self. In so doing I call for the integration of it to suit my own vibration, seeding and feeding the I Am As Me to expand fully in a manner that is flowing, comfortable, and transformational. I am so blessed and so grateful…and so it is

Take some time to allow and experience the opening. You may feel something or not. Pay attention and be the observer. Get outside if you can and take a walk. Notice how your senses are functioning. Notice your thoughts. Notice your surroundings.

Perform this sequence for as many on your list as you desire, though I would put a cap on no more than three per day. There is a lot going on here and you want to be able to fully integrate the nuances of the directive. From the point of the opening I support you in having faith, trust, and confidence that something important has happened. Start to apply/call upon the new right away.  Act as if you are experiencing an opening, even if you aren’t. Again, leaps of faith can be revelatory.

This is a conscious process that you want to make sure you are ready for. Trust your inner guidance to proceed into each. If you choose to hold back do know that there is an inevitability here about the implants. They will open on their own when you reach a certain frequency. You can choose to wait if you wish…yet, there is something about the conscious choice process that amplifies the experience and creates immediate relationship with it.

This is just a beginning, profound as it may be. As you repair and rejuvenate your bodies you will be giving permission for the additional implants to release as well at just the right time.

Just as an FYI, the Earth Gaia has a host of implants placed by Pleiadians long long ago. They open when the collective vibration of humanity reaches the appropriate frequency. These implants expand the relationship between human and Gaia. We shall explore this more when we address Gaia in a later session. Your choice to open personal implants will serve to impact the collective frequency of humanity and assist in the spiraling towards these mass openings. Your choice and action gifts us all…

Finally, we shall look in depth later at the unfolding world of DNA expansion, but for now, let me introduce something from the new Kryon book, The New Human. As we continue to raise vibration new revelations of our Divine design will be revealed. One is the Youth Template, which is part of the molecular structure of multidimensional DNA . Herein is the source of spontaneous remission, a conscious activation of this template, called forth by belief and expectation. Your Innate is the greater knowing of You on all levels. The Innate is contained in the expanded 26 foot multidimensional energy field around you called the Merkebah, which holds the patterning of the health of your body, your Akashic energy, your chemical inheritance, and your spiritual attributes and soul energy…like a full blueprint of you now and in the past. When the frequency is realized this will come on line, so to speak. The ramifications are sweeping. For now, plant the seed of this and begin to move towards calling it into action.

Activating the Implants