In a fear-filled world, we are often filled with fear. Our collection of wounds activate to build walls. We separate and isolate and that feels safe. From our personal parapets we keep watch over the life around us. Too often we have knee jerk responses to the forms of the moments and we move to protect the tender heart space that cradles the Inner Child.

We criticize and we judge, both self and others. And somehow, that feels like a useful defense. But, is it? No, it is not…it is more of a prison that keeps life out and insures that our wounds are kept festering. Who does that serve? A wounded ego self that is doing its best, or so it thinks.

We have been taught to devalue self. Over and over we are fed information and experience that we are less than…until we buy into it, even believing that it is who we are. OK…so it is, up until now.

Let’s face it, the tendency to find fault and blame the world and all its players is in play here. That is judgment, a false attempt to elevate self above the deep belief that we are flawed and limited. Actually, it pushes life away and delivers false security. We lose touch with the beauty of the dimension and we react to life, often with a biting tongue and a sweep of dismissal. We sit with our wounds and the unsaid words and act like everything is OK.

Obviously, that does not work…so what to do? Simple…stop judging.

How? Make clearing the old energies a priority. Judgment hides in three chakras mostly: the Solar Plexus, the Sacral, and the Root. In the plexus it is a power issue fueled by reservoirs of unprocessed anger and rage. In the sacral it is the energetic remnants of the very wounds themselves that seed the anger. They are typically sourced by fear of the past and the future.  And in the root, there is the instability that undercuts confidence and stability. This comes from the uncertainty that the fear laden wounds carry. It is a child’s view of the moment that easily infiltrates the adult self as well because it seems so real and normal.

The new paradigm is the unification of life as unique expressions of the Source, the Whole. The new Oneness paradigm is an overture to the interconnectivity, in fact, the reflection, that occurs between beings. In you is me and and in me is you. All are of the frequency of Light from Source and as such, are blessed and good. The incarnational choices do not take away or even tarnish the design of each of us. In the middle of the moment we see the beauty in all, not judging the choice. Certainly there are consequences for choices, but, underneath it all, there is the magnificence of the I Am That I Am Expressing As Me…and You.

This is where we can choose to embrace the new paradigm. Stop finding fault and see the bigger picture of what is. Learn to discern our own reaction and seek to release that energetic tendency, that neural pathway, that belief, to reclaim and champion the unity of the whole.

Thus two actions are simultaneous, the clearing and the release of the energetic debris,  and the integration of the new paradigm. I consciously choose to see the beauty in all of life and judge not the actions (have my feelings and process them but support the greater design rather than fault or blame), releasing my need to polarize and separate my self from the forms of life.

Getting clear allows me to see and experience life in a higher frequency. Seeing the Light in all is a powerful as if movement right now. The cost of judging is high to all involved. Namaste…the Light in me sees the Light in you. All have been wounded and programmed under the same kind of doctrine for thousands of years. To judge them for their form is to judge self as well.

And, there is the adage that when we point fingers at another, three of our fingers are pointing back at us. What we see to judge is an element within that we refuse to see. This is useful as it gives us each insight and direction for clearing and climbing out of that Piscean trap. Pay attention to where you perceive others differently than you see yourself. There is gold in that awareness. Finding it will allow your personal healing which will change the way life shows up for you.

That is why the new directions are to begin to see all through the eyes of the heart. Love first…always, and in all ways. More on that as we progress…but for now, you have a whole new way to interface with life and one another…as you choose. I affirm your success in laying down the cloak of criticism and judgment to begin thriving in the rising Love vibration that is quickly replacing the misinformation.

Session Action Four: Thriving Beyond Judgment