We are powerful beyond our current understanding. As a spiritual being having a human experience in the physical body we are unlimited in skills, capacities, and design. We are hindered by our collective ignorance and our learned tendency to buy into the cultural beliefs that we are less than others. The Celestial intervention that began in August of 1987 has arrived to cleanse this ignorance out of us once and for all.

We are not bound by our past or the decisions we made as a result of that. The learned beliefs are temporary and can be changed when we each choose to do so and move then in good faith of the new paradigm.

The moments of living form a personal belief system about life. We buy into the repetitions and begin to expect and project certain forms to happen. Fed by the familial, cultural, and wide scale beliefs in limitation and lack of value we have all we need for a compromised life. We become our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

With the inherited and celebrated influence of our past we set into motion automatic projections about the present and future…and we live them out in a uninspired dutiful manner, thinking that this is all there is.

Well, it is not…for it can change at anytime. The design has always been contained in the cellular memory. Our design potential was always ready to activate if we turned even slightly in its direction. So, once again, we can thank the Universal decision to intervene and steer us back to greater awareness. And has everyone listened? Of course not…but enough have to begin to build the momentum towards that wonderful hundredth monkey point when a collective wake up happens, because enough have amplified the right frequency vibration.

Step back to the moments of living. Too much unfinished business. Too many words unsaid. Too many festering wounds. Somewhere in the late 80’s in the therapeutic fields there arose a process of reframing. Most think that we are victims of the events of life. The outcome is sealed. Someone considered a do over…just to see what happened. They took a particular experience that had occurred with one traveler and rewrote the ending. It was impactful as it freed up a whole lot of stuck energy and emotion….enough to actually lift the impact of the experience out of the previous rut belief.

Reframing is rewriting the ending to our impactful moments of living. It changes us, giving us a resolution that essentially is made up. But it is enough to loosen the influence of the past.

This is so very important and powerful. First, it opens the door to multi-dimensional work. It shows that we can reach across and into time and space and make them malleable. It shocks the whole idea of permanence, leaning heavenly towards a new skill of intentional influence. And this process opened the door for the current deepening and profound and timely PTSD work that is the latest must experience.

In a nutshell, here is what you can start doing:

  1. Make a list of the major life events that have impacted you, enough to divert you from your path, amplify a belief system, steer you towards a sequence of similar experiences. Include the players, the situation, description of events, and the outcome. Get real clear with it.
  2. Then spend some time reminding yourself of the new, emerging understanding of the expanded you. Remind yourself that these are times when what was is becoming no longer, new expanded skills and a wider embrace of the big picture.
  3. Now, take one of your events and create a new ending. Be creative and make it exactly the way you wanted it to be all along. Be visceral, sensorial, specific, emotional. Describe it as if you are living it.
  4. Now focus on your life now that it turned out this new. Now would this new life be? Be specific? Play with it here. There are no limits to what you can make up. But, most of all, make it serve the capacity of neutralizing the impact of the original event.
  5. Finally, make note of the new beliefs, patterns, actions that are to be in place from now on. Then, live them in your moments, paying attention to nourishing the new into form by paying attention, discerning strategies, and taking swift and decisive action. Then…remember to celebrate your transition….

You can bring this kind of strategy into any part of what you carry. Simply change the form and create a new energetic memory, strong enough to clear out the old and seed the now and beyond. Yes, you are that powerful.

Session Action Eight: Reframing What Was