Contact and Guidance

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Developing Asking and Receiving Skills
  2. Higher Self Relationship
  3. Personal Guides relationship
  4. Angelic Realm Relationship
  5. Archangel Relationship
  6. Ascended Masters Relationship
  7. Earth Resources

The historical doctrine that we are alone in need of a mediator to connect with the Higher Power is simply nonsense. It is time to open to access of the the Cosmic resources. Learning to listen and to interact with your spirit realm as well as the Earthly realm is a key part of the new times.

Personal Care and Empowerment

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Reconnecting with the Original Design
  2. The Expanded Body Energetic System
  3. Filling Basic Needs
  4. Clearing and Emotions
  5. Necessary and Expansive Re-Education
  6. Empowerment Experiences
  7. Active Application and Celebration

Since we are in the Third Dimension physical plane of Duality we must address the make up of the body, the incarnational vehicle. Each topic will explore elements that we shall be invited to and learn to rely upon in engaging and responding to our moments of living. In the spirit of the course intent to put the reclaimed design into action immediately, specific exercises will be provided to apply the learning to see what will happen.

Though these topics may appear to be off session topic, it is the intent to learn skills as we are showered with new information, making this a highly effective and useful experiential journey.

Expanding New Life Skills

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. The Mind and Thinking
  2. Inner Reconnection with Intuition
  3. Expanding the Mind-Body Inter-relationship
  4. Accessing Higher Frequency Tools for Living
  5. Manifesting Abundance
  6. Vibrational Tools and Care
  7. Exploring and Opening the Nature Connection

The skills of the Piscean times served that vibration and those limitations. We, honestly, were never given permission to thrive. Even if we were, the doctrine of limitation was so imbedded that we would have likely fallen short of accessing the skills of our true design. And now things are different. As the vibration raises, so do the level of skills. By activating trust and a willingness to take action at the point of guidance we are revealing long hidden talents that expand the panorama of life. This section is about reawakening hidden talents and putting them into action just to see what happens. These are, indeed, frontier times. Saddle up, partner!

Embracing and Integrating the
World Community

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Family
  2. Community
  3. Race
  4. Religion
  5. Education
  6. Business
  7. Politics

So much of this new vibration Aquarian Age is about integrating with the Oneness that is the true Celestial Design. As we reclaim our balanced and empowered center we are given endless opportunity to interface with all of the forms of life, particularly in the human relationship realm. Service is a key domain where we learn to honor and respect others with compassion, empathy, and open heartedness. We require a lot of practice in these fledgling transformational times…

Celestial Design

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Source
  2. Cosmic Framework
  3. Multi-Dimensionality
  4. The Now Factor
  5. The Greater Purpose
  6. Continuity of Life
  7. TBA

Praise Science Fiction for keeping wonder, imagination, and fantasy alive long enough for evolution to catch up. It is imperative that we explore the nature of the Cosmos and see just how it is a love based vibration that is set up for life. Our playground expands as we step out of the learned boundaries to move and experience in all directions. In these section we boldly go where no conscious human has gone before…just to see what it is like,

Suffice it to say, as an opening, that I am certainly not what I thought I was for so very long. That me was akin to a vacuum cleaner, picking up this amd that all over the place and storing them in some internal canister to pick and choose from, depending on the circumstance. And just where, for God sakes, did I learn that I was so flawed and so limited? And why on Earth would I be so willing to buy into that misinformation to stumble through my moments of living heading towards some amorphous, ever oscillating dream of the good life? Could I have really learned that in Kindergarten? Or, more likely, I picked it up by absorbing the collective dysfunction that was in the particular garden of my early days.

In this session we shall look at the old perspectives that are still so influential just one more time. We shall get a sense of the new stuff that has dropped in. We shall  look honestly at where and how we each dropped the ball  to reveal a starting place from whence we can fabricate our true Who Am I. And, we shall have ample opportunity to build our personal inner vision that will give us the world we were made for. Again, for this to be successful, you must show up in a transparent way for you. Honest reflection and a willingness to own where you f’d up is essential. Applying the adventurer’s spirit of going for it knowing you can make adjustments and reapply new strategies is going to be really useful. Continued work with opening and applying the implants as they come will serve your Who Am I creation as well.

Much of your real work will come in the Session Actions 1-8. Make these a priority during the first weeks of this session. Gather information, get the facts, look in the mirror and give credence to anything that reveals from within you. You have activated a profound process that will deliver honestly and lovingly by accepting the invitation to Live As If.  There is a flood coming. Yes, Houston just happened…please look carefully with an open heart at the way the “devastation” came and sustained and opened and cleared. This is the kind of action that must go on within us to shake loose the old and force us out of our beloved comfort zone. I send endless compassion to all impacted by that event and invite each to use it as a call to personal arms to change the way you have been doing life…or at least consider it. Remembering and reclaiming personal power can be a mighty and humbling act.

SO, who are you? What comes to mind? Is it what you do that defines you? Is it what you haven’t done that defines you? Are you a result of your specific experiences? Is your past so imprisoning that you won’t allow your self a different future? Were you programmed? If so, by whom, how much, in what ways? What do you believe about you? What has been told yo you? How much have your “losses” played in forming what you see in the mirror? How much do others matter to you? How much does their opinion, reaction, reflection of you fit into your personal book of me? Is your what you want to be in line with who you think you are? How much of who you are is out of your hands? In Celestial hands? Get the picture? Questions, reflections, adjustments, house cleanings…all necessary parts of determining the accurate Who Am I? Remember that your  true design has never left your cells…does that screw things up here? This is gonna get real…thank God! It has to to free you up. Here we go

Session Action

The Physical Me

Session Action

The Spiritual Me

Session Action

The Me I Made…Temporarily

Session Action

The Mental Me

Session Action

The Emotional Me

Session Action

The Me By Celestial Design

Session Action

Re-Membering and Re-Calibration

Session Action

Enjoying the Me I Am

What an absolutely loaded question this is! Depends on perspective I say. There is a You by design that is unfolding in remembrance as I write and there is the you that was molded to be that which you have believed you are. And, here we stand, between those two, in a significant and sweeping time of re-calibration and transformation. We are in a dance between the two right now. This course is about reawakening the design that has always been contained within. To get there we have to navigate the minefield of what has been, the energetic manifestation of lifetimes, experiences, programmings, adopted beliefs…on and on.

Man, my readings that I am drawn to, are throwing me curve balls left and right. It is obvious to me that there are revelations and insights a plenty rising up like wheat grass sprouts in the Now as I explore these very current writings. What to choose from is the question. I am tempted to take those that speak to me but…others are somewhat challenging and I am tending to stand there first because of the shifting that it is doing to my inner world of pure potential that is still drying from the extensive rinse cycle of the seedy doctrine of limitation that still greets m,e at least once a day, if not more.

As always, it is coming down to perception. As your facilitator here I feel guided to offer viewpoints of Who Am I so that you can find where you resonate. And, critical to our opportunity at hand, the idea of jumping to a clarified big picture at the expense of the old chest of beliefs and patterns that have somehow served me in the day, is foolish. That may be what is capable in the days to come but right now, it is the shifting, cleansing, and releasing of the limited view that offers the healthiest way and the greater potential for sweeping results. Yet, in the adventurous spirit of our journey in Living As If, we shall see what unfolds in and through you and me before we settle on an accurate Who Am I.

Lord, You give me this moment

And I see as I believe

I have but this golden moment
From it my life I have weaved

And if that life is not the way that I have dreamed

Then I must see it differently

Moment, Mark Stanton Welch 1995



























Message of the Week  UPDATED



The Awakened
Medicine Bag

Spoken Words
of  Power


You can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. As you read this you are travelling 220 km per sec across the galaxy. 90% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not you. The atoms in your body are 99.99999999999% empty space. None of these are the ones you were born with, but all originated in the belly of a star. The existence of the rainbow depends upon the conical photoreceptors in your eyes; to an animal without cones, the rainbow does not exist. So, you don’t look at the rainbow, you create it…live beyond your physical design, enter the mystical expanse of the whole you.–The YUSA Guide

Session Song
Who Am I?, from CD, Sing Your Heart’s Desire
click to access lyrics

Living As If Already Whole Blog Access Point

 Suggestions for Working with Session Actions 1-8

 Some New Perspectives on Who Am I


The Amazing Human Body   I   Navigating Transitions   I   Leaving the Comfort Zone   I   The Daily Restart
Get Moving Now   I   Inner Communication in the SIlence    

Course Bibliography UPDATED

An  Ongoing
Variety of

 Activating the Implants, Still

 Access Course Launch Point

Access Session 2A Application

 Keep doing the Celestial and Foundational Truth Practices

 Just what do you mean by
The Big Picture?

 Spoken Empowerment Audio Files  NEW