Some say it is the cherry on top of the human experience, the Celestial design’s greatest hit, this thing called emotion. Designed to make the Earthly plane the most desirable vacation spot for all Universal travelers because they could take their Dr Spock mind logic and facts and infuse with a Captain Kirk wash of tears and passion and terror and courage and rage and winning…not so many places, in the billions of potentials seen in the night sky, had the gift of the unpredictable sea of emotion.

Emotions, the juice that makes life…life! The wash that allows love to reveal itself in the face of fear. The rush that squeezes the adrenals and delivers a temporary super human to engage the moment. The  heart torn asunder by the near miss of a dream’s reaching hand. The weight of the fury of words tossed like daggers at a heart that knows and seeks only…Love. The unwavering pull of another in real distress to risk one’s own well-being for the privilege of being there at just the right time. The rainbow explosion of joy at the sound of a baby’s first utterance…you get the picture.

Emotions…the reason for incarnating…really…turned into a do not enter sign, an alley with no outlet, a treasure chest with no key. Humanity has made emotions in general, a haven for weakness, a forbidden zone that will steal your power, a slave to the almighty mind, a concoction as lethal as a Jimmy Jones cocktail…you get the picture. And yes, something is, indeed, wrong here.

Joy, sadness, anger, fear, grief, shame…and a million more permutations, a flowing river of potential expressive moments packed with temporary highest of highs and lowest of lows…there for the taking….and most people just dabble. They swap their E-ticket understanding and willingness to ride the Matterhorn for a couple of A ticket It’s a Small World diversions. Compromised, protected, hesitant, empty, routine, fake news safe…that’s what a world without emotion really is. Sorry, it is not the posturing Hollywood violence that celebrates the killing and maiming of life…that’s just for more desensitizing…makes for good video game soldiers who don’t really know they are taking real lives…makes for a epidemic of disappearing human connections, makes for faceless sex hook ups, makes for X-games thrills that taunt death, makes for mass killers who seemed like such a nice boy…you get the picture.

No we did not learn everything in Kindergarten…we did not learn to feel. In fact that school institution along with the rest of them, religions, politics, corporations, first responders, lawyers…all numbed out to perform a duty deemed important (and indeed, some are). We are fed stimulant doses to tease us with a feeling now and then, scary movies, hate crimes, wars, TSA controllers, political promises and disappointments, temporary love in an are you my soul mate blanket…you get the picture.

And then we are put back in our place with the tear-cam close up of the athletes tear, the shouting out loud of real men don’t cry, the programming of emotion as weak, the news reports of one who broke down, fell apart, lost control, exploded, shit their pants, got bent out of shape, came apart at the seams, couldn’t get a grip, went bananas, went off the deep end, kept a stiff upper lip, licked their wounds, got their panties in a wad, poured their heart out, were reduced to tears, saved face, let off steam, tore their hair out.. You get the picture.

The only antidote to all of this is to feel. Yet to get there one must enter and clear the cesspools of unexpressed, swallowed, and stored emotions that lie festering in cell and tissue pushing to be released to keep you from manifesting a life by threatening this or that. Simultaneously one must develop an emotional literacy that teaches what the emotions are, what they are made of, how to recognize them, what to do with each, and then how to create functional relationship with each so we can finally fulfill the promise of one of the main reasons we came to Earth from our comfy Celestial home. So…let’s do this.

Get your paper and pencils ‘cause we’re goin’ in !

  1. Do some free association on the topic of emotion or feelings. Just write without censoring. This is for your eyes only. See what is there when you feel complete. There might be a roadmap to your current relationship with your blessed emotional self.
  2. Now put the following emotions on separate pages: Joy, sadness, anger, fear, grief. Address your understanding and history with each. Do you know it when it is up? What are its symptoms for you? Are you aware of the situations and people who trigger the sensations and the flow of that emotion? Do you know what to do with it? Do you attempt to ignore it or push it away as fast as you can? Do you let it move and see what happens? Become aware of which you have the smoothest relationship with and which are the greatest challenge for you.
  3. And now, some information. Click on each of these resources from my Tools for the Times Course to learn more about emotions and how to, yes, enjoy them.

The Basics

Release Trapped Emotions

The Power of Breath, Tears, and Flow

  1. Some additional points about emotions
  1. Emotional energy is a pure Cosmic force that enters the human body, according to author, Cyndi Dale, at the back side of the Sacral Chakra. The energy crosses the mid point of the spine and is selectively dispensed as needed in the form that fits the moment.   Thus, all emotions are an energetic expression of a unified Cosmic force.
  2.  Emotions are triggered by a mental interpretation that happens  in an instant. Some say it is a chemical reaction. The “emotional response” is in some ways a learned response with accompanying neural pathways, triggered by similar events. Thus, a typical habitual response of yours can be reinterpreted and realigned.
  3. The degree of intensity of any emotion, especially fear, anger, and sadness, is in direct proportion to the amount of unexpressed emotional residue held in cells, tissue, and chakras: sacral holds fear and joy, solar plexus holds anger, heart holds sadness, and all chakras hold grief. The reservoir of emotion moves to clear by body design. When that reservoir is triggered by an interpreted event then there is a surge of that emotional energy that may be out of proportion to the actual trigger event. This is the source of Crimes of Passion. The ideal is to stay clear and clean of all residue.
  4. All emotions are timed events with a varying duration between stimulation, activation, flow, and release. Anger is the quickest, being more of a visceral energy involving shots of adrenaline. Grief is the slowest as it moves through all chakras in an attempt to recalibrate  after a loss. Interrupting the cycle at any point only serves to cause the energy to re-store awaiting eventual release.
  5. Emotional energy is contagious and stimulating to others in your presence. This can be a huge benefit if one knows what is up. If not, you may be met with resistance, hostility, or abandonment as the other struggles to deal with what seems random and not theirs. Each party is ultimately responsible for their emotional life. No one makes another feel something. It is one’s own body reacting to the energetics of the moment and making a split second interpretation .
  6. Creating a knowledgeable, functional, willing relationship with your emotions enriches your human experience in leaps and bounds. Remember, to experience this remarkable flowing soup is one of the reasons you keep coming back, Captain Kirk.

Session Action Two: The Emotional Me