Only you are equipped to answer your own Who Am I question. The answers reveal themselves to that as you consciously and actively seek them out. The very act of seeking activates information contained within to reveal your specific frequency characteristics that “define” you…loosely. Are there commonalities between you and me? Yes…and yet, it is even how you interface with the commonalities that evolves into your unique expression of The I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.

What follows are a host of cutting edge perspectives addressing the Who Am I. Something here may be useful in triggering a remembering for you. If so, I have done my work. Enjoy the journey, my pioneer compadre.

My perspective (Mark Stanton Welch)

The phrase “I Am That I Am Expressing As Me” dropped in during the creation of Tools for the Times. It pointed in a very interesting direction…to the Source of All. It soon became apparently obvious that I and we are a direct component of the Cosmic Source, a unique expression with a unique set of skills and talents and experiences to have and be had in the Earthly Third Dimension of free choice and seeming duality. Surely we are far from what we had been taught for many incarnations. We have already established that.

Suffice it to say that are a “work in progress”…so to speak. Let me clarify. Though we are designed as a Whole Being, our awareness along with the Earth Domain rules of engagement have snatched that awareness from our conscious access. Thus you are a direct element of the Cosmic Source incarnated into this glorious Earth Plane to remember and reawaken and reclaim the Whole Truth of You and put it into conscious action in your moments of living. As an infinite energetic being you are also here by choice to assist in facilitating the collective transformation of humanity in these early Aquarian Age days.

You are a divine spiritual being living in a remarkable human physical body vehicle with complete access to the fluid world of emotion and a magnificent mind that easily makes manifest your every thought and focus. With a host of unseen etheric support as well as a personal Source Connection in the Higher Self you are pioneering the conscious movement into fourth and fifth dimensional living. Connected with all of life in design and intent you are being redirected towards living fully in the moment to become a willing and full expression of Compassion, Gratitude, and Grace.

You are designed for perfect health, unwavering abundance, with a host of dimensional tools and powers to live in oneness with all of life. You are destined to fully wake up in your own time in accordance with your free will choices to consciously live in your aligned vibration as a unique frequency in a world that is completely of your own design. You are unlimited, unequivocally loved and cherished, filled with incessant wonder and imagination, fully capable of complete self care and unconditional love through your self cleansing and self repairing energetic bodies.

Let all of this in…and let’s see what else you are…

From Kryon in The Recalibration of Humanity

Self-worth is a program. It’s a program! It’s information developed from experience, and it’s something that is learned. You can un-program it! All you have to do is tell yourself what you want. “Dear cellular structure,” you might say, “I deserve to be here. This is my time. I have things that others want. This is my time. I’m important in the scheme of the earth. I have earned my stripes. This is my time. Dear cellular structure, get rid of inappropriate, emotional issues that keep me from moving forward into my beauty and power. The power that I speak of is that ability to create compassion and light everywhere I go.” Your cellular structure will smile, give you the hand that has been waiting, and say, “We are your partner in this co-creation. Let’s get going.” …As you turn inward and start to deal with yourselves, I want you to see the same thing within you. It’s about time you understand that you are not random. Your life is not random. Things don’t happen to you randomly. They happen to you in a way that you create. There is a system here, and it can be directed and programmed and re-programmed. This is manifestation. This is the lesson of all humanity eventually – to create a healed earth, to create a peaceful one, to go places you never dreamed you would go in invention and health. This is the beginning. I have no clock. But I have the strongest potentials to see, and that is what I give you today as my partner sits in the chair in front of you. The potentials that we see are grander than they were last year. If the Lightworkers will recalibrate easily, they can speed the process. Don’t fight it…Maybe you haven’t done very well with the life lessons in the last few lives, and you felt you would do better in this one? You will, because the earth needs you. And it doesn’t need you encumbered with fear. Instead, it needs you to say to yourselves, “I accept this recalibration. No matter what is in my body at this moment, it can be gone. If it’s inappropriate, it can be gone. I stand as a piece of divinity on this planet – wise, appropriate, and I belong here. This is my time. Cellular structure, listen: If there’s anything inappropriate, let it be gone. Let it wash away with the waste. Let it go out because it is not seen as appropriate, it is not commensurate to the energy of the love of God. Let only compassionate things enter my consciousness.”

Carroll, Lee. The Recalibration of Humanity: 2013 and Beyond (Kindle Locations 808-814). The Kryon Writings, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

New Dimensional Thought Technology by Rossco

Divided in two (as we are), we humans have so far lived as only one side of the two in a world that we have created based on our assumptions. As I said previously, all we see is the reflection of our interior reversed out to the external environment. Therefore, our assumptions are extremely rigid, as if locked inside. As long as you have assumptions like “this person is such-and-such a way” or “this is absolutely impossible,” you will be unable to see real life. Moreover, whenever you think about yourself, especially when you are alone, you don’t tend to dwell on your charms or positive aspects. Most of your thoughts, such as worries and fear, are negative. Those elements that you unconsciously repeat are reversed and eventually become actualized. This is why you need to carefully observe your thought patterns and the words you habitually repeat. If you can observe these patterns objectively, you will begin to notice how easily your thoughts become entrapped by them and end up running in circles. If you clearly recognize and erase your assumptions, as well as the phenomena seen through the patterns of your thoughts, the landscape around you will change completely…From this position, for the first time ever, you can overview and get a sense of your relationship with yourself. The conventional concept of relationship emerges only through the existence of other people or beings separate and different from you. Therefore, all of your consciousness has been directed toward others. You judge everything based on others or how you are seen and perceived by them. This is how life has been, and everything originates from here. Your emotions, mind, things you thought were yours were all a virtual you— that is, your ego— created by others. Now the “you” whom you have seen through the eyes of others can reclaim its own viewpoint. For the first time, you can direct your eyes toward yourself. This means that for the very first time, you have proof of your own existence.

Rossco. New-Dimensional Thought Technology: The Dawning of a New Civilization (Kindle Locations 347-352). Balboa Press. Kindle Edition.

Joe Dispenza

Now take a look at your life for a moment. What does this mean for you? If you’re thinking the same thoughts as yesterday, more than likely, you’re making the same choices today. Those same choices today are leading to the same behaviors tomorrow. The same habitual behaviors tomorrow are producing the same experiences in your future. The same events in your future reality are creating the same predictable emotions for you all the time. And as a result, you’re feeling the same every day. Your yesterday becomes your tomorrow— so in truth, your past is your future. If you agree with me up to this point, then we could say that the familiar feeling I just described is “you”— your identity or your personality. It’s your state of being. And it’s comfortable, effortless, and automatic. It’s the known you who, quite frankly, is living in the past. When you keep this redundant process going on a daily basis (because you wake up in the morning and anticipate and remember the feeling of “you” every day), in time that known state of being can drive only the same thoughts that will influence you to crave the same automatic cycle of choices, behaviors, and experiences in order to arrive back at that familiar feeling that you think of as “you.” So everything stays the same about your personality. If this is your personality, then your personality creates your personal reality. It’s that simple. And your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. So the present personality who is reading this page has created the present personal reality called your life; and that also means that if you want to create a new personal reality— a new life— then you have to begin to examine or think about the thoughts you’ve been thinking and change them. You must become conscious of the unconscious behaviors you’ve been choosing to demonstrate that have led to the same experiences, and then you must make new choices, take new actions, and create new experiences.You must observe and pay attention to those emotions that you’ve memorized and that you live by on a daily basis, and decide if living by those emotions over and over again is loving to you. You see, most people try to create a new personal reality as the same old personality, and it doesn’t work. In order to change your life, you have to literally become someone else.

Dispenza, Dr. Joe. You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter (Kindle Locations 1258-1261). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

From Your Higher Being

You are a vibrational being. Your nature is rooted in eternal consciousness. You have always been and will always be. Your most essential form is actually a fluctuation of energy in the fabric of creation. That fluctuation, or vibration, is what makes you unique. Within my awareness of All That Is, you can never be forgotten, or else I would become less than perfect. You could never cease to exist, or else I would be less than I Am…Your conscious self, here on Earth, is focused into creation with one vantage point. Your vantage point, right here, sitting and reading this. The other part of you is not focused, but broadly aware of everything without limits. It is Infinite Intelligence. It knows all things. Both of perspectives are yours. These two perspectives are two sides of the same coin. Right now, you are the focused self. The little self. The individual person having a physical experience. Your job is very unique. You translate energy in a very purposeful way, through a narrow bandwidth, in order to experience life as you know it. You live, you desire, you decide, and you grow. You are tasked with the joy of moving through all the variety of life and discovering what you like and dislike. Then, your Higher Being expands and becomes more than it was before you were exposed to life. This act of co-creation is the expansion of the Universe. You are the act of Source Energy experiencing the masterpiece of itself.

Taylor, Tharyn. From Your Higher Being: A Cosmic Guide to Vibrational Harmony With Source (pp. 16-17).  . Kindle Edition.

The New Humans

So, breathe. Breathe in with intention. Slowly, deeply, with relaxed focus: I am breathing in the Divine Presence. Hold the knowing within you. It will build. The first key is breath…When we are activated (charged), our brain’s neuro paths organize and reorganize into new sensory receptiveness. We become aware of life’s extraordinary colors and spectrums. We feel the full breadth of ideas and thoughts. We can imagine the unimaginable, because we now have opened a new brain center. This is the “Awakening of the Whole.” This is the beginning of a continued opening. Like the petals of a flower, we blossom, one petal at a time.[ 10] This evolutionary awareness is called a spiritual awakening. In actuality, our brain is rewiring. As our neuro pathways change, areas of the brain “wake up” that before were dormant. So while this “awakening” feels spiritual, our entire being is altering and our depth of perception is far lighter. This is the path of the “Full Embodiment of My Wholeness.” This is why we are taught to be still, feel, listen, breathe. This is also why our life transforms. Because once our body and brain arrive into a more fused state of the Light that we are, all else becomes more and more merely an extension of our new desires. While life is always an extension of our imagination, once we are fused into our Light Essence, which begins to function as a beacon, then what we imagine is more exactly as we have seen it. Our ability to bring into our life the beauty that our heart seeks feels almost miraculous — except it is Nature and it is already within us to open to it. This is “Awakening to My Presence” and this is the step that all of humanity, one at a time, are now undergoing. It is called “The Transcension.” When we are able to do this with an Inner Reasoned Perception, that is when we activate our brain’s electrodes, which are the source of creative expression and the necessary component for being able to lift the veil of confusion.[`

Messenger, Charol. THE NEW HUMANS: SECOND GENESIS ("The New Humanity" Book 2) (Kindle Locations 1231-1248). Messenger Inner Teachings. Kindle Edition.

Archangel Michael

As you open up to the Real Universe, of which you are a part, remember that in truth, you are already here. You already exist as the unchanging infinite. This is very easy to see, if you take a moment to notice a few things. Look into your own eyes, without a mirror. Look at your experience from within. You will notice that although your physical face may change over the years, that you, yourself, never do. You do not need to look in a mirror to recognize yourself. You always know that you are you, no matter where you are or what you are doing. You do not need to keep checking in a mirror to make sure that you are seeing yourself…So now we invite you to wake up and rejoin the Real Universe of Infinite Love. We invite you to remember who you are, the Real You that you live with every day, but wholly ignore in favor of the ego— your substitute self. Who you are in this Universe is not something to be attained. It already is. All that is required is your own acknowledgement of such. Take command in the Truth of who you are. Take command of your life in this Universe once again. You are a loving being of Omnipresent Truth. You are a loving extension of the arms and heart of God itself. Embrace yourself. Embrace your life. Your life is not limited to this microscopic, planetary sphere. The entire Universe has been created just for you. Explore your true existence. Explore the Love. Remember who you are.

Ocean, Saratoga. A Guide for Lightworkers by Archangel Michael (Kindle Locations 1263-1264). Balboa Press. Kindle Edition.

St Germain

Energy responds to the act of consciousness. This is a very literal statement. You act; energy responds. However, energy is very literal. If you act like a limited human, energy will respond in kind by delivering more limitation. If you act like your life has a lot of problems, energy will respond by giving you exactly that – more problems. It’s all an act – a brilliant, beautiful act. You see, all reality already exists. It’s not like you’re trying to create something out of nothing. Every reality and every possibility already exists, and you can choose which potentials to allow into your life. Which realities do you choose to act upon and experience? Everything is already there. You are whatever you’re acting. Act like a student and you’ll get lesson energy. Act like a Master and you’ll get masterful energy… I don’t care about your family lineage, your education, your health, your level of abundance, your intellect, your I.Q. or anything else. None of that matters. Please hear those words –it doesn’t matter. Not your age, your looks, your weight or anything else because you can change it. You can act however you choose…How about, my dear friend, a truly life-changing experience? It’s not magic. You don’t need to have special mystical abilities. It’s just a matter of allowing. Are you ready for your life to change, no matter what? I am right here with you, every step of the way in this enlightenment. I’m here to help you to see a different perspective. Right now your perspective is very restricted. Your consciousness is very focused and limited. But, as you allow it to expand, you’ll realize that enlightenment was always there; you just weren’t tuned into it. You’ll realize that all the energy was there. All the wisdom and the knowledge was there, just waiting for you. Everything was already there. All reality already exists; your experience depends on what you’re dialed into, what act you are choosing.

Saint-Germain, Adamus; Hoppe, Geoffrey; Benyo Hoppe, Linda. Act of Consciousness: To Be or Not to Be... Enlightened (p. 7). Crimson Circle Press. Kindle Edition.

Paul Selig

But the true nature of your being, the Infinite Self as we claim it, knows itself beyond structure. And aligning to that energy, the manifested self as you in form now is the Creator serving in perfect ways as you in the life that you are living…Now know this to be so. Everything you see before you that is of God cannot be outside of God. And what you put outside of God claims you outside of the light you truly are. As we have said many times, God is all things, so there is nothing that can be outside of God but your belief in separation. Your own separation, the separation from you and your fellows, supports the agreement in separation that you perceive yourself as holding. So when you know who you are—“ I am a Divine Being”— you claim a world in agreement to that. And when you know what you are— underline the word what— the manifested self, the Divine Self in form, the world that you see before you may also be known in congruence…Each of you here, each of you encountering these words, encountering this teaching, is being known by us as truth. And as we say these words, “You are here, you are here, you are here,” we speak to the truth of what you are. We bear witness to your truth, not the lies you hold, not what you believe yourselves to be, not what your mother called you or your father did. The “what” that you are, the Divine Self in manifestation, is here as you. You are here. You are here. You are here. And as we claim this for you, you are in coresonance with us, your teachers. We hold you each in a field of vibration in truth so that the lives that you know may acclimate to truth, and that which is not in truth will be seen for the lie that it is.

Selig, Paul. The Book of Truth: The Mastery Trilogy: Book II (p. 27). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Reality Unveiled

The ultimate reality is that we are already whole and complete... We are not humans who have temporary spiritual experiences. We are Spirit having a temporary human experience. And although on the ultimate level, beyond the seventh plane of existence, we are truly perfect and One, on the third density, we are still learning how to express our true perfect essence. And because time is but an illusion and postulated to be so by various highly respected scientists such as Albert Einstein, everything ultimately exists simultaneously. We only appear to be moving forward in time, evolving as an individual soul, learning lessons of love, and slowly perfecting ourselves…is. And because of that, there’s really nothing to strive for or to feel inadequate about. You are worthy of unconditional love just as you are now. Even with all of your seeming imperfections and all the unloving acts you do, you are worthy. That’s the meaning of the word unconditional. There’s nothing you have to prove to deserve love. You’re already there, at the finish line, behind the illusion. Your only role is to be a conduit of experience to the Infinite Self that you truly are, which wishes nothing but to experience itself from an infinite number of perspectives and to expand from this experience…And how do you do that? By simply being the expression of the love that you already are as best you can. That is our real mission. And every other mission you may have is secondary to simply learning how to express your Beingness as purely as possible, reflecting the unconditional love that is your ultimate nature. When you do that you are being of utmost service to the world and living the awakened life, because you are putting being first and letting doing be inspired from that calm center of the true Self.

Masri, Ziad. Reality Unveiled: The Hidden Keys of Existence That Will Transform Your Life (and the World) (p. 143). Awakened Media LLC. Kindle Edition.

A Manual for Developing Humans

The full expression of the human mind requires the full span of the human experience, directly or indirectly felt.Our vision of who we are changes as we change. Life is too short for dwelling on loss, so laugh often, and smile more. In truth, love–and love only–defines who we are.

There you go…a lot to play with. Perhaps something has been triggered. Sure, there were variations on a theme, but each had something fresh and different, just as you do. Our understanding of who we are must embrace the dimensional guidelines as they are so impactful (not to be read as human rules), and, yet, even those guidelines are in fluctuation. We are unfolding as we speak…though we have a grand design template that is showing itself and being reclaimed, your capacity for free will and discernment changes everything and gives life the juice. And, as a slice of Source, you have every right to insert your unique flavor into the Cosmic Soup that holds us all, in all ways, forever.

And now for the discovery work. Visit the 8 Session Actions on the home page and proceed from 1 to 8…yes, this is not a random progression, it has a higher and a deeper meaning for you and for me. Temporarily we surrender free will for the sake of a directed exploration. And so we move forward…

Some New Perspectives  on Who Am I