According to esoteric information via channeling, the personal experiences of an increasing number of higher vibrational beings, and the plethora of new healing modalities rising out of personal journeys the physical body is so much more than we have been taught to believe. It is no longer necessary to understand the why and the dynamic of teaching us to believe we are limited, compromised, disease prone, and destined for decay and death. This is simply not in line with the design of the human body at all. Remarkable creation, sure, but a Celestial masterpiece…absolutely. And this, my friend, is how we must start looking upon this constant companion of ours from this moment forward.

There is no value in turning away from the mirror in judgment. In seeing flaws in self and others, in believing that we are going to get sick, that we are weak, that genetics is more than it is, that death is inevitable. Misinformation is rampant. And we have been taught to trust the “experts” with our life, literally. We sign waivers when they do procedures so they can protect their bottom line if they make mistakes, which happen more often than they care to admit. Do you have them sign your waiver? Giving power away is costly. And that is how we have weakened our physical body the most.

These are different times that require a very different way of living within and without. In our brief study of our cells we see that they are devoted followers and manifesters of our very thoughts. We see that our energetic anatomy is where we can interrupt any disease from sinking into the physical. We see that prevention is essential and a necessary component of the good life of self care. We are not prone to disease. We are trained to think that we are flawed and damaged and doomed.

We could go on with this…but let’s get going on doing something about it. To invite a physical turnaround we have to make new decisions, make giant leaps of faith, and implant new beliefs that affirm life, not recycle the misinformation, is to re-ignite the body to do what is designed to do. Sure, many of us have established conditions from patterned thinking and living that in the old thinking are permanent or even fatal eventually…but we are just coming online to our true power and capabilities to make manifest new forms in an instant. And this is the place that living from is the new call of the times. Let’s put the power of repetitive, emotion laden belief into high frequency intentions and expect to witness a sea of miracles…why not?! Our body deserves this kind of love and elevation.

The idea here is to hold the vision/beliefs while we consciously call upon the inner wisdom to bring forth all that is of lower vibrational energy to clear. To this end here are some exercises to consider/do, mostly as preliminary information gathering:

  1. List your physical conditions/wounds/surgeries/diagnoses/ up until now, anything you have had and where it was located in the physical. It may be obvious and there may be more information that reveals itself. In energy medicine the actual site of a symptom may be a pointer to the actual location/issue. Our physical is a master at the “next man up” process where something accommodates a malfunction so we can keep keeping on. Trust your guidance and use your imagination and your new communication skills as well. Ask your body for info and insight.
  2. List your personal beliefs about your body, the ones that are at the forefront before you even take the next breath. Be honest here. It is important. Beliefs on death, healing, disease, sickness, germs, genetics, etc are all fair game here. Do be thorough.
  3. Now go a step further and list your judgments about your body. This is for your eyes only. Be transparent and list all parts you have ever found fault with or wished were different For extra credit, discern by taking the first thought where it was/is stored in your physical self.
  4. Download and print this human body/energy body silhouette and print a copy or two. This is a completely intuitive exercise. The word is that any physical disease starts on the outermost energy body , attaching by circumstance or belief or suggestion. Then, if unattended and fed it will descend. All the while the bodies will do their best to get your conscious attention so that you can choose to cleanse it. If you don’t you may end up with a wake up call…a named condition. I invite you to look at the silhouette and place a mark where you think something might be or is. Place it in the appropriate energy body that you intuit.
  5. Now take some time and create a template for the body you desire. Take the “problem areas “ and fix them. Notice how that feels. Does it make a difference to you? Does it give you what you desire? Imagine that you go through your day with that. Make  a story out of it. Tell what would happen, what does happen. Were you treated differently? How did that feel? Play this out as long as you want…even over several imaginings. In the end, does this serve you? Does it really matter that much? Or is it an expression of the old if-only game? Good stuff, here.

These are all ways that we have learned/chosen to create and maintain relationship with our body. It is sounding like many believe they are their body…imagine that. In seeking clarity we stand in the fire and see what arises. Then we go back to the statements we have been speaking and run through them one more time…and then one more time. This body stuff is personal. There is so much debris there, tucked away in tender spots, secret places we never reveal, unwilling to touch them at all because they are painful to touch…or so it seems.

  1. Go back to number three list of the pieces of your physical that you do not like. Now breathe deeply four times to your deep belly. Bring your focused attention to your heart center. Breathe into it four more times. Then speak your birth name out loud seven times. With each body part on your list bring your focus to that part but this time through and from your heart, washing it with love, with respect, with appreciation, with gratitude, with acceptance. Keep the energy flowing into that space until you intuit a place of release. You will know.  Do this for all of the parts on the list.
  2. Now, simply go bout your day and see what unfolds. Reflect on the places and the love you sent. And when you do, send some more love, some more respect, some more gratitude, some more acceptance.

And, from Paul Selig’s channels:

“On this day I choose to know what I Am as Truth. And as I say these words, I give permission to the body I hold to be made manifest in accordance with this name. I Am in truth. I Am in the current of truth. And all I see is in agreement with truth. I know who I Am. I know what I Am. I know how I serve. I Am here in truth. I Am here as truth. In truth I have my being.

And finally…








Get on the ground

Get in the water

Get a mirror

Witness and love and celebrate your “spots”

Walk like a Master

Play a lot

Love in and out

Session Action One: The Physical Me