When we look at this course that we have been through, Living As If Already Whole, and put it up against what has unfolded in the outside as we went inward to rediscover and reclaim what I saw as an original template that actually lies within every human, I see a remarkable journey of parallels. It seems that the life we witnessed was responding to what we were learning through the information, discussions, activities, personal applications, and inner work. We were being given ample opportunity to practice the presence of what we were growing, this Truth of our Being. We were invited to self examine, reflect, adjust, fix, flounder, stumble, listen, reclaim, and ultimately, rebuild our designed magnificence. And here we stand as this course draws to its ending, a true launch point before us.

None of us who started and participated (for as long as each could handle) remains the same. Everyone was touched and given ample opportunity to see the world differently, to respond to the moments of living with new insight, to take new actions that delivered new, higher frequency results, to lay down the energetic woundings of the past swallowings, to learn to love the creation in all its flavors, to choose to refrain from continued use of the manipulations perpetrated upon us en masse, and to become life affirming in all of our thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions.

What I witnessed on January six was something that most of us knew was coming. The breaking point was reached, right before our eyes. The venomous rage of the “civilized world” burst forth to reveal the pain that lives (to varying degrees) in us all. It broke through the bastions of the doctrine of limitations (those laws laid down to control our thoughts and actions) to reveal the absolute chaos that has ravaged humanity for the longest of times through incarnation after incarnation. Strong statement, yes…this is not just a black or white thing…it is life. It is the storming of the very things that were designed to hold us in check, set up so long ago by whomever and held in place by an allegiance to the illusion of “normal”.

Everything that has occurred has led to this moment. All the repressions, all the diversions, all the couched lies, all the obvious lies, the subjugation of races of peoples black, red, yellow, brown by the false air of superiority engorged on by the self proclaimed white privileged, each atrocity, each hate-filled word, each abuse, each murder, each act of love and forgiveness, each failure, and each success…lined up to deliver the frequency of who we have become, a temporary stopping point for who we are becoming…yes, one and all. The pieces are in place to force our personal and collective day of reckoning. A greater truth is birthing in every single soul. For many it has become an intolerable force that is pushing the worst of them out into the open. The fear that has been force fed into our viscera and held in place by ridiculous social mores and standards and traditions has reached the point of no return and is fast moving outward…thank you, virus…

The world is becoming transparent. And through that transparency we shall be seeing ourselves, as if for the first time, as not wounded and damaged and doomed, but as beings of Light and Love. Yes, all of us, even the ones who wanted to execute the Vice President (to name an example). This is what this course has been birthed for…this moment in time, when people stand in the absolute confusion of who they are. With the inner voice whispering the first words of a deeper truth, the way they have learned to be fights back flailing for survival, and pushes into explosive action…and we see the results, catastrophic and highly consequential.

There needs to be alternatives, reminders of who we truly are, one and all. That is what this course has been grown for. It can be a guidebook, a companion, that responds to the inner calling that is everywhere starting to be heard. It can walk hand in hand with you no matter your vibration, no matter your resistance, no matter your past or your present. The frequency that we have created is powerful enough to assist personal waking up. It gives information and tools that resonate deeply, delivered through Celestial Guidance. And you and I, those who have walked this pathway to this fare thee well launch point, can revel in the service of the Greater Good of life. For it is, now and always, in your hands to live and be a frequency vehicle of change.

To this awareness I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Light to be able to deliver, with the help of my fellow travelers, a proven tool of transformation. And so it shall be…and so it has become…And so it is!

Endings always have a flavor about them. It depends on the journey and the current circumstances. Endings forced upon us have a different effect than those we arrive at through our own thoughts, choices, and actions. It is the tenth day of January in the year 2021. I live in California in the United States of America. Things are unraveling more quickly than I thought they would. I still hope for a graceful flow as the new replaces the old and worn and that which no longer serves the higher frequency living we are created to embrace and experience in these transformational times. But I am still in the clutch of some pivotal events that have brought my country to a profound day of reckoning. What have we allowed to become? How have we contributed to a polarized nation that would just as soon kill one another than sit down and have a conversation intent on finding solution?

It seems that the masses are fear filled and desperate and that is a sure recipe for anger and explosion…can you say crimes of passion? And indeed we have witnessed that in spades in this country since the virus forced us to isolate, and, in some ways, it has come to a head with the choices made in Washington DC to occupy the Capital Building. The spewed rhetoric that our problems are racially driven took a significant turn when the scenes of what was taking place and who was there smacked us in the face. The rhetoric was validated, but not in the way that was perhaps intended. The paradoxical juxtaposition of the way Black Lives Matter gatherings were handled by the Law Enforcement legions is stark. Indeed, it seems that there is a white tolerance that is not an apparition. It was in plain view. And now no amount of spinning or smokescreens or fake news will erase that witnessed truth that what exists exists. The cards are on the table…the evidence is there to sift through…and something must now be done…differently.

Block Four Session 20: Living As If…Looking Back and Through… with an exploration of what to do with this conscious reawakening

 Course Launch Point

Session Action

Intentions for What is to Come

Session Action

Giving Back to the Collective

Session Action

Thriving in this New Frequency

Session Action

The Life that Seeds/Feeds My Perspectives

Session Action
In Gratitude

Session Action

Being in

Session Action


Session Action

Remember When We Set Forth