Susan, the remaining fellow traveler, requested that I share elements of my journey that contributed to how I see and experience this beautiful Earth Plane to show what went into the perspectives that are this course foundation. What a wonderful idea. For not only does it give substance through my living my life to these ideas but it also serves to focus what it has taken to get me here…and, of course, at the mere mention of the particulars of my life long chatauqua (conscious journey of waking up to Self), here come the tears.

When I agreed inwardly to do this, here on Sunday, January 10, 2021, in the wake of what may be the last straw here in America, I thought there would be 7 highly influential elements/events/decisions that directed me to arriving at this who I Am right now place. As I picked up the pencil and jotted down the particulars they just kept pushing into the paper for recognition. And they stopped at 21…of course… 21…the powerful time of coming of age…in a time that is steering us to growing in and out to become the Truth of Our Being, personally and collectively.

I am feeling raw and vulnerable as I enter this moment of taking stock and re-collecting the pivotal moments that gave me back Me. Likely this will continue to be tear stained. This beautiful guided journey has been filled with lots of pain and abuse, both the perpetrated and the self inflicted kinds. It is a wonder I survived at all to be honest. And, in saying this, there has not been one moment when I thought of ending my life on my terms. I seriously committed to the what has been, is, and shall come when I consciously chose to incarnate. In so many ways I knew what would happen…just did not know how or when or with whom.

Check out this song written in the energetics of the 2012 end of the world confusion…

This sharing is going to be fully spontaneous even though I have the topics. I still see each moment pregnant with the possibility of releasing more tucked away energetic debris and have chosen to not turn my back on the moment’s gift, no matter the specter of its appearance. I have been tempered by the darkness of experiences to allow me to welcome each form, feel it viscerally and energetically, let it serve the great release, and stand on the other side, dripping with the liquid remnants of the emotions that gushed forth pushing their way towards the waiting arms of higher frequency Light and Love. I stand here willingly, ready to be fully present and then transfer that into the writing.

The Incubator

Upon leaving the eternal cosmic I arrived a bit early, jolted by my Mother’s fall down the stairs, an already dysfunctional household, and my personal desire to get on with it. Two weeks premature. Immediately placed in the incubator of the early 50’s, basically a shoe box with cotton and a 60 watt bulb, I arrived on Earth…with my plan. There are remarkable, critical, and lasting gifts of that early isolation from sustained human contact, each providing me a foundational imprint that has fed my life choices and experiences and formed the way I live to this day.

During the two week solitary I had little interaction with humans. I was able to maintain my awareness and communication with the Cosmic and therefore got a profound opportunity to glide into the physical and get settled (as opposed to the great slap in the butt turn on and welcome to the Earth routine). I was also born Caesarean, which due to the lack of vaginal wall stimulation, causes the nervous system to not turn on as fully. From this I did not have the stimulation that would have forced me to divert all attention to the new environment. In other words I got to acclimate to this physical body, which we shall see in a later entry delivered a profound deep connection  with my physical body.

In the incubator with limited human contact I got to experience being alone in a conscious way (which for an infant is quite expanded except that there is no way to convey that information and awareness outward). This was actually preparing me for a life where alone and on my own without being lonely has allowed me to be massively creative and autonomous, which has infiltrated this course significantly.

Finally, I bonded with rather restricted spaces. The incubator was very close to being in the womb, familiar and comforting actually. I found a peace in tight spaces with things around me, which has stayed with me. My recording studio is basically my incubator of creativity, with all I need just within reach.

Early Bliss and Abuse

Being connected with the physical and waking up to the life on Earth gradually brought me a willingness to really pay attention to the input and stimuli all around me. I became interested and inquisitive and paid attention to everything. I infused my greater awareness, kept in place by my gradual Earth integration, into my use of my senses. I felt things easily and expansively. I saw the movement of the vibration in all that was around me. I listened and heard the Earthly as well as the Cosmic. I still had contact with my guides as a very early boy. I recall having conversations with them even before I could talk in the human way. I loved being in body and enjoyed all of the permutations of this vehicle that I was becoming intimately acquainted with.

All of this prepared me for the period when I would experience the sexual abuse that occurred at the hands of men from the army base where my Mother worked. As difficult and as traumatic as it was I was actually able to keep somewhat separate because I already knew my body. The whole experience was a curious combination of pleasure and pain, of confusion and intrigue, and in being loved and abandoned. In very critical ways I found myself able to diffuse the memories and the energetic wounding by spending time alone in the yard throwing rocks at little green army men…over and over. I had no conscious awareness about it but in retrospect I was engaging in Gestalt actions that allowed me to process the woundings viscerally, which contributed to my lifelong capacity to get clear and stay healthy, despite the influences.

Throughout my life I have had very intense phases where I had to release the deeper elements of the traumas perpetrated upon me, but I was always able to move through the releases and find a place of peace at a higher vibration. This experience fed this course in my encouragement to trust that all manner of events can be cleansed and cleared to significantly diminish their impact on body, mind, emotion, and spirit. That knowing led me to even deeper information and activities that I incorporated. And, I saw even this week in Washington as the wounded ones muscled out their own atrocities upon others, blindly hoping it would assuage the pain ( and to a degree it did…but it also opened the door to the deeper release that is likely present in this fading afterglow of forced rage filled action).

I have the history of knowing the events that impacted me and then being able to manufacture the means to diminish their energetic and visceral influence because I have memory of how the body is to feel when in alignment with the mind and spirit. That energy and information was included in many of my writings thus far.

Being Alone vs. In Relationship

I know alone and I am not frightened by it. Sure, I often get lonely. But, my willingness to pay attention to the “symptoms of” loneliness allows me to find the place where my child self is calling (more on this in a minute) so I can address it with attention and love. Being alone is actually one of the existential challenges humans face and it influences much of one’s attitudes and experience of death. Thus it is a good frontier to visit and learn to navigate. The idea of spending time alone is a foundational element of all my work. I have seen first hand what embracing the experience does to calming and expanding one’s moments, no matter the form.

Profound alone experiences occurred when I was being sodomized and my Mother, obviously under the influence of substance, stood by and watched, always to my left. Honestly, it was curious that she did not intervene. But that is what massive injections of fear does, immobilizes. We easily become afraid of the reservoir of fear and do not even realize as it transforms into the mighty sea of anger, looking for a trigger to explode. (More on this in a bit).

When my birth father, Willie Paul Welch, returned from serving three years in Korea, I felt the impact of hello/goodbye, something that influenced my male experience and understanding of relationships until well into my thirties. I was playing alone at the bottom of the stairs at our home in San Miguel, California, when a man in uniform crossed the yard and came up to me. I stood up and heard,” Hello son…” I said “hello dad”…not really sure that it was him. “Is your Mother here?” “Yes…upstairs…and away he goes. In no time raised voices and screaming could be heard from my position at the bottom of the stairs. After a long while, the door opened and my dad came down the stairs and stopped in front of me. He hugged me and said,” I love you son…but I will likely never see you again”…and away he walked…out of my life, save the check he sent every month until I was 18 …$176.90…the price of keeping a tether to an abandoned son. In that moment the way I would do relationships as a man was cemented in place. Rush in and get them to say they love you as quickly as you can. Then because you heard those words start pulling away because you are supposed to be abandoned and left behind. But you cannot do the abandoning. They have to do it so just withdraw and start acting like a dick until they say f*** it and there you go…the anatomy of abandonment and the fulfillment of a familiar pattern. Always seeking the comfort zone of alone…

Everyone has history of experience in an infinite panorama of personal permutations. All get to respond or react with the tools and awareness that they have. Most civilized humans have been taught to ignore and swallow the woundings, to keep them tucked away in the energetic vertical file that the chakra system provides…until the body/chakra cannot hold anymore. Witness again the mass expulsion of pent up rage put in place by the incessant life long infusion of fear and confusion that happened four days ago in DC.

We do relationship to hopefully find those who will honestly witness us so that we can get clear and find who we are again. Rarely does this happen. Most relationships are simply a country song in the making. This course is chock full of awareness to make new kinds of life affirming relationships. That perspective grew out of consciously addressing the parameters of events like the above

Being Good at Anything

When you are alone a lot you have to do it all yourself. It is easy to wake up one day as a jack of all trades. And some are so refined that you could make a business or career out of them. The interesting thing is that I found out early that I could do and achievealmost anything that I turned my attention, mind, and energy towards. And do it well. That can make life challenges reduce as you just do not need others in order to survive and even thrive.. But, in all honesty, you do need others, but not necessarily to do things for you. More on this in a bit.

I have always chosen actions, professions where I can function alone. As a musician I am really good solo and have been in enough bands to enjoy the complementary experience that expanded my own music. But I did not need it. I taught school as an elementary teacher, alone in the classroom of thirty, learning skills that would allow me to be very good at facilitating others long after my time in those classrooms.

If I wanted to do something and I did not quite know how, I took the time to learn it. And for whatever reason, I learned quickly to reach a place of proficiency. Maybe it was high school Latin for four years….that knowing and confidence has allowed me to sit down and design and create a course like this. It allowed me to know enough graphics to make it look engaging as a book, to be able to design and post and maintain multiple websites. You get the picture. Take a look at my body of work and can see this all in practice. And yes, of course, sometimes it is so lonely and I do yearn for other input and help in doing something more fluidly than I can…but, I wake up the next day refreshed and eager to just do the next thing…and off I go.

Falling in Love with Creating

Are you starting to see how my incubator vacation prepared me for this incarnation? In some ways I was forced by circumstance to learn to be proficient at being alone. I could give you lots of evidence and reasons that in many ways I simply had no choice. But that is really unnecessary. I love to create. My introduction came with some things that were a pleasant part of growing up…yes, there were those! When I was reprimanded for this or that I would get put in a corner (torture of the day). But Mother would give me a book and a clock to help pass the time, and teach me while I was being “punished”. I quickly learned that everything had multiple uses, and so is born one foundational tool of creativity.

I also did something called echolalia, where I would speak something and then repeat it in a faintly voiced whisper right after. So, mom gave me a revox tape recorder to record myself speaking so I could hear the echolalia in action and diminish it…OK…thus I was introduced to the wonderful world of recording my voice which would sure come in handy later on…ya think?! And little did she know, but what I was consciously doing was speaking to my “imaginary friend”, Markalark, who we know as my guardian angel…who was with me until that fateful dinner at seven years old when his plate was no longer a part of our evening meal. Excuse me!!!

Creativity is a core element of the Earthly human life. We all have unlimited capacity to do so…but it is not supported so much, because true creativity uses the elements of imagination and wonder…and those are systematically diminished and, in some case, destroyed, by the institution of schools…do as you are told or you go to the principal’s office…

Once my ability and willingness to create were establish it was given a profound kick in the pants when I got to college. At Cal Poly San Luis Obispo I was a student as well as a full time professional musician. Sometimes their schedules bumped into one another. So, out of necessity, I quickly realized I could simply cram all night before a test and do fabulously. And that gave me the time for my music. I started to notice by the sophomore year that my studying changed as I opened to this remarkable idea that all the information I needed was available at the event…in the ethers…all I had to do was reach in and grab it and immediately apply it. This took a bit of time to really trust. In fact it wasn’t cemented in until I became music director at Unity Church of San Luis Obispo California in the late 80’s.

With my full time music schedule I postponed writing the Sunday morning music until Saturday night after the work at the clubs. With limited time and armed with only a talk title I sat down to create. Knowing that the energy of the upcoming event was already there and gathering more as it approached, I just paid attention. I would decide if the song was on guitar or piano. I determined the key by where I wanted the impact to be felt within the physical body where the vibration could amplify and deliver the lyric. Then I wrote, finding feel and melody and singing nonsense at first. Too often the topic paralleled experiences in my current life so I wrote personal songs about creating solution within the topic. Most of the time it was emotional, inspirational, and quite fluid for me. I would deliver the song hot off the press the next morning to ovations and tears. I had “stumbled upon” a creative process that, once trusted with absolute faith, delivered over and over.

That is how this course came through. I knew it would deliver itself if I followed my knowing. Each week delivered the energy through interactions with each participant so I took that energetic knowing and applied it to the topic. And the real key is that I took it as it came, with very few, if any, rewrites. I trusted the cosmos to deliver the words and flow through the back side of my Solar Plexus Chakra. All I had to do was use the front side will to put it into form and build it. And that I did. This process is how I do life. Works for me…

Football and Power

The reality of my early childhood left a reservoir of anger in my solar plexus chakra that I really had no clue about. Aside from me throwing rocks at green army men I had no awareness and process to address the growing explosion waiting to happen. Enter football. I started in Junior High with flag football and it was good to be active. I was actually more into Little League baseball where I was a stud pitcher who could also bang home runs…against little league pitching. It was gratifying until Craig West blew my no hitter in the All Star game and the world caught up with me…then enter football in my Freshman year.

I am big boned as they say, no really…always a bit overweight but I was using that extra weight to protect me from my step father, who happened to be one of the main perpetrators of confusion, pain, and abuse in my earlier pre seven years. Yes, he became a regular in the household…gee, thanks, Mom. Fortunately he had moved on from whatever drove him to do what he did earlier. It was tolerable but he was endless with his cutting sarcasm. I had nowhere to take this rage until I turned Freshman and became a football player.

Because of my size I was positioned as a lineman, an offensive guard to be exact. That was just right. I did not know it at the time but I was quite intense on the field. I learned my position quickly and was able to be aggressive in my play. By the time I became a sophomore I was moved to the Varsity team because I was so good. Here I added defense to my play and became the Middle Linebacker, the most ferocious player on the team typically. I did not disappoint. I turned 15 at the start of my sophomore year, a time that marked the cleansing return of my Sacral chakra woundings. My past abuses rose to the forefront and strongly impacted my play. I was brutal. I went both ways and played the full 60 minutes. I did not want to stop. I even blocked for my older brother, Greig, who was the Quarterback…but that is another story.

By my junior year I was one of the team captains and was well respected by my teammates and the school. I was getting my first taste of legitimate power. Sure it was tainted with maleness and the celebrated aggression but it wasn’t long before I stumbled upon something profound that would become a constant source of freedom for the rest of my days…crying. In my house nobody cried. If you did my Mother would say; “You have to earn the right to cry”…WTF! I had no idea what she meant, so the few times I did cry, after I was violated, I did so alone under the covers.

It was midway through the Junior season when in a particular game I was ultra intense, with energies coming up and out of me that were real football…the intentional dismantling of opponents, so to speak. When that game ended I was in an altered state, something I knew nothing about…yet. When we gathered for the school hymn with me, as a captain, right in the front line in front of the student body, I started sobbing. The tears flooded down my cheeks and wet my uniform even more than it was. I could not stop. People looked, but because I was such an established stud no one dared say a word. My clearing had begun.

From that game forth I cried at the end of every single game. With my Mother’s words about earning that cry echoing in my head I cried with a determined willingness. I knew I felt better each time and so I celebrated it. I did not cry anywhere else until I reclaimed that in the mid 80’s. Those releases were cleansings of all the abuses I had endured. I cried the fears and the memories away enough to start feeling in body more and solid. Authentic power is born through the expanded moments of living when we can feel our way completely through an experience to find the place of peace that is always there if we look and allow.

I had rediscovered my body and was giving permission, through my devotion to the tears, a new language that embraced real emotion. I was learning to become whole…one tear at a time.

All of my encouragement to be in body and be aware and to allow emotion came out of football and the gifts it brought to me. This is why the physical release is such an essential element of my writings, my work, this course, my mentorings, and even my music. I can still smell the grass and the sweat and hear the sounds and feel how good it felt to level a real person. Every tackle and every tear kept me out of prison because it surely kept me from killing while in that altered crime of passion state… for that I am eternally grateful…Go Bearcats!

The Loving Arms of Music

From the first moment when I got my first guitar in sixth grade and learned the opening riff to Dead Man’s Curve, playing it for Diana Horton who said,” Wow, you’re so amazing!”, music was a major part of my life. It has, through all of its phases given me a vibrational tool through which to augment my personal healing. I used to listen to Mother sit at the piano and play just the black notes while holding down the sustain pedal. That etheric pentatonic minor scale always went straight to my heart and stirred a deeper memory of something that I would not find for many years.

I knew my destiny in this current life had to include music. Guitar would be my chosen tool to become the vital companion to the primary instrument, my voice. I came of age with the Beatles. I knew every song and was always invited to the coolest parties if I brought my guitar. I didn’t mind being used, because not only did I get a load of attention, I was building a future career that would impact many in significant and healing ways.

When I left high school and started at Claremont Men’s College in LA I used a portion of my full ride academic scholarship to buy a Martin 000-18 guitar. That’s when music became my passion. There were some really good folk blues guitarists around who taught me just enough to take off on my own. I felt safe when I played, letting the warm tones of that beautiful Martin soothe me cell by cell.

But truly, it was when I started to sing and play that my true devotion to my form of music became cemented and pointed me in a direction I had no idea about…yet.

Writing songs leaped from a pastime to a must do passion. I was able to chronicle all the forms of my moments of living and then sing them out over and over. Talk about clearing the past. And I did not even know what I was doing sound wise. But I could see the impact of my creations, my lyrics, and my voice. They made people feel. The early acoustic bands I played in in San Luis Obispo brought me notoriety and confidence. My originals were becoming a regular part of the band sets. Throughout the 70’s and into the 80’s I augmented my teaching income with club work, becoming more and more sophisticated and impactful with my writings.

In the late 80’s when I became a member and eventual music director at Unity Church of San Luis Obispo I jumped into my future, embracing my music as the primary tool for me doing life and eventually teaching life to anyone who would listen. As music director I honed my writing chops and faith in my creative process by penning songs weekly for the Sunday Service, creating songs for pageants and holiday performances, and eventually entering the traveling market to first work with the youth.

It was in the late 80’s when a pivotal event closed a potential door to wealth and fame and left me in the waiting arms of spirit. A songwriter showcase in Pasadena beckoned so I made my cassette with three of my best spiritual type songs. I entered a classroom at Pasadena City College and sat with 20 other songwriters. We each set our cassette on a table in front of some guy with a cassette player. One by one he put the cassettes in and played a song for about two bars and basically said yay or nay while moving to the next. When he put mine in I held my breath. He listened and then stopped it and rolled back to listen again before he stopped and blurted out, “I have no idea what this guy is saying…” and then went to the next.

Looking for answers in every direction  Man Master Thyself

Taking the course that will give you perfection Man Master Thyself

Watching the programs and reading the dailies

somebody must find my way

All of the while missing with style

Wandering wondering hoping for miracles

every step of the way

Rejected…and so I went from becoming a published songwriter for the stars and making millions to the life of writing songs to assist in personal remembering of deeper truths…living consciously. I thank that person every day for his mis-understanding.

My musical creations and my Sound Alchemy are major components to expand the power of the words and the writings. The music is the wings upon which I glide. It fuses energetic meaning into the listeners’ full bodied experience. It is essential to this course, even though we did not use it much. It used me, fed me, and kept me creating…

Finding and Witnessing  My Child Self

I have to confess, I never lost contact with my inner child self, though I did not know anything about him. My arrival tenure in the incubator allowed me the opportunity to connect spirit self and child self slowly without the interference of the family dynamic and the vibrations of the “outside world”. In retrospect, it was one of the most important happenings of this incarnation. It literally provided the perfect foundation with which to navigate the roller coaster that was coming.

I distinctly remember the presence of my “imaginary friend”  as far back as I can remember, which is actually quite far. I talked with him incessantly and because of the traumas, began to rely on him immensely for safety and support and as a touchstone. Now in a way, I am also talking about my guardian angel who was also very active at the time because of the things that I was being put through. The guardian would often pull back and be near, while the child self was ever present. I grew to want him near always because it was the one thing I could count on during those years.

And at seven years, after all that I had experienced, I reached the age where I technically had fully incarnated into the physical. It also was the point when my Mother took away the extra plate at the table (for Markalark). It was a shock, but I knew it meant nothing because I had already established a trusting relationship with that part of me. At this point I rekindled my loving cuddling relationship with Brownie and Ted, my stuffed dog and stuffed bear. They were the surrogates for the missing parts as a transition. I have them with me still and they cuddle with me every night as we sleep, sometimes more than others, especially when my boy feels scared. It helps immensely.

Already having this relationship I was quite open for the inner child movements that populated the 80’s. I bypassed the AA perspective pioneered by John Bradshaw and actually aligned more with the Transactional Analysis work of mid 70’s, Eric Berne. It became a significant tool in the deeper inner child work I did throughout the 80’s with Support Group Network, the brainchild of a local therapist, the late Robert Simmons. Becoming a long time facilitator teaching groups to become self regulated support groups kept my child self in the forefront. And it was about that time that I started playing with what was called Automatic Writing. Though it was presented as connecting with your guides it always seemed more personal and it evolved into conversations with my inner child self, now named Markalark.

Imagine my delight when I discovered the work of one, Lucia Capachionne, who as a therapist at Disney in LA, pioneered dialoguing with the inner child through non-dominant handwriting. And just by circumstance I found myself living in the bottom floor of her Cambria, California home when my marriage dissolved and I needed a new place to heal. I had already bridged that connection with the automatic writing and now I had manuals and exercises. Oh, happy day.

As I learned that the language of the child was the body physical sensations and emotions and saw how both were discounted in normal society, I began to see the importance of consciously building that inner relationship. I have notebooks filled with interactions between Markalark and my adult self. It has been one of the primary tools to process and create a safe world for me. Every tear I cried brought him closer to me and deepened our critical relationship, thus dissolving many of the learned patterns he had run to survive, which played out as how I was in the world. Once he let go to accept the constant loving presence I provided, he let the patterns fall away and my life changed completely.My devotion to him and what we created together is foundational to all of my work with others and in my courses and even in my music. And speaking my birth name out loud has become a signature element of my workshops and personal sessions as it calls me into the Inner Child template that is the conduit that runs through the infinite flow of all my incarnations. Coming home it is…

Devoted Optimism

Maybe it is because I got to acclimate to life in a much gentler way (with the incubator and really with the Caesarean because it lifted me out as opposed to squeezing me out) but I have always believed, even known, that everything will work out. In my childhood it showed up as the cavalry will always arrive in the nick of time to save us. Knowing this allowed me to descend into the forms of unpleasant moments to learn more about their parameters, as if I knew I would need that information experience some day down the road apiece. I can recall witnessing my abuses in a fairly neutral way at times, separate from the multi-level pain of what was taking place. Even in my childhood mind I knew that things had a reason and that someday I would know it.

This trust of life shows up in my songwriting for I always create resolution/solution to the challenge of the topic by the last verse. And I always write in first person because I want the listener to sing it, and when they do they are affirming it to themselves, which is a mighty powerful medicine.

And in my writing I underscore that I am only here to remind the reader of their magnificence and provide some ways I have found to make that knowing so. It has never been about building an audience or reputation, but more about opening up the inner keys and then allowing each person’s design and wisdom provide the specific and personal applications that only they knew from within. Dispensable was always what I wanted to be in this capacity. I had already had enough with dogma and doing what you are told and trying to become normal and accepted.

This course is built on the knowing that good higher frequency things show up when we reconnect to our celestial design, guaranteed. Every topic is infused with this knowing. Purposefully. Life is built by Love for thriving. As a knowing participant that is what I embrace and want every living soul to remember and actively reclaim. That is not too much to ask, now, is it?!

The Umbilical Cord of the Physical

I was always irritated by Renaissance Religious Art that portrayed the haloed spiritual men looking heavenward with a yearning. It sure seemed like they were trying to get out of their body. I found the same vibration and action when I visited Mt. Shasta in California in the late 80’s for that Celestial Event, the Harmonic Convergence. Shasta was purported to be the gateway to the Inner Kingdom of Earth, a regular space being stopping point. And many who were drawn there in the fledgling days of the late 80’s seemed like all they wanted to do was get off the planet by hitching a ride with Ashtar Command. They wore ten pounds of crystals just to keep them near the Earth in their purple jump suits and featured that I’m-looking-through-you gaze… puhleeze…. I can spot someone with a chakra system stuffed and bogged down with unexpressed pain and emotional baggage galore from a mile away…it is all about run away…there has to be something better than this.

And this is really much of the world. Anything to stop the flow of whatever it is…give me alcohol, give me sex, give me big pharma’s latest, give me crime, give me control, give me power, give me TV, give me video games, give me…anything…anything… to take it away.

And here I am saying it is imperative that you reconnect with your physical being. Here is where the healings that want to destroy this distorted version of you will take place. It holds the keys to your survival and the tools for your thrival…unify with the body by learning to clear energy to allow the reconnection with heavenly you. Each of us is a combination of heaven and Earth, not some isolate, buffeted about by a mean ol’ Cosmos. Sorry, there really is no reason to run away. The physical holds the answers. And it starts with paying attention.

This foundational necessity is what I build all of my work on. The umbilical cord of the physical goes right into the core of the Earth and is fueled by awareness, feeling, breathing, and then reaches upward opening to Celestial support. Unified is where it is at. If you want a soul mate then unite with the Heaven and Earth parts of you. Then befriend and create profound relationship with your child self and you will have arrived at the YOU junction, right in the middle of your heart. Any other relationship will then just be the icing on your cake.

We came here to fully experience the body, not learn to ignore it and put it out of touch with its capacities just so we can make it through. And you know this. Yes, this is the substance that makes the good life possible and it permeates my writings of all kinds, even this one.

The Blessings of Women

Some say they have been raised by wolves…that’s quite exotic. I was raised by a bevy of women. Men were pretty much vacant, either being not there or internally not here. Take one of my main male influences, Uncle Bill. He had a challenging Korean War experience and came home to San Miguel to quickly become the town drunk. He was a master builder with a big ol’ workshop. He would cook breakfast in a wheelbarrow for my brother and I. And he would invite us into his room late at night to sit at the window waiting for the cats to show up at the plate just so he could ignite their personal death dance with his 22 rifle. Would any of you buys like to give it a shot?!…good night, Uncle Bill… No real men there. The parade of men my Mother brought home from the Camp Roberts Officer’s Club where she worked brought only pain in more ways than one. And yes, one of them, Shep, ended up posing as a step father for almost ten years before he ran away for good. Nope, men did not provide much for me. Even my older brother and me, sons of different fathers, didn’t quite know what to do with each other. There was football and other sports that brought me comrades. But the friendships disappeared when I left for college, never to return. Music and bands became a tool for male connections, but we never hung out much…just played tunes. Loved it but left it mostly. No, I was here to develop my feminine side right alongside my masculine…and I had to do it out from under the traditional male influence.

But there were always women around. Mom, Aunt Virginia and cousin Cindy and Linda. Aunt Elaine and her daughters Cheri and Denise. For some reason I felt safe around them, more connected. A lot of the time they were fun. But in retrospect, it was the vibe that I wanted and needed. I came as a very sensitive being and knew a lot. I needed softness and willing eyes and hugs and grooming and permission to be me and occasionally, some appreciation and celebration,which came in as just enough. I needed the vibe because my Celestial feminine self was a big part of this incarnation already and would blossom exponentially as I grew, because it was a spiritual thing. I was essentially preparing for the arrival of the Aquarian Age, yes, this time we are in.

The writing I do and my body connections and free flowing tears and open heart and willingness to find solution and speak what was going on in me all needed that feminine frequency to grant permission for me, as a male, to go with it. That upbringing element gave me an allowance to develop as me, without a lot of manipulating and discounting. Remember I was a high achiever who could learn on a dime and always was first in every class I was in…what’s not to like?!  But, that was my smokescreen that kept people off my back. I was incubating a future and I needed to be left alone, literally and figuratively.

I knew androgynous. With my early sexual activity as a pretty boy for the Army pedophile Club and my active life as a sexual partner in the evocative and readily available musician life, I knew both sides of the coin. And that truly helped me to be present to a greater population. It allowed me to have the sensitivity to listen and support. It also gave me the chutzpah to take action and be strong like bull. Perhaps,this is the new human…balanced and capable of functioning easily between the masculine and the feminine.

This experience and knowing allows me to write and sing and share as I do. I love my softness and my tears and my capacity to take care of business and the energy that pulses within me. It gives me a fuller life. And that, I submit, is what is arriving for all of us in these transformational times. It is there for the taking. Why do you think there is all of this gender confusion? Think about it…

Finding the Expanse of the Now Moment

Civilized humans typically live in the past or the future only stopping at the present for coffee and donuts on the run. The past becomes the albatross that people chain themselves to and the primary determiner of the poor-me-oh-shit-not-again future that so many carry in their hip pocket. And the future, as just hinted at is, at best, a crap shoot. But most have been programmed to fear the future because they don’t want to experience that pain again. And, the Universal Laws being as they are in these quick response times, it is easy to program and deliver the feared future through focused fearful repetition.

And one common result of this is that people are herded about by the carrot of normal, navigating their own perceived shortcomings to often just settle on a comfort zone, that seductive prison that recycles our giving up beliefs and actions. Pair that with the unwillingness to address emotional baggage and the unspoken woundings (let’s just tuck that away and it won’t be an issue) and you have what is called stuck. Much of humanity is stuck. And that is the fertile ground for finger pointing and embracing far out ideas and aligning with anything that basically reinforces the what is, even though it wears a different cloak and may seem like the next thing. Parrots and lemmings living under the same old roof painted with the walls of the fear of the what has been. In this way the future is fine in a comforting way because it is the same that just happened today over and over.

There you go, life in this 2021 falling apart world (or so it seems)

And that brings us to that hello/goodbye land of the present, the eternal Now Moment as I like to call it. This is where life is meant to be lived according to the Great Design that lives in you and me. But when there is so much debris infiltrating the passing now it is easy to tuck one’s head and heart and go back inside to the comfort of the self created me zone that was enough of a distraction to make the energetic tendrils go back down where they belong. The present is a primary doorway to your own Home.

I found the now, once again, while lounging in the incubator. As I got to experience this human physical body waking up I paid attention. I had a blankie and the walls of the incubator and the the pad below me along with an occasional closed glass top to keep me warm. I explored and I felt and I responded. And it happened in the Now. I still had connection and communication with the Celestial that I was fresh from so I was applying principles moment by moment. Then as life in the family of origin delivered its unique experiences I was forced to live close to that old friend, the Now. I had to. With each event I had no willingness to look farther than what I was feeling or sensing.

And life unfolded and I stayed present and then drifted in my early twenties. If not for a pivotal event in the early 70’s when I was living with band mates in the Winter in a tight house in Lake Tahoe, California, playing music at a Mexican Restaurant down by Stateline, I could still be walking the path of past dragging and painting a dismal future. The woundings of childhood burst through on a late afternoon Thanksgiving gathering while I was upstairs with some friends watching football on a small black and white TV. I felt something through the shroud of nothing I had grown used to to get by. It was a sensation in my body like something waking up and crawling around. Then my vision went into a tunnel and I felt like I went backwards out the back of my head. Got my attention  and I went downstairs to my girlfriend, Mary, and took her hand and told her what is up. Maybe it was the pot or the wine…could it have been laced with LSD like those horrible times before. Who knows?

So, we ignored it and I did my best but it did not go away. I was having what may now be classified as a severe anxiety attack. I see it now as my body releasing the energetic wounding in real time…an actual pathway to healing, not a dismal drop into the halls of Hell.

That event became my time where I devoted life to healing me. I started therapy, sent Mary back to Virginia to marry later when I healed (never happened), got a prescription for Lorazapam (which I mostly kept in my pocket and reached for only when I was really scared), and walked through my days moment by moment, keenly aware of what was going on inside me. This attention and my unwillingness to take the drug gave me a way through it. And going through it was my sole purpose. My higher wisdom told me to not run away…and I listened.

Through it I got in touch with the mystery and the painful excrement of the abuses and developed the tools, with help, to integrate. Through the Rebirthing process I learned to use the breath to cleanse the energetic pain and walk right through the current symptoms. I healed. And it was because I lived devoted to the Now moment, my only Source of information.

So, of course, I would make that a prime foundational element of all my writings. I write in first person and mostly in the now moment. My songs are moments in time to be triggers for release and clearing vibrationally. My statements are always in the present. I do not do the past nor do I spend much time in the future. As already established I firmly believe that everything will work out. And it does…the more I pay attention and respond…and that is what I present in my own moments of living and what you find here in this course. It works. The Now Moment has become the Infinite Gateway to the Life Fully Lived.

Embracing and Unifying with Earth

Maybe it’s my double Virgo Earth sign foundation. Maybe its how much I love the smell of the grass in a vicious cleansing football game. Maybe its because of the hours I spent on the Earth setting up green army men figures to bombard and annihilate with stones and dirt clods. Maybe it’s how much I love taking pictures of Nature rather than humans because there is such visible and mind blowing interplay between light and shadow and water and sky. Maybe its because I grew up in a time when you got up in the morning and left to go play with friends outside making up life experiences. Maybe it’s because I grew up near the Salinas River and me and my buds spent hours and days down in the trees and sand and in the water when it finally arrived in Winter. Maybe it is how I feel when I am out in Nature…peaceful and connected. Maybe its because I feel the power of the Earth when I am in my physical body and want to stay connected. Maybe it’s how I feel when my feet are in the water at the end of the day walking the shoreline of the amazing Pacific Ocean. Maybe its the exhilaration I feel when the rain falls and I run out to get soaked. Maybe its that I have been in so many Earthquakes growing up 50 miles from the San Andreas Fault, teaching me the awesome power of the sweet Mother, Gaia. Maybe…

Regardless of the reason, I love the Earth. It is my personal Source of power on all levels. And as I learned through the sharings of the Celestial Channel, Kryon, the Earth and human are intimately united in symbiotic relationship with the Earth constantly reflecting and responding to the inner state of its human guests. Knowing this it had to be a major part of Living As If. Remaking the connection with the Earth, the kind we had so easily as children, is one of life’s major to do’s. Find Earth and fall in love and you are absolutely well on the way to your own inner reawakening to the I Am.

Getting Clear

I remember being clear. But the minute I left the incubator the fog started to roll in. It was a struggle to keep the knowings intact, the truths that I still cradled from the Source. Daily living with the incessant bombardment of living in the body energies from in and out kept me whirling much of the time. The woundings that befell put a wash over the colors of life and the runaway joy I felt earlier. Buying into fitting in kept me dancing around for acceptance…to be normal (and why in the world would I want that at all?!) Having my urges to cry or get mad or feel afraid and share it shushed and told they are not appropriate or manly wrapped me up in a confusing need to protect. And not being listened to when I really, really needed to be witnessed built the walls that imprisoned me from the unfettered wings of life.

I learned to swallow anything that wasn’t appropriate. I learned to be gray when I had to. I learned to mistrust my feelings…for awhile.

Yes, for awhile. For that is all I could tolerate. The memory of throwing the stones at the soldiers, the sounds and feelings of lightness that came when I sang along with some song, the way the tears felt snaking down my cheeks headed for the Sacral Source, the belly button, the way I felt when I was alone away from the confusing human influences demanding this and that, and oh, so much more. Yes, these were the catalysts that pushed through  when my being said “enough of this swallowing and stuffing and whimpering!”

My freedom came from choosing to let go in football, in play, in singing, in joking, in hugging, in crying, in loving the Natural world…on and on, rediscoveries of the blessings of this life opened the doors and made way for the devotion and willingness to release and clear. I knew the benefits of such choices in action intimately. I felt the clarity as it replaced the fog and always wanted more of it. It is why I turned my back on drugs so quickly. I wanted to be living naturally…And when I leaned specific tools that could keep me clear and unburdened in thought and energy I found freedom. To this day every nuance is given its due attention for I see it as my loving body partnering with my Chakra system and emotional detritus to cleanse me deeply. I love it when I can dis-integrate symptoms that have shown themselves to bring me to that plateau overlooking the beautiful life. I can create that more often than not. Sure sometimes it requires more effort and more exercises and more sounding…but it always works and delivers peace and reunites me with my scared little boy once again.

Clearing is essential. We have been so misdirected and filled with fake news and manipulative lies that we carry excessive weight just from that. (Looking for a remedy to obesity?) Knowing that our design is there to cleanse and clear the energies naturally (to a degree) activates me to use my inherent capacities to jettison the unspoken and the unfelt and return home. See why I include it in such a variety of ways in my writings and songs? I thought you would…

Walking the Edge like a Warrior

Perhaps it was because I did not have much interfacing with men in my early years, at least in a positive way. Maybe it was that my draft number in 1970 was 202 which cleared me from going to Viet Nam and gave me my life back. Maybe it was my long interest in the Civil War from the Confederate perspective of the battles. Could have been my knowing I was in World War 2 flying in B52’s doing bombing runs on Germany. Could have even been a fascination with the Spartans, or the Egyptian armies, or the early explorers, or the astronauts in the early US space program, or the hours spent playing army as a boy, or that my real Father was in the Army…there was always a lean towards the warrior, even before I learned more about what it took to be a legitimate, not just a man on the kill following orders.

I was never tested as a male except in football ( not to discount the testing I undertook in the treatment as a boy…but there I could not really fight back much). And there in that game I excelled, buoyed by the cesspool of rage I carried in the Solar Plexus and below. Beyond that, there was always a yearning to be filled with integrity and authenticity and a willingness to use discernment and take action for a life affirming cause. This yearning naturally steered me to become a Spiritual Warrior, as set forth so long ago in a book on the Japanese Bushido warriors by Dick Sutphen. I found that I could take up arms to blast through the misinformation and the programming that was meant to rob me of my power. I could rise up against ignorance and fear and be a leader of people through the written word or via song or even walking my talk to the best of my ability at any given time.

I was drawn to the edge of the wave as I loved the exhilaration of the unknown. I liked new information and new perspectives and love to read and listen to spiritual channels who seemed to deliver the latest. I was motivated by looking at what was the current norm in different ways, always moving towards a new more life affirming interpretation and action.

That is why I am so comfortable speaking about the Cosmos and what I feel and see unfolding. Yes, I want it to happen and yes, I am saddened how life has become for so many, and yes, I have always known there is more to this. I have learned, as explained earlier, to trust the spontaneous delivery that comes through from the Source when I ask and stay open. And my willingness to take immediate action has delivered some powerful creations that I could flesh out by simply continuing to listen

I wanted to walk the edge with this course. Perhaps the best way I have done that is to wait until the last minute to write the week’s information and create the actions to put motion into the ideas. It was fresh and alive and rode the frequency that was in those infinite Now Moments whirling around me. And this I have done…and will continue to do so as I create the next. For that is where I feel alive, vital, inspired, open, willing, adventurous, a bit scared…and I hope that is where you go as well…

Giving Voice to My Life

Funny about the silence. On one hand it is the repository of all possibility waiting to be delivered to the seeker who is willing to turn off the sounds, real and imagined…to simply listen. And it is also the place that some are frightened of, a place where people are forced into when they misbehave, the place where one gets controlled by another, the place where many live by choice because they are afraid to let the sound out fearing they may never stop screaming.

Music works because there is silence between the notes. Upon the completion of a piece it is useful to allow it to integrate through the silence…rather than shatter the sublime with applause and hoots and bravos and boos.

When someone conquers another country or person they move quickly to silence them. Shutting down expression gets the energy to store. That energy is typically fear based. Storing it over and over leads to seeing, believing, and living in a fear filled life…which can be more easily controlled.

Words must be spoken, sounds must be uttered and pulsed outward into the world…no matter what. You and I are equipped with the most amazing cleansing vehicle ever made manifest, the human voice. It massages the inner organs, dis-integrates energetic masses, communicated yes and no, makes beautiful melodies, shatters the silence and expresses pain as fear and anger and sadness. It is magical and always available, as we choose.

If your voice has been silenced by circumstances and choice then you are only a portion of you. Until that voice is freed there is no real freedom.

Though I was silenced as a boy when the men were doing their thing, I was in the yard next day making bomb sounds and audible explosions to help release what I could not say during the actions. I always had to speak, make sound, give voice to the me in the moment, whether I was given permission or not.

Singing helped immensely for songs are melody based consisting of different pitches. A good melody will engage each chakra and precipitate the release of the debris of the unspoken. We can sing our way to health. That is what I did. When I discovered my voice in music I sang a good hour a day. And when I started writing I sang my way through the pain to find that place of peace. And often the mere use of the voice activated the rush of tears for they go hand in hand.

In my therapeutic journey I learned the power of Gestalt, or the imagined and acted out scenario where I could sound and say what I wanted and needed under the safety of the imagined person in the empty chair. I shared outrage, pain, terror, hatred, fear, decisions made to these persons through my active and audible intentions. And, of course, I kept wanting and trying to go to the source of my pain and say what I had to say for awile, but that was always sabotaged by their actual presence  and their interruptions and denials and facial gestures and I would fail and feel worse. Gestalt gave me a critical key to always saying what needs to be said and simply get it out.

My devotion to this is why I include the audible speaking of the birth name, the affirmative statements, the proclamations, the mantras, the chants, the intentional songs, the chakra sounding, the Gestalt releases…because they all work to return us to our home base, empowered and clean, prepared to live as if already whole.

Trust that I Am Taken Care of

Again, I have to defer to my default introduction into Earthly life for this incarnation once again. Despite the traumatic beginning of Mother’s fall and the following Caesarean birth I was placed right back into a womb where I maintained the expanded connection. Because of that I believe I developed a deep trust that all would be well no matter the appearance of the moments.

And yet, despite that foundation, I, like most of us was put through the experiential ringer with no idea of how I would end up. And that was perfect. Trust is something that has to earned and developed through experience and the response to that experience. With most of the world dancing around the likely undercurrent that we are damaged goods and victims of a harsh life it is hard to develop even a modicum of trust when so much is happening to test you. Settling is somewhat of an art. Each finds a place where they just give up and tread water for a while, sometimes for an entire incarnation.

Each of us has moments and thus an opportunity to react or respond. That moment is the place where trust is built. If one believes in Love and Life as Love and that, despite those appearances, life is a good thing…and they spend time applying the grounding and clearing tools they hold inside, then they might choose to respond and get to know the moment and integrate it. If not, then more firewood for the great Solar Plexus explosion.

We learn to trust by trusting, period. And each choice to see a bigger picture feeds that momentum until it becomes how you are in the world, embracing instead of resisting. I spent time fighting against the form and I spent time flowing with it the best I could. Both actions brought tears and cleansing and shifts.  It was because I felt so much better more quickly when I stopped resisting and paid attention to what was happening from the higher perspective. That spoke loudly enough to solidify my belief that this is a loving Universe and we are so much more than we have been told we are.

That trust is what I bring to this course and all my work. Sure I am subject to complete misreads and struggles, but I see them fairly quickly. My track record has delivered a capacity to not be diverted by a misread for any real length of time. And the one more thing that has developed my trust is the willingness to make a choice and take action and then pay attention and adjust as necessary…and take action again until I move into and integrate what was dancing on my altar of awareness.

I experience the forms and then allow the flow of emotional response to take its course until, on the other side of that wash, I can see clearly and discern what is up…and then make a life affirming decision.

Belief in a Loving Cosmos

When I found myself in the back of the theater watching The Exorcist, scrunched down in my seat with my hands covering my eyes because I did not want to witness what was on the screen, I made a pivotal choice and left the theater. That was the only horror movie that extolled the existence of evil that I ever almost saw. I simply did not choose to believe in evil.

I saw through the facade of perpetuating fear with an imaginary being to control us all and extort protection through service, money, or bodily sacrifice. I wanted no part of it. So, I simply do not entertain it. I do not believe in germs or genetic illness, or most diseases, or bogeymen, or the like. I hold no place in my being for it though some would say what happened to me as a boy was surely evil.

I get that, but knowing what I know about how pain is swallowed and the lasting impact of silence and manipulation, I see clearly the path to crimes of passion. People in general love to point fingers and spew out blame and hold others accountable for the very action they themselves do. Yes, diversion and projection because the inner wound is too seemingly large that they fear annihilation if it ever gets out. Yeah, lets make someone else responsible and I can get by. But still, I choose to see a bigger picture. I affirm that consequences for actions is a justified part of human interactions in society. But, I hold the deeper and constant truth that all are the child of God, to put it even bigger, that each is a unified expression of the I Am That I Am Expressing as Me. Yes, Source in expression as well as the individual frequency that you have always been.

And so there is solution. I hold all life sacred and holy. When I hold that this is a Loving Cosmos I mean it. That vibration fills my writings and my songs and my courses. To think and live otherwise is not an option, though I must own that many times I have fumbled…like on January 6, 2021 as I witnessed the events in Washington DC. Yes, I had to climb out of joining the rhetoric of disgust…until I took a long look at me and how I had stormed people’s castles energetically in my own life. I affirm change but not punishment, learning over ignorance, discernment and conscious action over crowd control mind.

It helps me stay more in an expanded balance where I find peace and still behold the magnificence of life on Earth.

The Infusion of Perpetual Gratitude

As soon as I really started living that this is a Universe of Love I naturally gravitated to being grateful. Giving thanks has kind of always been like saying the Lord’s Prayer…doing it but not really feeling it. So when I expanded my gratitude to include oh so much more beyond just the good things, I started to see different results. I started looking for opportunities to be grateful. And because I know the spoken word is the primary manifesting tool I made sure my gratitudes were audible. Doing so opened me to more things to be grateful for. The more I was grateful the circle simply grew to a way of interfacing life.

Yes, there is much to be grateful for…everything in fact. When I applied gratitude to situations that seemed negative I immediately moved to the bigger picture and was reminded about the role I have in the forms my life takes. It is exciting to know that using powerful tools like this I am able to steer my life to align more with my intentions. A work in progress, of course…but again, the muscles of gratitude must be exercised. Doing so audibly out into the ethers calls forth the vibrations that attract the harmonic form to you. We do, in fact, create our own life.

This perspective permeates my work no matter what the focus. I simply feel better in my body and feel more connected and powerful when I engage gratitude. It feels so wonderful coming off my tongue.

Claiming My Vibrational Design

Once I got used to being in the physical I snuggled in and found ways to experience it as much as possible. And in the spirit of thousands of years of collective belief I began to think that I was my body and my body was me. I heard and accepted science when they said this is what we were made of. Just look at the scientific drawings of the inner human body made in Leonardo’s time. He drew what he saw…and then science filled in the blanks.

Even when Newton had the apple fall he decided that his perception was a law of physics and heads bobbed all around him. The unraveling of the true human physical design limped along with occasional new insight. The Medical community made decisions throughout the discovery of the magnificence of the human  body and, in the spirit of we don’t know why its here but it doesn’t look well…snip snip…and floors were covered with countless tonsils, adenoids, lymph glands, duodenums, gall bladders, wisdom teeth, molars, and spleens, with an occasional kidney thrown in.

Debris iis in the parade of medical science. Lots of oops came back to haunt the MDs. And when they made sure that the patient signed waivers of any responsibility/accountability for their “for God sakes man! Save Me!” Actions the system folly and arrogance and ignorance found a home in the general population. Alternative explorations and successful treatments were outlawed as quackery by the AMA because there was no money in prevention. Health is not the primary intended outcome of the health “industry”.

And still the magnificence of this human body creation of the Cosmos kept revealing itself. With the advent of quantum physics and the reality of the unseen began to become common there was a growing interest in the cures by the quacks that incorporated vibrational medicine and breath and mysterious chakras and energetic anatomy.

And still, Medicare does not fund most alternative treatments even though they work…c’mon people!

I have had a healthy life, rarely getting sick after my episodes with swollen glands as a boy because I could never speak my truth. The back up and the slowing of my vibration brought forth symptoms that when treated brought pain and…get ready for it…here it comes!…TEARS…and the next thing you know I was cured and even still had my tonsils. I was building testimonials for vibrational medicine even way back then. I did not do meds beyond the Tylenols and the occasional antibiotic. Rather I placed my trust in serving and maintaining my own innate immune system. I grew to trust the energetics of how I was designed over the crap shoots of modern medicine. And I made it all the way to 68 before I had a surgery…taken down by a cardboard box on stairs that popped a biceps muscle. I am still intact with no allergies and no conditions, except a little nail fungus. No flu shots. No vaccines since second grade and the great polio eradication…thank you.

Why am I talking this way…because once I became a devotee of me as a vibrational being everything had a remedy: change your vibration. That put my health back in my hands. Do I get a little scared sometimes when something unexpected pops up? Yes…but 99% of the time clearing the energy whisks it away… and Advil takes care of the other 1%.

As a vibrational being I quickly learned why music works…frequency of vibration. I used that awareness to craft specific healing music (sshhh, don’t tell the AMA). Being vibrational allows me to understand the energetic influence of a room, of a group, of a person, of a town, of a lover…all vibration influencing one another through Earthly and Celestial Laws. Simple and so much cleaner than nip and tuck and cut it out surgeries and procedures followed by the latest pharmaceutical de jour. Sound and song and Light and color and aromas and guided imagery and reflexology and acupuncture/pressure and chant and mantra and intentional Songs and quartz bowls and a good drumming session and gong washes and tuning forks and brainwave entrainment and…ok, you get it.

Being a vibrational being opens me and anyone up to their true design and takes away being a practice point for doctors, new and old. This is how we can live the good healthy life…tending our own vibrational garden. We choose what aligns and augments that vibration. We become sensitive about foods and how to fill them up with love before chowing down. Yes, vibrational being is perfect for this Living as If Already Whole. Because vibrational care will bring you back into the balance that reflects your true design…period…end of story…and now, the last element, number 21.

Living the Absolute Necessity of Self Care

Do I really need to talk about this?…everything shared so far fits in this box. And yet culturally people are praised for taking care of others first, draining their own swamp so that others may live…sorry about the cost to you…but you will be remembered as a giver. Oh, and , thanks a lot!

Ok sarcasm…but true. Self care calls forth images of self absorbed and narcissistic individuals. Me first…me first…me first…waa waa waa!

That kind of self care is mental and not about tending to your own needs first on all levels, the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual. Doing so pumps up your balance and puts you in center with ongoing access to your own wellspring inner resources. In other words you can show up for others in profound ways because you are solidly connected and strong like bull and know how to use and regulate your own energetic fields. You are not prone to slide into co-dependency, nor are you one who sucks the life out of any living thing near you because you are so needy.

No you are solid. And from this solid place you live fully and thrive in all manner of degrees and arenas in this multi-dimensional playground.

This, in a nutshell, was the purpose of this entire course, plant the garden of willingness to practice impeccable self care. It heals anything and everything and allows you to show up for anyone and anything, clean and clear and ready to serve the moment’s form.

And there you are…how this course was lifted from my own moments of living. It is a profound journey that ultimately was only about me and making my life smoother and more fun.

I did not expect to find our commonality and develop an actual blueprint for living whole as your incessant I AM That I Am Expressing As You. But I did…and it is yours to use however you see fit.

My personal gratitude for all the nuances of the journey, every little thing that happened, every mistake and lesson learned, every insight, and stumble and every successful engagement…to life I lift my heart and soul. And together we consciously choose to thrive as often as we want.

Stay thirsty my friend…

Session Action Two: The Life That Seeds/Feeds My Perspectives