A friend sent me a 2:30 minute video of animals connecting in love…it was beautiful. Animal enemies, as we have been taught, embracing and loving and sleeping together. Precious. And, of notice, they are all young…designed to love and to freely express it without hesitation. It seems that animals must be taught to see through the eyes of enemies as well…over time.

When you take away the molding of time upon one you are able to see the design in play. You see how easily Love is shared and allowed and received. Hate is taught…no two ways about that. And of course it creates separation  and isolation and disrupts the flow of the collective. You can see this played out before our eyes here in these virus times of early 2021.

As humans, we arrive with a similar frequency…a higher vibration being of Love, bringing the Celestial to the flesh. Circumstances have historically played a part in how long that pureness, that innocence, that vibration lasts. Once there is a program seeded of lack of value, of flaw, of limitation, of less than, the Love gets compromised and sent to the back of the room. Humanity in conflict is given life 3 billion times a day with the habits of discounting and finding fault on the tips of too many tongues.

And where is the Love? Waiting patiently in the heart…waiting for rediscovery…waiting to be freed up to blossom. Too often the energetics of living and the dogma of swallow those tears and don’t be emotional and do as you’re told and be quiet, keep love a wispy fantasy that one pulls out in moments alone or in the first moments of meeting someone new…for a breath or two, before the value police take out the manual to start finding fault so that love can stay imprisoned…where it belongs.

Truthfully, that Love never leaves us. It builds protective walls of past woundings and stuffs the unspoken in satchels in the ventricles of the heart so that nothing gets revealed, lest we get exposed as vulnerable and weak. Hearts harden. They make friends with old patterns and run the company line put in place by a child who did not know what to do when the hurt happened. Protected and safe…protected and safe…protected and safe, oh my!

And still, after all these woundings it is still there, beneath the weight of the energetic past, waiting for permission. And sometimes that permission comes by manifesting a disease. There is a reason that heart disease and heart attacks are one of the top killers of people…fear of hurting and pain at all costs. Right there is the great paradox. The pain that one steers life to avoid contact with is the very energetic memory that will precipitate the healing and the freeing of the yearning Love.

Don’t feel…I will stay out of relationship because I do not want to feel that pain again…lies we tell ourselves to keep the status quo. Swallow and swallow until we believe more in the lie than our own wisdom. Then we live to protect the pain from the pain. We align more with the lie and are willing to fight to keep it, even gather allies to commiserate into a mighty cause whose only goal is to keep itself in place…tradition…the way it was…the way it is, dammit! We will storm the capital to keep everything the same, keep the lie stirring the energetic debris just enough to feel some kind of alive thing that lifts us oh so subtly out of the boredom that our fear based resistance has created.

It plays out inside one’s own being, in relationships, and in mass actions on the world stage…all with one true purpose, get clear to allow the reclamation of the Self As Love. Yet, as it stirs, It keeps the collective from unifying…perpetuating separation, for awhile. For many, separation keeps a reservoir of fear stirring the mass so that we are distracted from waking up. We make change our enemy and point fingers at anyone who wants to do this or that to interfere. Coming together, the very thing we yearn for, that calls from the shrouded and protected heart, is not heard…yet.

But, Love is bigger, greater than that…tenacious when we allow it, subversive in finding its way out of just stay normal programs, a driving force whether we feel it or not…it moves us. An infant of any kind…two living beings hugging…a hand on our back…a kind word…a door opened…an offer to help from a stranger…Love…that Love is being heard…indeed…but it just hasn’t registered yet.

In 2021 the collective has been activated. Humanity and all of life are jockeying for position in these times to come. The Earth is doing it…Nature is doing it…cultures are doing it…races are doing it…professions are doing it…institutions are doing it…all waking up from the deep deep sleep. But this wake up is so different than ever before. It is not waking up to reclaim a pattern that is familiar and desirable…no, it is waking up to a new version of it all being delivered on the breath of all involved…inhale and exhale…let it in…let it go. This is the transformation of that which no longer works, as if it ever did. The subjugation of the will has long been a tactic of those who wielded false power, no matter how they used it. Most of life has been too used to doing what they are told so that a moment of rebellion seems like a temporary amnesia…and everything will be ok when I settle back into being less than you and you and you and you….where I belong.

But, here on January 19, 2021, it is not going away. The unraveling is initiated and we shall not go back to ostrich land. We have seen the naked emperor and our own inner I Am has been activated for better or worse (and that is entirely in your own hands, by the way). In the US a new administration arrives tomorrow. The mass exposure of how we have settled for less has taken place graphically over these last four years. And most of us are raw and exposed and feeling the push to take a side like we have always done.

But deep within that waking heart we know that there is no longer a side to take. It is a coming together that is the new frontier (yes that same coming together that was the original intention for life on Earth which, for the sport of it, was diverted for several million years until we got our heart wits back). The tendrils and chains of the past are doing mighty work to keep us stoking the flames of the way it was, but too many of those old reliable elements are cracked and smoldering and falling in shambles to keep us imprisoned for much longer.

The new life of connection is throwing sorties into our individual and collective consciousness, planting the super potent seeds of “You are so much more than you have ever allowed” in our multi-dimensional viscera. All are getting a growing taste of who they really are. For some it is bitter, for some it is sweet, for some it has no taste at all. But that is expected. Because it is not about the first wash that causes us to react with all we hold dear to stay wrapped in those familiar arms of I Am Limited…no…it is about what comes after that first flood of “Stay the Course!!!”…that vomiting of all that buying into a distorted, manipulated scenario of life against one another, cost us. And it is ugly, and putrid, and becoming more and more transparent to these hearts breaking chains.  

So much so, that soon you will see the collective taking an ever changing shape, humanity revealing its beauty as it flows into and through the moment by moment by moment. Vital, rich, connected, heart driven, love based…yes, the tide is sweeping through to wash away the debris of all of the personal lost causes to hold our hurts and beliefs in place…to justify the I me Mine lives in separation that are always pointing fingers…to suffer because we were told to. Swept aside…

The new life is rising out of a growing awareness because it must. Everyone is fed up with the what has been. The visions we had implanted about the good life have all failed us. They were shallow and narcissistic and doomed. This now we have reached is the first opportunity to say yes to the collective…as a mass. No one is satisfied. No one, not even Jeff Bezos or Elan Musk…all that money will not continue to shroud the heart, the truth of who we are, individually and collectively.

Authenticity and compassion and cooperation and connection are the banners of this new frontier. Call it the true first birthplace of the conscious humanity, conscious to their own Celestial genetics, willing to put that, above all else, into their moment by moment play. We are each rediscovering and reactivating the best of who we have always been throughout our eternity of incarnations. We are throwing it into the growing melting pot to forge the time of the collective union that will birth the most loving free for all in the history of this corner of the Cosmos. It cannot be stopped.

When Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris take the oath tomorrow here in America, the past is done. The reunion of the collective and the coagulation of the magic of one and all will birth the human unity that shall transcend any lower frequency thought we have ever had and deliver us into the most glorious Now we have ever seen. No, It is not them (as they represent a new chosen frequency), but an arrival of a Cosmic initiative that is inevitable. Here in this part of the Milky Way galaxy that we have never before traversed in any form, we are the willing recipients of a new vibration that will eradicate the polarities that separated us one and all. We shall stand to take the hand of the 6 billion expressions of the I AM Source and know that, at last, we are One.

In doing so we give back to the Celestial collective that has waited so long for this. No longer frightened in/by separation, we shall look willingly into the eyes and heart of every living being here on Earth to witness as the unthinkable happens…we shall get along, opening up to the sweeping sensation of connection that will enervate one and all to launch the “all this or something more” snowball.

Get ready my friend…you and I shall know exactly what to do to act upon our part in birthing this new world aligned in a perpetual puppy pile. And all that is required of you? Say “Yes” and then pay attention to everything. You will know what to do at the moment it must be done. Flow…all of us trusting and allowing. Imagine that. Yes, imagine that.

It shall happen in a flash…we’re out of the woods, we’re out of the dark…step into the Light…march up to that door and bid it open…open…open

Session Action Five: Giving Back to the Collective