Grace is one of those mystery things. And for humanity it is right up there with I’m-not-sure-what-it-is-and-it-probably-won’t-happen-to-me thinking. Understandable when one is used to believing in limitations and lacking affirmed value and carry a serious satchel of woundings to keep the shoulders burdened…

But Grace doesn’t care what you think or what you carry around to keep you in place. It is the Cosmic Source’s way of reminding you that you have always been more than what you have allowed. The question then is how much will you allow?

This course has been about clearing the slate, like the old magic erase tablets of the 50’s and 60’s. Lift up the acetate cover of false beliefs to reveal the clear template upon which to live and build and thrive. Sure, there has been an ulterior motive of clearing away the energetic debris that is the hitching post for keeping stinking thinking at hand. And, unbeknownst to you, every time an activity was suggested or a statement of higher truth was repeated the cleansing was activated. Up until Session 15 on Celestial Wisdom in Block Three it was an undercurrent simply doing the physics of clearing, embrace the truth and anything in contrary is cleared. Once the attention was refocused on the Celestial Wisdom then it was purposefully made a conscious choice. And, by then, you were already in the flow of trusting the higher frequency current and acting in faith.

And, in retrospect, all of this was to set the table for increased servings of Celestial Grace. In some ways, when one opens to the idea of Grace and consciously acknowledges its arrival every time it happens, it grows…and flows. And then it ramps up to give you the blessed life.

Contrary to traditional religious dogma Grace is not necessarily selective and given only to the deserving. The Cosmos knows and breathes the big picture and does not respond to restricted belief systems, except to reflect that “truth” to those who claim the belief. Consider that Grace is a wash that permeates the ethers, higher frequency Love based vibration that soothes the savage beast. And consider that Grace can feed strategically, giving dispensation to those with whom the greatest impact that may impact the greatest numbers of others lies. This beloved Cosmos conspires to bring us all home whether we are aware or not. And, as you know, sometimes being unaware is best because the preferred patterns are dormant sleeping in the personal comfort zone. That is where Grace can sweep in and stir the energetic pot to blossom results that bless the moment and those involved. Little bits of Grace here and there have great impact in opening the heart and eyes and, eventually, the mind.

Consider that as the in the moment creator of this content, I was really not alone in doing so. That I had “learned” to trust the delivery of the moment, take it and run with it, and allow it to develop itself was an act of Grace given long ago and served in spades during this journey. When I sat down to address the topic title, given on the very first day I turned my attention to Living As If, I was empty, for the most part. I wrote from the energetics of the moment, both in me and in the world. Everything was available. And, sensing that there was an eventual greater purpose for the creation of the course anyway, I was dutiful to giving the Cosmos this voice.

My intent and now, hope, is that we learned how to recognize and walk with Grace as we spiraled forward. Those results of the sessions and our own experiences that came from them hopefully reawakened the Cosmic flow that is a fundamental of our unique design. And now, here as the formal course winds down to launch our personal on our own life, I intend that we can make Grace a constant companion. So, what will it look like if we do?

Knowing that the presence and flow of Grace is constant we could surrender concern and allow our shoulders to relax for we would be confident that life would deliver moments filled with the perfect potential/opportunity for our frequency. Surprises are short lived when you know the form is the least reliable element and that it has arrived designed just for your specific use. This quickly morphs into Trust, which massages Faith into your constant awareness.

Remember, Grace comes to realign our focus to the greater truth. Knowing this will open up the anticipation of the moment’s form, just like sport. You are ready for it even though you do not know what it is until it arrives. Spontaneity and willingness to take blind action creates that in the now dance that is so beautiful.

With Grace at hand you are free to take risks, or alternative paths, in response to that which arrives at the altar of your awareness. Resistance fades when you are energetically clear and versed in this understanding that the Universe loves you and aligns in your favor, no matter what. Punishment is gone as a concept because all forms are Love in Action. You are a constant player in the moment, open and ready and willing. You are not concerned or afraid of the cost of your actions, for you know that revelation will arrive...always. And, remember, living in the higher frequencies does not allow lower frequency actions…so no harm takes place. It is strictly adventure for the sake of experience.

It may be hard to fathom a life in human form without the necessity of struggle. But, in so many ways, this is what Grace in action delivers. Struggle is the child of resistance. Without resistance there is no struggle. Without struggle the moment is infinite with options and potential. It serves your greater expanding awareness and understanding and experience of the now, without limitation. The depth of the experience blossoms like a sphere and so much that was previously “impossible” is suddenly on your plate to choose from.

You are made of Love and this is a loving multi-verse. What’s not to like? What’s not to want to want to experience? What’s not to rush into with open arms? We have been molded for so long into accepting the table scraps and doubting we are worth it that when something like this comes along…there is hesitation and doubt. That is what this course was designed for…to bring you closer to the embracing of your Cosmic Design here in the flesh, turning away from thoughts of living as limited, turning away from the familiar routines of living compromised, turning away from the I-Am-Wounded Walk. You are not any of this, unless you continue to claim them.

The course kept getting adjusted. On my end, the things that were early topics got updated and upgraded, and in some cases, tossed. Because we grew with each week even if we only put half a heart into it.  And by now you know that any action  was a significant shift action that would spawn collective results that would deliver you closer to Home. Life is responsive, just like I was in creating this. I listened and acted, never doubting that what came through was the ideal for those who would read it and apply it, including me.

That is how Grace works when it expands beyond the showboating of miracles. The miracles catch our eye and intrigue us and require that we pay attention to something outside ourselves…so that we can return home to see through the glass darkly, and turn on the inner light. Grace is back door, sowing seeds that will distract so that Truth can blossom even to the most closed eyes and mind and heart. It penetrates the impenetrable. Moving like water through the cracks to rekindle your own deeper you, bringing it up to your consciousness to do its transformative work. Grace changes you by revealing You.

Honestly, I do not know how Grace will show up for you. Sure there are commonly experienced elements and forms that others have talked about. But this is you…I Am That I Am Expressing As You. Your uniqueness calls for unique everywhere and in everything. And in some ways, even in the higher frequency realms, it comes down to accepting that Grace. For, in some ways , as long as we walk the incarnate life on earth in the human flesh we will be called by the old ways of limitation. Sure, the call will get softer and we will will respond less and less. But sometimes, we may just want to go back and experience that ignorance just to see what we will/can do with it this time. You, as Source, are here to experience…everything…in all the forms…just because it is there…

You are not alone…and Grace reminds us over and over that this is the case. Knowing this we can walk willingly into any form of the Now Moment and thrive. We can invest all of our wisdom and expansion into the total experience. And that is how the life well lived ought to be, willingly engaged. Your understanding of you, if you buy into any of this, is expansive and will continue to blossom as you consciously use it . You will experience more and more because you can. Without limits anything is possible. And the anything certainly includes that which you cannot yet even fathom. Life is yet to be born through you, in you, from you. Feeding the Celestial Essence is required of all its participants who willingly and loving give back the Love they are in exchange for the Love they will continue to become…ever onward, ever outward, ever inward.

This is Grace…not necessarily the unexpected check in the mail…but, of course, it can include this.

Allow all things  and participate fully in the gift of your precious Now. You are well equipped to thrive through the experience itself. Take the hand of Grace and become a dispensationist…for yes, you can bless the moment with that which you constantly receive. In doing so, you will become the flow to which you align….whoop te doo!

Session Action Seven: Being in Grace