Endings become beginnings…beginnings become endings as the cycle spirals through the infinite carrying us to adventures meant just for each one of us. Through each we gain experience and greater awareness and get to apply the frequency to the form of the now. We do and then be as we integrate and then do again…on and on like an aimless tumbleweed, laughing its way ever onward, ever outward, ever inward.

The conscious one acknowledges the movement from then to now and from now to becoming because everything has information, everything matters…but then does it? At this point we realize that mattering seeds attachment which can easily blossom into resistance which diverts the flow. And in the growing wisdom we realize that this no longer serves purpose for us. It is the flow that is the point…or, better yet, the conscious flow.

Become aware…notice…engage…integrate…experience …celebrate…adjust…on and on we go…collecting memories and energetics to breathe into and then release as we move on…holding information that brings wisdom just so we can apply it to the form that blesses our altar of awareness and the accompanying form of the Now.

We started a journey, an adventure into the unknown at the time. It was a calling. Seven responded and went as far as they were willing…and the one that remains walks side by side with me for the last time in this form. For the end has been reached. It is not a flag and a finish line but more of just an awareness and an acceptance and some high fives and hugs and some fare thee wells and wishes for the very best.

The ceremony ends in a flash but it is the impact of the experience that keeps the energetic memory of the journey at the forefront, delivering the frequency harmonics that keep seeding the blossoming wisdom that bubbles up from each. And that is as it must be. The experience we have had simply opened doors that had to be consciously open to reveal the personal thresholds that became the next choice. We had to cross them…or not. Those that did not, got what they got…expansion for sure…but likely, whether acknowledged or not, there is a question in the back of their minds about what might have happened. That is the beauty of the seed planting. It stays wrapped in the fertilizer of living moments to sprout at just the right time…as it shall do with each who began the quest for Living As If Already Whole.

I am in the process of putting this course into print, four volumes based on the blocks…each ends up around 200 pages. Wow, 800 pages of wanderings and meanderings and profundity and drivel and yearnings and guidance and inspiration and resistance and tears and opening hearts and solitude and long periods at the keyboard and adjustments and frustration and celebration…in other words, of living the conscious life.

My hope is that this journey has had meaning for you and that the meaning will blossom the more the suggestions are applied to your moments of living. The intent was to empower you by inviting you to reveal deeper truths to you, through you, in your own way, in your own time. I wanted to initiate action on deep levels so that you could take what was offered in each session and let it feed you through any resistance to arrive at an expanded state of awareness that was both new and familiar.

We are, one and all, magnificent beings, unique and vibrant and carriers of a one of a kind Source frequency designed to experience the beauty of this Earthly playground and thrive without hesitation.

Books like this are only beginnings. More will follow from many sources from around this planet through a host of awakening souls. That is music to my ears. We will all be guided to the tools that resonate and inspire us on this eternal journey. There are no mistakes, no failures, no wrong turns…it all is just you choosing your direction and action in that perfect moment. Your awareness is required. Your willingness to act upon your spontaneous inspiration is absolutely necessary.

In any moment you are invited to live as you desire as if it is already so. The Multi-verse will reward you for your good faith over and over. Your vibration will spiral into new dimensions where you become a facilitator of awakening and change for all you come into contact with. Know your power. Know your worth. Know your beauty. And move forth in that confident open hearted, open minded, and open handed way. The infinite blessings of this Omniverse await your steps forward.

Be the circle of giving and receiving of the Pure Love that you are. This will assure a profound journey that mirrors your frequency impeccably. It is written. It is claimed. It is spoken. And it is so.

It has my privilege to serve your vibration and, in doing so, lift my own frequency into the spiraling frontier of the All That Is. I am blessed…

Mark Stanton Welch

February 3, 2021

Session Action Eight: Farewell

Fare thee well….