The power of gratitude is unparalleled. It is the motor that keeps the flow of manifestation in motion. If you keep this practice on the forefront of your awareness and focus and verbal action then you are quite able to completely regulate the forms of how life shows up for you.

We have spent so much time throughout this course revisiting the foundations of awareness, focus, action, and adjustment in many ways to prepare us for opening the door to a constant practice of gratitude. I will affirm that by now you have participated in the magic of gratitude in action enough to make it a fluid element of your moments of living.If so, it will only refine and grow to be an immediate application of you being the True You. Yes, it is that powerful.

You know this so there is no need to talk more about it in regards to how to use it. Just use it. Use it to seed your intentions, use it to respond to all you see, use it when you are aligned with your power, use it when you stumble and fumble, use it on yourself as your moments reveal themselves to you, no matter what.

The act of gratitude opens up vision and understanding. It will bless you with the higher perspective of what is going on in your moment. Then you, in your awareness, take action upon the Cosmic response to your gratitude to drive your manifestation vehicle. Principle…reliable…guaranteed.

So, here, as we bring to a close this three year journey to cleanse our energetic palette to bless us with the true reflective understanding of our eternal design, we send out these gratitudes:

  1. I am grateful that I heard the call/suggestion to create this course.
  2. I am grateful that I allowed myself to trust the flow of how the material would be delivered in that familiar, to me, last minute way.
  3. I am grateful for the original design scheme based on sacred geometry that energetically served the vision of how to live consciously in the arms of our own True Self.
  4. I am grateful for the original 8 who trusted their own guidance to say yes to becoming a fellow traveler.
  5. I am grateful that each, as they walked in the frequency of the course, engaged the practice of self care to apply what they chose to in their moments.
  6. I am grateful for each making the ongoing choice to stay the course or not.
  7. I am grateful for the lone pioneer, Susan, who chose to walk with me to the end point that becomes the new beginning.
  8. I am grateful to myself for making the necessary adjustments regarding the structure, the time frames, the content, the impact, the level of trust.
  9. I am grateful for our willingness to put the ideas into action just to see what happens.
  10. I am grateful for our willingness to keep raising our vibration through the application of these principles
  11. I affirm, with gratitude, that the energetic impact of this course is felt and embraced by all we come into contact with.
  12. I celebrate the revelations that will surely come as a result of the creation and the application of this course content.
  13. In gratitude, I let go of this course to interface with all who will be energetically drawn to its content.
  14. I give gratitude to all the Celestial influence that contributed to this course content.
  15. And here on the first day of a new vibe in the US I have to send great gratitude for the palatable shift of vibration I felt the moment the Presidential oath of office was taken. During and since then I feel the degree of stress that I and the country, and, even the world, had held in place for the last 4 years. To feel it releasing was truly a gift filled with gratitude that, regardless of the actual outcome and fulfillment of campaign promises, it is wonderful to hear words of kindness, respect, love, and civility and to see smiles and genuine caring return from the wilderness. Little did we know how much we were starved for it.
  16. And, then in equally important gratitude I genuinely acknowledge and appreciate the myriad of opportunities presented to witness the blatant manipulations that had long been a clandestine part of standard institutions being played out on you and me. The growing transparency validated much and gave me and others the opportunity to look into the vessel and see it clearly so that the inevitable and necessary changes could be initiated…finally. For the changes and openings in me, you, and the collective I am so very grateful.
  17. And, finally, thank you Cosmos, for the energetic intervention that promises to wake us all to the Truth of our Being to actually give us a choice of how to live the cooperative, compassionate, thriving life here on Earth. We could not have done it without your massive influx of higher frequency love. And so it is!

May we all continue to serve the greater vibration of these transformational times with conscious awareness, choice, action, adjustment, gratitude, and celebration.

I invite you to take as many elements of this experience as you can and apply them to the forms of your moments from this point forward.

You can do so if you will remember these foundational truths:

1. My Celestial Design Template is intact and contained in cells, tissues, and DNA, awaiting the conscious recognition and reactivation.

2. Adopted beliefs and their subsequent patterns of action are the vehicles that keep my life in loop mode. The loop triggers the continued investment in believing that I am less than I am.

3. It is necessary to separate from these demeaning beliefs and patterns not by investing time and energy into understanding and clearing, but rather, adopting the empowered state and purposely living from that frequency and vibration.

4. The conscious mind must be fully invested and engaged to choose to apply the new principles consistently and with pure intention no matter what the appearances and forms may appear to be temporarily.

5. It is necessary to suspend past results and experiences and open to the infinite possibility that exists fully in this now moment.

6. It is possible and likely that this journey of unhesitating acceptance will be met with resistance and doubt and a tendency to want to settle back in the learned but restrictive comfort zone. Thus, it is necessary that the awareness be active to recognize the moments when that occurs. The will center must then be called upon to choose differently. Repetition and responding to the outcomes with renewed focus is required. Beating up oneself is not an option as it is a seductive tool of the Piscean control methods we learned so well.

7. This process involves living as much as possible from the opened heart space. To this end spend time doing this as well as consistently checking back to redirect any drifting.

8. The Whole Being is akin to the perfect child state that we each have experienced many times at the forefront of each incarnation. We have to reawaken and reclaim the sense of wonder and invigorate the imagination. We have to know that nothing that appears is as it seems for there is always a higher interpretation and response. In this frequency state we must be flexible and spontaneous to allow the flow with the ever oscillating energy fields that we are made of and immersed within. It is essential that we surrender to unequivocal trusting of the Cosmos, our Higher Self, our human self, and our Inner Child Self. In fact the reunification of these elements frees the original design to reclaim its seat of overseeing our moments from the expanded state.

9. Belief in separation and isolation must be suspended. Inviting in celestial access and communication is necessary. I must become fluid in accessing guidance from all of my Sources, known and unknown.

10. It is necessary that I am versed in monitoring and maintaining my energy field, noticing when it is impacted, and moving to adjust and clear as necessary even as I am in a different focus or process. I am, essentially, calling upon my dormant design capacity to multi-task interdimensionally.

11. Many of my familiar perspectives about life in and on the Earth plane are erroneous and must be restructured and, at best, replaced with the Celestial perspectives that may, at first glance, be too unbelievable because they are so counter to the misinformation of the many lives past. What is required here are many, many leaps of faith and a willingness to take the steps into the abyss in the adventurous spirit of the unfettered child to discover what is there. Upon doing so I must then apply the process of responding to the forms that are brought to my own altar of awareness to make adjustments so that I can move as guided to reach understanding and integration.

12. I am drawn to this experience by my own Higher Self, who always places me in the best situation to reawaken my deep inner knowing. Trusting this will activate a more accessible two-way communication between us. Thus, I am invited to participate fully in every experience we have together. These will awaken the conduits of knowing and allow me to expand outward spherically to integrate the new frequencies. Simultaneously I shall have the full capacity to be fully present in my current life. In fact, I will become way more invested in the moments as I will be unattached to the outcome, which will allow me to move freely without restriction, seeing everything with new eyes.

I give Great Thanks for this I Am That I Am Expressing As Me…

Session Action Six: In Gratitude