blossom into the higher frequency technicolor that has always been there…And the question that continually pops up and needs to be asked over and over is, Are you ready for this?

Because it is so unlike what we have grown to accept as the gospel of who we are that it borders fantasy and science fiction or the cultural kiss of death, woo woo. Being shackled to normal by choice has diminished the real life available in serious ways all along. SO be it…and that brings us to the now.

Again the reminder…the Now leads to the next Now. Choices made and action taken delivers the forms of the next moment for us. If we continue to need the training wheels of normal and fitting in then we will simply dance in the singular dimension of “This is all there is…”. And look to the stars for something we just cannot name…but know so very deeply.

The Fifth D has been interfacing since we got here. It has been keeping alive the energetic call to open the heart and let the yearning blossom into action and then resonant form. But it has never been allowed to be named…until now. The naming would have cemented it as possibility. And the powers that be who wanted all the expansion to themselves, kept us well-fed and lethargic for all this time. So be it…

The primary entry key into the conscious acquisition of life in the Fifth is willingness based on taking the risk that it is all true…and more. Without that leap of faith we simply regurgitate our greatest stumbles and grow to like them as an expression of us. Sad…it is and and has always been. That we have walked blindly through this gift of the living life with a severely limited perspective and action palette is sad.

And that is why our own collective Higher Self said, “Enough!”. The Celestial intervention in the guise of a bug has been well conceived. Combine that with the tabloid revelations of just how f’d up the systems are that we have been coerced into somewhat willing participation and you have a real Shakespearean tragedy being played out. The sham of leadership and our dependency upon it keeps showing us that it does not work…never really has. And it shows us where each of us is stuck on our own recovery adventure. Reminder: the outer reflects the inner. No escaping the projection of you that is constantly before your eyes. Look at your learned tendencies to greed a little, lie a little, use a little, blame a little, judge a little, rage a little, fight a little, ignore a little and then draw the connecting life to what is showing up around us in the physical movie and you will see what still needs to be done.

The Fifth D is here, as are all the rest…available at your own beck and call when you choose. The expanded you may be too much still for you to handle…but one step forward delivers the new frequency playing field over and over. Learn how to drive this vehicle. Quit settling for the good ol’ days. They never were in the big picture…and you, my fried, know that. Quit settling. Rise up and put on the new you and be that without hesitation. It is time to accept that you are not now nor never have been, limited. I do not know how many more ways to say it…turn your Light on and see the majesty…of YOU.

Something that I am becoming aware of on this Living As If Journey is that it has opened me up being more comfortable and more willing to trust the guidance of the moment…and to act upon it without hesitation. Some of the writings in the early days were well researched and a combination of ideas percolating in the world community. Over time I became more responsive to the ideas and inspirations of the moment that “dropped in” as I turned my focus to the topic and I simply inserted them as fast as I could given my limited felicity on the keyboard. In other words, I would say that I began to practice what I was preaching.

I hold to the perspective that we each carry our Celestial Template intact within us during each incarnation. It is always available to access but it has a gate that must be walked through to do so. That gate is the conscious choice to step outside of our current incarnational “knowings”. To access the deeper ongoing Truth we are invited and required to exercise a willingness to do so, in great faith and without hesitation. This opens the doors to reveal that treasure of our Greater Design. And, again, with the parameters of the current Third D we must decide and step into. It is not brought to the door. We must go to the door and consciously and actively enter. Only then, in my opinion, will we be given the access to the Celestial Panorama of our eternal journey.

The Third D is so visceral that it appears to be solid, appears to be the way it is, appears to insert roadblocks to something better. That is the nature of the physical. Given that, we are actually only touching the outskirts of the real Third D design because we have not become inclusive enough to activate and have consciously available, our complete design that includes the dimensional tools that allow the ease of navigation.

As we reclaim our extended Cosmic capacities while still in the flesh, the uber-magnificence of this life we continue to live will

Block Four Session 19A: A Fifth Dimensional Roadmap Applied

 Course Launch Point

Access Session 19

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Session Action

Expanded Living in the New Unified Heaven and Earth

Session Action

Inner and Outer Worlds: An Overview

Session Action

Stepping Out of the Shackles at Last

Session Action

Dimensional Interfacing

Session Action
Conscious Navigation

Session Action

Creating Our Own Bigger Picture

Session Action

Embracing Alone Together

Session Action

A Brief Stop
in 4D