When one thinks of dimensions one usually goes to hierarchy, a vertical alignment of successively higher vibrational fields where one can “progress” on their spiritual journey of remembrance and reclamation. Understandable, because in some ways that is how it is. But it is, as they say in youth camps where I often share musically,
“Oh, so much more!”

Once we leave the Newtonian constructs of the Third Dimension things start to loosen up and spiral out forming spheres. The convenience of time and space constructs about the way it is have no bearing beyond where we have ;lived for so long. Free of that boundary we are given the gift of simultaneous existence in all dimensions…potentially, that is.

The Cosmic blueprint of dimensions is, quite simply, frequency based. Your frequency of vibration, or level of clarity and alignment with your authentic tonal ID, is your carte blanche to the next dimension. The movement from the lower to the upper is a process demonstrated by your willing capacity to drop the misinformation and distraction to turn inward to recover and reactivate your greater knowing. Once this is initiated then the growth is inward outward. The foundation must be cleansed and cleared and established energetically before one can start the journey of Wholeness into Oneness.

And, in the beginning, that growth is sequential by necessity. Each dimension introduces new capacities that only work effectively at certain established frequencies. You kind of have to earn your wings. But the good news is that the next dimension, at least up to the Fifth starts to introduce you to the conceptual and energetic understanding of itself through available means to start your inner amplification and yearning and movement to get there.

The Third Dimension reveals itself more exponentially by attending to personal grounding into the physical body. On one hand doing so will open the door backwards to the Second and First Dimensions as well as into Ground Zero, Mother Earth Gaia. Being grounded reacquaints you with the Living Earth Kingdoms of animals, insects, birds, aquatics, plants, and microscopics. It also gives you an entrance into the more fascinating world of Earth Elementals that inhabit the First Dimension, as they have relationship with the mineral and the foundational Elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

This is why being grounded feels so solid and strong and powerful…you are connected to the Source power of the living being, Gaia…and that, my friend, is a big deal. Consciously connecting and developing Gaia relationship opens you to Dimension Zero, which is where a curious paradox reveals itself. Like a black hole in space is thought to be a dimensional portal, so too, the Earth connection delivers you to the threshold of the back door of the Twelfth Dimension, a highly evolved frequency that is literally aligned with Source as Source. It is where the beings most high hold space, where Gaia volunteered to be the home for humans oh so long ago.

You can enter the kingdom of I Am through the front door, movement through the sequence of dimensions 4-12, or slip in the back door via a unification with the Earth frequencies. This works because that journey within and back requires that you access the totality of your eternal design and its expression in the Earthly Plane as human. This is some mighty high frequency sh*t for it presents you with your own totality as spirit being in the physical. Fascinating, I think. It is by no means an easy path for it requires you to consciously reenter your own energetic land fill to return you to your natural state.

You initiate this “backwards path” by interfacing with the kingdoms and the Earth. You intend interaction and communication and relationship with the succession as follows:

  1. Animals-discover power animals/start communicating two way with those who “come around”
  2. Flying Ones- activate their ability to provide insight and guidance/listen to their songs/witness their actions as they deliver an understanding of spontaneity, true freedom, and trust
  3. Aquatics-reclaim your own capacity to create and trust community/learn how to flow/ learn that all you need is provided for you without effort or even request/ rediscover the telepathic capacity to commune, specially with the Cetaceans for they will deliver the wealth of the Akash as a download
  4. Insects-enter the world of those who cleanse and clear and remold and activate life in abundance/reinforce the capacity for unswerving trust in the design/align with the infinite creative capacity to manifest form as needed
  5. Microscopic-reenter the atomic world of the quantum spark where life is born and sustained/reclaim and activate the capacity for cellular and visceral communication within to align all of you on all levels to the intention at hand
  6. Plants-reclaim the cooperative knowing of how life sustains and nourishes itself by reciprocity and unfailing deliverance/learn to reclaim the capacity to serve life and one another/ reclaim the life sustaining relationship with light
  7. Mineral-reactivate the record keeping capacity of the mineral and stone and soil to open to and receive the messages meant for your frequency and to solidify your capacity to immediately act on guidance received
  8. Elemental Kingdom-relearn how to sustain life of all beings by conscious connection with these tenders of the garden/cess their friendship to be taken to the etheric chambers of the Earth to experience her magnificence and integrate fully with your crystalline record of incarnations and your own Celestial Akash travelogue/ make friends with the fairies and dwarves and sylphs and undines to let them reveal to you the nuances of life formed and just how the Universe works to manufacture the substance
  9. Ether-reconnect and access this Celestial Element that opens the door to your capacity to travel as if out of the physical anywhere you desire to go/re-establish your capacity to sustain physical life via the air containing the chi substance that nourishes the physical in unprecedented and reliable ways
  10. Air-establish relationship with the breath and the air currents to be able to harness the flow/interface with and create weather as needed to sustain life and all that that entails/ness the capacity for free spirited movement throughout the environ that you currently inhabit
  11. Fire- access the solar relationship that sustains all life while delivering encodements to your atomic structure to direct you through this day’s living moments/ harness the solar to fire to ignite passionate living and open you to the orgasmic substance that delights and delivers life unto itself/reconnect with the fire to activate its cleansing capacity to prepare for your moment by moment rebirths
  12. Water-jump into the flow and align profoundly with your own emotional self to develop the trust that is necessary to live fully in the now/ learn the cleansing and amplifying and healing capacity of your own tears/ reclaim the capacity to manufacture your own water based life, learning to sustain the capacity to surrender to the endless rivers ever in flow
  13. Earth-reclaim the capacity to integrate the soil into your being to harvest the wisdom thus contained/reconnect and develop the Gaia Meridians to be able to access pockets of power for use in your own intentional manifestation/integrate into the earth to access the portal to the Twelfth Dimension

Interesting stuff. Living completely consciously opens innumerable doors to the fantastic. Developing all of these connections into mutually serving relationships serves as the perfect platform for full throttled living in this expanded universe.

In a nutshell, moving outward into the sphere of multi-dimensionality is a choice that follows one’s awareness that delivers the necessary sea of information. The information disables the old thinking that is restrictive. It dis-integrates the tendrils of the energetic past and clears the memory of all but the “lesson” of those moments of living before the Now. The action cannot be taken until the field is fertile. Thus, this 2020 virus and all the forced reflections. Humanity has had to look at itself, choose to go into the catacombs to clear away the cobwebs and dust bunnies and the emotional unexpressed baggage and the blame and the hatred and the misunderstandings and the devaluing of self and the …

Once you stand solidly in fertile ground you can take the first conscious steps into the Greater Truth of you. Your sorties into the next dimension in the dream state prepare you for the conscious access. That conscious access simply comes from your request to access. Wait! What?! Yes, just like the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy could have gone home at any time. So can you, Grasshopper…

All of the preparation was but to help you develop the focused eye and the capacity to be nuanced aware. It was to lift you out of your own quicksand of ideas and the need to be fear filled and cling to treasured woundings. It had  to lead you into wanting more…lead you to the yearning. And yes, there is that frequency component. The Universe reserves the right to refuse service to anyone…

In these higher realms one must give to get. Good faith moves deliver a sea of higher frequency goods to investigate and gather and apply…to deliver you to the next panorama of you in fullness. Currently, while we mill around in the Fourth Dimension wondering what happened to the ignorant cushy life we are building momentum. Ignorance is no longer a supplemental virtue. It is a colossal waste of your precious time, so to speak. You get by giving…giving of your focus, your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, your intentions, your adjustments, your sharings…giving in good faith knowing the all is well in all wyas.

Yes, the re-union is guaranteed. When it comes is up to you. Movement into and through each dimension is now, flash news hot off the celestial press!, A gift of deliverance…no longer an option…sorry, loafers and clingers and wishers and hopers and whiners and blamers…The life of expansion and reclamation of True Self Must be fed by your intentional actions. You do not want to go back…please trust me. Once you catch the first glimpses of the True You in splendor you will fall in Love as if for the first time. It is that sweet…and thus it is worth all it takes to get there.

If you want it, here it is, come and get it….sings the Cosmic choir. Once you have consciously stepped out of the old familiar routines of normal, you will gather momentum to move without hesitation into the wide eyed, open hearted, incessant flow. Right now the Fourth Dimension and the Third, Second, First, and Zero are your conscious playgrounds. Use them in as many ways as you can. Open up and let them guide and feed you. Take the nourishment and apply it to your own tired and weary innards and reclaim the strength to leap into the unknown to drink up the promise of a better now. You won’t know until you do…so, just do.

The rest of our session actions are to explore the Fifth Dimension so as to open the frequency to give us a starting direction. DO your homework. Do what is suggested here and in the first session. Build your capacity to consciously traverse the realms. Stay grounded in the physical. Move in the up and down to replenish the sphere that will continue to bless you with infinite possibility with a growing awareness of all that you are capable of.

If you are not feeling a fire yet…then it is probably time to just binge watch something mindless. For even in that, the seeds have already been planted. Netflix binge will get your mind out of the way to let the substance reactivate from within…the fire has already started.

Call upon the dimensions to begin to reveal to you…anything. Tell the Ascended Masters that you want to attend their nightly Astral retreats. Sign up and do it. Chat with your angels and hold court for your archangel choices to show them how willing and devoted you are. Give Love. Receive Love. Reconnect with your human brethren heart to heart, eye to eye, hand in hand. This is not a journey for the isolated. We need our community. We need our frequency posse. We need our Homies…let’s do this!…Together…and alone. Damn! Another paradox…

Session Action Two Dimensional Interfacing