It is hard to get a read on the new ways and the new paradigms when there is such an investment in being what was. After all, we did work hard to believe we are limited and compromised and seemingly, always seeking normal. But life will not wait for you or me to catch up in understanding. It just keeps delivery the upgrade. We are designed to be a part of the greater unfolding…not just a part, but directors and producers and the star of the show. Not just you and not just me…but everyone…I mean, everyone. How does one grasp this ongoing process that just is. Not sure. But that is what these times are about, perhaps.

Here in the end of April in the year, 2020, we are hunkered down in our reprogramming sequence. It is the epitome of self discovery in motion. Is it forced…well, yes. The Cosmos has plans and does not want resistance to get in the way. So, it is rattling the cage we have created as a whole. One way or another, each current human has contributed to the paradigms that have been the influencers. Too much distraction. The trained short attention span is being re-wired to give us each back our eternal capacity to attend to the whole at the same time we do the insignificant. We shall survive this and finally enter the time of thriving. There will be casualties…institutions will shift, shake, and tumble…and realign with life in new forms; the energetic debris we have been taught to carry will be loosened and freed to give us back our design (see ya); the ways we do business will evolve into a picture of equality and all being in balance; individuals will leave the Earth to lay down the worn out garment that burdens to reawaken and reincarnate into the the higher frequency life that is fashioning itself as we speak; self-serving thinking/beliefs/actions(in the lower frequency ways) will no longer be desirable or necessary; the whole idea of governing and how to do it will get the overhaul it so surely needs; and the reconnection with the actual design of the human body will dismantle the medical and pharmaceutical machine leaving in the dust of humanity in absolute health…just to name a few things that are rising out of the ashes of just a short time ago.

But there is resistance, you say…of course there is. Still necessary as the motivator of change. Again, human history and the influence has to be undone and replaced with higher frequency wisdom and understanding. So, finally…we get to the topic of this exiting Block Four, first session, the arrival of the successive generations and the incredible new frequencies they hold. We shall watch this section unfold as it delivers the history of the journey, really starting with the Boomers. We shall see how so much has evolved in such a short amount of time and space. Each successive generation shall get a witnessing so that we can fabricate a useful structure that will usher us into what some are claiming as fourth and fifth dimensional ascension…not so fast!

The new world is a harmony of dimensions, not the historical either/or thing. No need to throw out the third dimension here as it is the one capable of housing the physical body, that one of a kind incredibly designed vehicle of human life. No, the generations are bringing the frequency bursts designed to harmonize and resonate and entrain us old folks. This is an upgrade of Biblical proportions that is in progress. The doors and windows are about to get blown off. And there has never been a better time to be on this Earth!

Life creates life in a complex dance that feeds off of itself and redirects in the Now based on the what just occurred for the panoply of organisms involved. Nothing is insignificant. Everything has its purpose and its impact. Every still birth has already had a journey and fed all those involved with experience. We interweave and we impact. We are all influencers…to coin the current Internet distinction of someone who steers others in a direction based on what they do and maybe a little charisma. This is an offspring of the old journey from apprentice to master, a journey that took serious time to unfold. These days you can get a certificate as Master having done a weekend course. In some ways this may be Living As If in action.

It is all frequency and the spiraling expansion and evolution of that frequency. We get better as we age, they say. Humanity gets better as it ages in most ways, though some would offer evidence of regression.  It is a complex yet simple process. As we have seen through this course, you and I carry a lot, a lot of baggage, a lot of potential, a lot of resistance, and a lot of inspiration. We apply it through free will through the gauntlet of personal and collective thought, belief, and patterns of previous action. It is a crap shoot with guidance, in a way. In the big truth is the outcome is inevitable, we evolve and we return to the greater knowing of who we are and have always been. The rest is just the journey, and the magnificent sport of it all.

Things are what they are , until they are not. That is a truism that is at play in these times, attempting to lift us out of the ease with which we self abuse under the guise of self improvement. Getting out of our own way allows the flow of life to flow and to deliver the days’ daily energetic news. Life is going to live. There will be the succession of generations as long as we continue to believe that that is necessary, that there is a life span, that death is useful.

Block Four Session 18: Impact of New Generations and Opportunities Before Us

 Course Launch Point

Access Session 18A

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Session Action

Boomers, Indigos
and The Early 90’s In- Betweens

Session Action

Crystals, Rainbows, and Beyond

Session Action

Key Rememberings of the Generational Dance

Session Action

A Brief Overview

Session Action
The Millennial Misnomer and What to Do with It

Session Action

The Stirring of the Aquarian Soup

Session Action

The Opportunities Before Us

Session Action

The Global Inner and Outer Impact of the 2020 What Is…