Personal Care and Empowerment

Here are the seven topics that will be addressed during the sessions, each for a 7 session length. Each week will build upon the previous one. Clicking on the title will give you the growing list of topic information and activity. These topics may or may not be related to the main topic. Choose what you are interested in learning and experiencing. No pressure…

  1. Reconnecting with the Original Design
  2. The Expanded Body Energetic System*
  3. Filling Basic Needs
  4. Clearing and Emotions
  5. Necessary and Expansive Re-Education
  6. Empowerment Experiences
  7. Active Application and Celebration

Since we are in the Third Dimension physical plane of Duality we must address the make up of the body, the incarnational vehicle. Each topic will explore elements that we shall be invited to and learn to rely upon in engaging and responding to our moments of living. In the spirit of the course intent to put the reclaimed design into action immediately, specific exercises will be provided to apply the learning to see what will happen.

Though these topics may appear to be off session topic, it is the intent to learn skills as we are showered with new information, making this a highly effective and useful experiential journey.

Personal Care and Empowerment Portal