Back when the LAIAW journey was taking shape the idea of Fifth Dimension was a wispy idea, though given life through the post 2012 years , was still a Celestial lure that had little in the physical foundation. That has changed. In the short time it took for us to get from there to here we realize that we are now in the intense waning days of the Fourth Dimension pit stop.

The Fourth Dimension is a buffer zone between the Celestial launch point (Fifth D) and the physical familiar (3D). It is where we get to try the wings of free from time and space and the physical on to see how it feels. It is where we learn to jettison all that no longer serves, the thoughts, the beliefs, the patterns, the habits, the devotions, the energetic debris of both good and bad times…where we learn in fact to cross the street from duality to polarity.

We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto…though part of us is. We are in the time of integration where many still cling to the training wheels of the lower Fourth and look with glances at the Light emanating from the upper Fourth that will fine tune us to ramp up the frequency to dwell in the constant Love Vibration. Yes, as we have discerned many times, this is a process. We have taken conscious action to speed it all up with this Living As If stuff…and it has worked. What if the whole shift in the Now is a direct result of the 7 who embarked on this journey in the first place? The conscious intent was to grow the vibe by letting go and claiming the slowly revealing image of the I AM That I Am Expressing As Me. And now with just two left to cross the finish line we can look around and say we did this…and why not think that it has made a significant impact and contribution to jump start a new world in chaos, I mean change, I mean collapse, I mean awakening, I mean….?

Here we are once again out on the frontier in the land of in between. When one looks at multi-dimensionality one can see an evolutionary understanding. In the early days it was about getting out of here and moving on to something better. The carrot before the donkey promise of Heaven waiting was supposed to be a motivator to be a “good person”. Instead, it created inner and outer chaos and a duality of black and white that too often pitted one against the other (sound familiar, America 2020?) The masses wanting to be rescued from the morass rather than taking responsibility for what each has created and doing something about it.

…If I could just get out of here and be in a new dimension then it would all be better…

I understand this and, at times, have subscribed to the grass is greener wishin’ and hopin’, too. But the grass is greener only brought me back to me in a new environment, facing the same inner invitations and outer expressions of who I am in this moment.

Dimensionality is not about escape. It is about the expanded experience and an opportunity to engage the glorious design in the glorious infinite potential. Turns out that we really do not need to escape but, rather, expand into the what is and has always been.

Incarnating onto this Earth plane has always been to reclaim the true expansive awareness and understanding of who I have always been…and to put that into action for the sake of experience. It is not a zone of punishment, unless that floats our boat. We have choice and we have endless opportunity to grow in awareness and consciousness to remember…the Truth.

Every living being is moving inward and expressing outward on the journey of becoming that which we have always been…consciously. Dimensions are a part of the landscape that serve as progress markers. Each has a higher frequency and certain reliable rules for engagement. Each has certain kinds of experience s contained within it, experiences that will open one up to the higher dimensions.

What is becoming more prevalent is the understanding that this is not about getting away anymore. Each dimension reveals a greater truth that helps us get clear on what is going on, clearing up misconceptions and clearing out misperceptions. It is about becoming Whole and then embracing the magnificence of the One, existing simultaneously  in all dimensions, 9 or 12 or ? depending on your perspective. When we leave one dimension due to our frequency raising and enter another we are capable of consciously integrating all that came before into the new awareness and understanding, as we choose. Unlimited means just that.

Without the need to run away from pain, or even continue to engage the duality of good/bad pain, then we return to the graceful flow of experience for the sake of the experience…just seeing what this baby will do.

So, as we look a bit at where much of the current world resides (Fourth D) to remind ourselves of some of its tenets, we set the intention to consciously use this plane as the springboard to the Fifth where we are reconnected with our own Celestial Love design for the rest of eternity.

The sea of life will all arrive at the same point of Infinity “somewhere and sometime down the road”. It is no longer the dance of I am better than you…it is hey, let’s do this together and see what happens.

I write this on November 3, 2020, Election Day in the United States of America. We have become a Fourth Dimensional playground where the lowest and the highest posture their cherished positions in the name of control of the uncontrollable. And, distracted by the actions we vomit out, we do not yet see the big picture, en masse. Soon we shall realize that none of it matters at all. The charade of living as we have has lost its luster, if it ever even had one. We are seeing the battle for the next Now that goes on within each of us constantly until it doesn’t.

What brings about the doesn’t? Awareness, integration, understanding, and action followed by new awareness, integration, understanding, and action followed by…you might say that the old ways, the old systems, the old beliefs, the old devotionals, the old wounds are getting their last hurrah. The die is cast…the Universe has infiltrated our castles to reveal the deeper truth within that has always been there…and we are going home, individually and collectively. Might as well quit resisting and enjoy the ride.

It is all going to work out…because we all are expressions of the very Source that creates all forms and circumstances. We are an inside job in action. The movement towards polarity out of duality reintroduces the infinite possibility that exists between the poles extreme, giving us nuance and infinite choice and thus, infinite experience. This is why we are here. And as we grow into our design, we reclaim the magnificence that was always there for us to choose. And we are growing into that with each breath. Anything is possible…and probable. Are you ready for this? Well, honestly, it doesn’t matter…ready or not, here it comes!

So, what of this Fourth Dimension? Depending on your previous dogma force feed, it is either a dreamy place where Spirit meets the physical, or it is a manufactured hellish place where you get your due, as deemed by an arbitrary scale that serves the one with the current strings. For, please understand, that in this plane where time and space are at best amorphous, and our very thoughts parade around in our face making manifest as quickly as we can think them, we get what we give. If you want pain and shit, then as you wish. If you want to expand and know yourself in this great Cosmos, then as you wish. And all that lies between is there in this Celestial palette.

We dance in the Fourth dimension often throughout our day, mostly in our dream state, be it daydreaming, or sleep dreaming. Isn’t the Cosmos masterful? Giving us daily opportunity to feel what expansion is like, gaining experience in the unrestricted flow without even knowing it.

The Fourth Dimension is  a buffer zone between the Celestial 5-12 Planes and the physical bound 0-3 planes. It integrates the spiritual and slows the vibration enough to infiltrate the third and be a constant source of inspiration, wonder, possibility, yearning, and creation. It is the realm of the mind and the tools of the mind, thoughts. Thoughts made are forms that become real, based on attention, focus and devotion. It is said that all thoughts ever set into motion are still contained in the oscillations of this buffer to be grabbed at one’s whim.

The Fourth is also the realm of emotional energy. Lower frequency thoughts/emotions, usually raw and unprocessed are here, waiting to be resolved and released. As a repository of the moments of living, we have constant access to that which we have deposited in and out of consciousness. Now isn’t that convenient? Not only do we hold the unexpressed in our own energetic anatomy of chakras and meridians and energy bodies, nut we also have a reliable backup.

And, necessary to be very cognizant of, there lies the emotional and thought remnant debris for every incarnate…which means that you, dear free will one, can tap into any you desire. And since frequency contains principles of resonance and harmony, it is actually quite easy to pick up some stuff that is simply not yours…which will likely amplify the form of the inner and outer moment.

Can you see why knowledge can be so useful? You are designed for discernment, to be able to identify the frequency of that which is resonant to your own design and personal history. So, as you exercise and strengthen your own will center to become a powerful reliable tool of discernment, you serve to regulate and amplify and evolve that which you are.

The Fourth Dimension is there to serve your own reclamation of you, if you choose to use it as such. It can also serve as a deterrent for personal evolution because it contains all the ghosts and goblins and archetypes that one low frequency expression of humanity unawares can muster. You choose. That choice can be facilitated by your conscious choice to evolve by releasing old energetic debris, getting clear with emotions and their flow, trusting the forms of your moments, and knowing that you are a spiritual being residing temporarily in a human body by choice.

Here is a reflection on the Fourth from my course Tools for the Times: Fourth Dimension: the space of collective unconsciousness, the archetypal realm that links thought and mind/consciousness and unconsciousness, the dream world…beyond time and space. The world of imagination and felicitous movement and shape shifting, Thoughts and ideas manifest more readily than in 3D as it is less dense. Think of the shifting scenarios in the dream state. Accessed through story, song, myth and ritual. The energy of the celestial beings integrates into us via dreams, archetypes, color, geometrical shapes as vibratory activators to open us to the higher world frequencies.

Indeed, as the accessible realm of inspiration and imagination and creation moving into form it is the first of the reservoirs of infinite possibility there for the artist and the musician and the pureness of the child self…and the True Self. It is where we reach to grasp idea seeds, straight from the 4 corners of Universal Source. These seeds grow into the physical realm to water the deeper connection to Source we all carry by design. It is the world of wonder, of the heart infused mind that brings us to the gates of the innocent and the beautiful. This realm reacquaints us with our Celestial heritage through the works of the ones who mine that akash to translate the seeds into form. The songs and stories and art and word stir the soul underneath the soul, the place where the memory always remains accessible….waiting for us to awaken…

The beauty of each successive dimension inspires the journey to continue. Again, the journey is not about escape, but, rather, discovery. Each leap into the unknown grows us in all directions inward and outward. We evolve and we retain the wisdom ingested thus far to become the true whole being that is the calling card of our personal and collective life ever on. This is the new promise delivered at the threshold of the Aquarian Age. In this Divine expansion we reach the hem of the garment of Universal Love and put it into motion to deliver without hesitation the juice that nourishes and nurtures us into YES…

The Celestial Wisdom populates the Astral World of the Fourth Dimension luring us ever onward to the home we both yearn for and know is waiting. The Divine guides and beings sprinkle messages that are frequency based to become a grand resource when we forget who we are or run into the road block between what was and what is/can be. Once we enter its realm via the dream state at first (automatic) we grow the capacity to consciously access and harvest the ever fertile etheric ground. We find all that is necessary to prepare us to desire the Higher Realms. For as we shall see, often the call of the dimensional gold mines is difficult to hear, especially if one hesitates to align with the flow and chooses distraction and resistance instead. It is as if the Celestials knew we might kick and scream…so irresistible delicacies are scattered like Easter Eggs, and we hunt even as they are pulling us into our own inevitable rebirth.

The dual hierarchy of the Astral refines our vibration as we learn to navigate and raise our frequency from lower to upper. Any tendencies to stay rational and focused on material must be cleansed before one can dance at the entry points to the Fifth and beyond. Thus the energies of the Fourth work us like a washing machine reacquainting us with the capacity to spontaneously navigate free of space and time while simultaneously eradicating the thoughts and patterns and holdings of the unprocessed Third D moments of living. Clarity unfolds and the doors open to a growing unfettered mobility that becomes our active capacity to lucid dream. These training wheels develop our taste for etheric freedom and point us in the direction of truly letting go of the lower dimension programming that no longer supports the vibration rising within.

As we grow in our experience in the Fourth we also take hold of the constant connection we have ever available to the frequencies below. The newer understanding of the spiritual have left the realm of the formless and delivered us the option to experience all dimensions, eventually, while choosing to stay in the human physical (though significantly amplified and improved upon to be able to hold the frequencies that move one about). The need for hierarchy has been modified with much being left behind in  the Piscean remnant energy that relied upon that limited belief.

Astral travel while still corded to the Third D physical is a necessary and temporary step intended to familiarize one with the overarching experience of evolving complete freedom from Newtonian physics. As we move into the higher frequencies of the Fourth we realize that we have greater capacity to travel and interface. Our personal relationships with guides and teachers opens and accelerates into constant availability as we choose. These connections teach us to let go and expand while insuring safety in these early excursions into the great etheric.

Once we open to and experience the expanded Fourth our relationship with the Third changes forever. The windows and doors open and we find our relationships with life, with the senses, with understanding, and with willingness to flow and trust have grown in leaps and bounds. Nothing is forced though we are encouraged to stay ever on our own growth edge…in a sense to push the river and bring in the experience aligned with our current tonal frequency. The higher our vibration the greater the Celestial push and pull to ever expand. It is likened to a perpetual motion machine that feeds upon itself to provide the power and momentum to explore, experience, and thrive.

Open first to the ideas here presented. Let them incubate and do their own vibrational adjustments and initiations. Triggered, you will start to activate a much more vibrant dream life. Doing so is leading you to conscious free will sorties into the Fourth to establish your capacity to navigate in response to and in alignment with your thought. The obvious invitation is to mould the clear capacity to think in higher frequency to insure these adventures are productive. The higher you go through awakened action the more you are able to flow even with lower frequency experiences. The knowledge contained in the message of the dimension will be available to assure you of your ongoing flow no matter the form that appears. Remember also that the dimension reflects your current frequency and level of thinking. Raining and clearing both will direct you to the kinds of experiences that bring you home to you and prepare you to cross the Fifth D threshold…sooner than later .

I invite you to celebrate your capacity to fully engage these new realms. Remember to consciously speak your birth name as you traverse the dimensional field. Also call in the Christ Essence to surround you in your journeys. Remember also to stop along the way at the Ascended Master retreats to access a wealth of information, tools, and techniques to use no matter the level. Start with Saint Germain… why not? Oh, and, say hello for me…

Session Action One: A Brief Stop in 4D