I would think that by now you have a firm grip on the fact that our journey thus far has not necessarily had our best interest in heart (though, to be fair, we have the free will capacity to make decisions and choose anything before us…at any time…but the familiarity of normal is quite the strong deterrent).

The lobster in the pot of water is unresponsive to water being heated to a boil until it is too late. People will rebuild their home in the same location where the hurricane just took it out, where the fire rampaged through destroying all in its path, where the flood plain did what it is defined to do, flood and wipe out all homes on that plane…get the picture? That well-earned comfort zone is like a set of blinders, allowing us to hold on to a cherished perspective despite the evidence to the contrary.

Curious…what might cause humans to do such a thing? Well, the current programming has been very long in the making. Individual souls have incarnated time after time into some permutation of the limiting dogma no matter the locale around this beautiful planet. There has historically been such a monumental infusion of fear that new arrivals just take it on. Even to a new being the energy of it invades the system. The weight of that causes one to be protective and suspicious and hesitant of change and action, perhaps for fear of losing what one has fabricated. The hesitation feeds the fear reservoir and the same old normal plays itself out, over and over. The fear gets masked by the growing wash of frustration breeding anger. That anger further protects and makes things even more messy for the spiritual being living in the physical human body. Until an explosion happens…inevitable I might add, under this scenario.

So, welcome to the year of our Lord, 2020, the infusion of the balance. What?! You are kidding! Nothing could be further from the truth you may say. Most everything is out of whack it seems…and sure there is quite the argument that this is so.

Duality and the worst of the process of polarization are multiplying. This either/or is not new…in fact it has been a foundational element of the human condition since the very early days when the first ones crawled out of their Celestial roots onto the shore of what am I doing here! Survival…hostile environment, or so it seems…emotional energy misunderstood, fear of being real with what is going on…devotion and commitment to resisting change just because the future is so scary (because it is oozing from the unprocessed past woundings likely).

Look around as so many of the very forms that have kept us cozy and tucked in our personal citadel are being shaken, dismantled, shown for what they really are…lies, actually. SO, come on…you knew this all along, felt it deep within you in those moments when you felt connected to life, heard it in the whisper as you awoke in the morning….there is so much more. This is not who you are…you are so much more…and this does not and never has served you…

Do you not recall in your moment of clarity when you were asked if you were ready to be you, fully, honestly, completely? And do you recall saying “yes!” And can you recall the exuberance and fire and anticipation you felt as well? Likely it flitted away as you regained your consciousness of normal. Again…but a little less each time…

You and all of humanity have been on an ever increasing spiral of growing frequency. It was so slow for the longest time that you hardly even noticed your own evolution, the new awareness/perception hardly even registered…but it did.

Every one of those moments in time have gathered together for all of humanity so that no matter what appears to be, it simply is not…it is so much more… about ready to explode. The status quo cannot get us out of this one by throwing up shiny objects to distract and manipulate. Duality is collapsing and no side can really get behind the folly of their own dogma when they find themselves looking in the mirror at the end of this day’s expression of absurdity. Them and us is becoming such a waste of time. We are on the brink of finally accepting that nothing is worth fighting for.

Yesterday the former president marshaled the lemmings aligned with his tales to rally in support of his deceit. Of course there was opposition from the lemmings of the other side and of course, it led to conflict. Violence is as normal as breathing to some who have become so saturated by all they have refused to release that they really cannot even help themselves.

But here is the rub…vicious expressions of anger outward directed towards the “enemy” will, by the very nature of emotion, lose their fire as they are expressed. Causes rise and fall because the energy that seems to sustain is dissipated  by its very expression, revealing the deeper and poignant truth underneath. Everyone is wounded. Everyone is angry to some degree. Everyone has a reservoir of fear to some degree. Humanity is in the same boat.

And this is the first time in history that the actual substance that creates the facade of us against them is moving towards release. It will rise up and ooze out and then balloon into chaos for a breath or two and leave the participants spent, finally touching the hem of their own holy garment, where the pain has been sewn into their form of living life.

You can call it divine intervention if you want. The greater truth is that humans are finally realizing they are not what they have been told/taught to be. The game is over. Sure there will be devotees to the old ways because of their own depth of wounds contained, they will fight and fight until they realize they are only fighting themselves. You and I are changing at Light Speed…and soon we will actually realize it. When the distractions of the entertainment have grown predictable we will finally see how we program our misery. AT that point we will simultaneously activate the whole truth and nothing but the truth of our individual and collective magnificence and unification and Oneness. And the tools of war, separation, arrogance, fear based narcissism, worn beliefs of being without value…they will collapse in the eternal wash of tears. The rivers will flow forth and wash away the history of inner and outer hatred. Protection will no longer be even entertained for we shall stand together in the frequency of I Am, seeing ourselves as if for the first time…united…eternally…and, best of all, we will not find fault with it. Rather, we will turn to it and drink it in to cozy up to one another and enjoy this celestial playground Earth…as if for the first time.

What is all of this? Is it New Age drivel? Is it Pollyanna in flow? Is it the song Wishin’ and Hopin’ played in a loop?

No, dear one, this is you being consciously reborn into the knowingness of the bigger truth that you are a celestial being designed for a thriving adventure on this blessed host, Gaia. It is not about lack and separation and need and good and bad…it is about connection and yes and I Am here for you and you are here for me…it is about accepting the infinite flow expressing itself as you, as me…in real time, without hesitation and, believe it or not, without agenda.

We are under the influence of the Fifth Dimensional energy of Big Love. It subtly infiltrates and disconnects anything unlike itself at first. It fills in the spaces of that which was jettisoned in the last breath. It activates the true design and parades it in front of us until we fall in love with it…at which time it becomes us.

Shangri- La, Paradise? No, just the way it is. No more better or worse. No more right or wrong. Life at this level just is. Can you embrace that? Can you let that in? You have nothing to prove to anyone, even you, even Source. Zilch… just be.

In this Fifth Dimensional revelation in progress we get revealed to ourselves. The lower frequency decay drops away, revealing a fresh supply of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me…constantly.

It may take some classic time for this to become the Now…but remember that once you turn towards the Light, the Light does the same to you, and the frequencies rise as fast as you will allow and accept and integrate and put into conscious action. You are making your self into the image of God Self…as you see it. No more templates to pair against, to compare, to feel inferior or even superior to. No more need to interpret.

Fifth Dimensional Love is infiltrating and transforming atomically as we speak. The rebirth will come from within. There will be new feelings. Things perceived as wrong or damaged or diseased will burst into alignment frequency and alter their form to give you back the state of I Am Health that is your design. The senses will oscillate into a greater capacity at a rate that you can engage and embrace. We will perceive and experience this plane in a very different way. We will activate exhilaration and lay down the atomic debris of all those lives in fear to stand in the full moment of complete acceptance and inspired engagement. The Now will blossom forth its Multidimensional panorama and you will see how simple it is to be everywhere at once, fully participating.

The emotions themselves will be transformed, mutated into their higher frequency components, allowing for the release of the need to have fear and anger as tools to interface life…for that is the old way of hierarchical living that was so very familiar. In unification we learn the ten thousand nuances of joy, for that is all that will be necessary in this expanded personal and collective kingdom.

Can you reach out with an open heart and accept that this is what you have grown to claim? 2020 thus far has revealed the schism between the misinformation and the truth, as you know in your very inner template of I AM. You have lived in all ways thus far. The parade of the darkest elements of humanity wallowing in its own worst case is necessary for us to begin to see what lies in all of us. We see it in a technicolor movie that we cannot ignore. Each human has to reach the place where they say, “enough, I am ready to be that which I have always been”. The world stage is sad, grotesque, revealing, tragic, and necessary. It holds a mirror to what you have been and forces you to take stock. Is this what you want to keep doing? Really? Is this what you believe you are?

Well, I am sorry, for it is not. The change, the transformation, is upon us. And despite the fabricated tales of the Chosen, and the 144,000, and all that duality, fear based I’m better than you crap, we are all waking up and will soon be met with our magnificence in all its splendor.

No, it doesn’t matter who is President, about who’s rantings are right, about which way is the best, about how low you are willing to go. These are the days of the collapse. The forms that seduced us for so long are simply melting away, revealing and birthing a new you, a new me…one based on the true design. And the way spirit works in these frequencies, you won’t even realize you are awakened. It will be there and it will unite with your design and Akashic history and the Earth’s Crystalline Grid and recording keeping Cave and you will stand in unification, alignment, in balance…just as you were when you started the journey so many infinities ago. The significant difference of these times, of this magical virus driven collapse/rebirth, is that we shall be/are completely conscious of who we are by design. And so we shall live in cooperative bliss with one another, free of the need for drama of any sort…

Indeed, to the worn and droopy old ways, to the self-absorbed wounded bits of pieces of you and me, to the treadmill of clinging to and reinventing the next normal, to the lies we have used as weapons against our selves and those we tossed a wimpy, bedraggled love to, to the yearning to be as good as whatever…we say…”You’re fired!”

Thank you, Donald, for the gift of you being you…for you have been the wild card catalyst that brought the old ways out of the shadows and shined the light of misdirection upon them…for giving us a reason to find our own capacity to rise up and throw off the shackles…and to actually do so.

The Cosmos is conspiring to give us the keys to the kingdom. You, my intrepid traveler, have to take them and do what you will. Yes, it is time…concede the old you, and congratulate the blossoming, accurate I AM That I Am Expressing As Me that has been elected into the service of You in Wholeness…now lead the way!

The Fifth Dimension awaits. And do remember that you have always available to you, the Zero, the First, the Second, the Third, and the Fourth Dimensions and all that entails…huzzaaahhh!!!

Session Action Three: Stepping Out of the  Shackles at Last