I am beginning to think that our dimensional access parallels our frequency of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. The clearer we get the more we are able to consciously apply higher frequency ideas and actions to our moments of living and the accompanying forms. This opens the doors and windows into conscious participation in the dimensional sequence.

If this is the case then we can exponentiate our greater opening by living the higher vibrational actions consistently. To this end I will include some familiar and some not so familiar truths and their component actions so that you can amplify your living now as a Fifth Dimensional Being while incarnated. Doing so will likely deliver your capacity to traverse the unique landscape of that realm, as well as all those below…for now.

The unified Heaven and Earth is to develop and experience and celebrate having access to and living in all 12 dimensions. They are vibrationally arranged  with the lower (zero) spiraling into the higher (12th) allowing us to experience all that lies between. You consciously make choices about where you want to be or where you want to visit and explore. Your capacity to navigate expands the more you invest thought, belief, and action.

In some ways all of what has been brought forth in this LAIAW experience has been guiding you to living as an ascended being anywhere from zero to Five, for now. We have laid the groundwork and activated the inner template and the subsequent knowing that populates your current atomic structure. The next movements are to consciously take action and simply see what unfolds. Your good faith has always been one of your primary tools. That movement forward, that single step, is met by the responsive etheric substance to deliver to you the Celestial magic that you are currently ready for. (Yes…ready for…not always what you think you want or ask for. Remember, your Higher Self is in cahoots with Source and your Child Self template to bring forth that which serves you best to keep you in movement inward and outward.) And remember, this is based on your fluidity in applying Higher Frequency principles and laws. This is why the repetition and practice and reminders were consistent through each session and session action. The foundation has had to become ultra solid so that you truly have a leg to stand on…

SO, once again, a not so subtle reminder of the conscious actions and attitudes that will keep opening the dimensional panorama:

  1. Constant awareness of what is going on within and without paired with the willingness to act upon the moment in good faith.  In this there is a knowing that what appears is an invitation to reveal more of your truth of self to you.
  2. No resistance in a fluid process of letting go. You discern the moment to allow yourself to flow with life, letting go of anything that creates the least amount of stress (which you discern through awareness)
  3. Given the parameters of the Third D you maintain the  knowing that lower frequency energetic debris is likely to attach to your higher frequency self and so you are cognizant and active in moment by moment as well as end of the day cleansing of your energy field which includes the unprocessed emotion , attachments, and the unspoken.
  4. Silencing the outward to allow the inner wisdom to percolate into consciousness. Spending time purposefully and regularly listening for responses to your personal inquiries as well your unrequested guidance from Higher Self and beyond is essential to your continued journey of I Am.
  5. Likewise, choosing to ask for help from your many resources integrates you with the whole and validates your extended Celestial relationships, opening a host of beautiful doors to revelations.
  6. So, too, a willingness to act upon the guidance received to explore and experience its message. This is eased by the constant care of the chakra frequencies, especially the Solar Plexus, in this case. Essentially you want to riding the leading edge of your own wave frequency, ready to adjust on the fly to experience that which is brought to your own altar of awareness. Faith and trust in action.
  7. Being sensitive to the moment by moment needs and experiences of self and others with an open hearted caring leads you to the realm of compassion. Showing up for life with your sensitivity, tenderness, and inspiration is a gift to all those you cross paths with, including yourself.
  8. Respecting others is an action testimony of your understanding of the Oneness, the interconnectivity of all life, where no one is superior to another. All expressions of life are equal and available for interplay and experience.
  9. Choosing clarity through honesty and integrity are essential to travel in the Celestial realms unfettered and with confidence. Because you are energetically clean and emotionally clear you do not reach states of feeling unsafe, states that would make you stray from your own authenticity. In this capacity you easily share the truth of the moment as seen by you, willing to negotiate with others to reach the win win state that is  so important.
  10. You actively call upon your inner child states of wonder and imagination to open you to the oh so much more that is present in each moment’s expression of life in the flow.
  11. You allow the flow of emotion, knowing that each has its unique journey through activation, experience and release. You are a full, knowing participant in your expansive relationship with your emotions and their uniqueness.
  12. You communicate regularly with your own cellular and sub atomic structure to steer your whole self always and in all ways to the state of impeccable health. Keeping your vehicle of Earthly travel in top form allows you to fully ingest the life that flows your way.
  13. You interface and communicate with all of the Earthly kingdoms that cross your path. No visitations or meetings are accidental. There is a reciprocity that happens with each meeting as messages are shared, guidance is given and received and moments are given to expand your life experience and simply “shoot the shit” with one another.
  14. You remain conscious and active in flowing with abundance through your living moments, seeing it everywhere acknowledging it with unwavering gratitude and affirming its flow into all lives with no obstruction. Knowing there is no lack you become the unwavering open receiver as well as the one who gives of time, talent, and treasure to all life without hesitation. Solidifying the circle allows you to navigate the dimensional panoramas with ease.
  15. Conscious interaction with your Holy Triune of Self, Child Self, and Higher Self will bring you the complete balance you have long sought. Together you navigate the moments making clear cooperative choice for the greatest opportunities to gain active and applicable knowledge about you in the life of flow . Together you make manifest the experience that undergirds your own magnificence and unites you with all of life.
  16. You fully participate in all relationships that unfold. Each is opportunity to practice your presence. They give you the grist for honing your own whole self. The clearer you get the easier all relationships become as you simply do not have the debris that caused stumbles and fumbles in your lower frequency living. Love is the constant frequency that tempers and even eradicates the need for muck and mess. And contrary to the long held notion that you need to experience the “bad to know the good” I simply say, “shut up!” Currently you just do not know how wonderful it feels to always feel wonderful! That is coming special delivery…right to your doorstep.

Paying conscious active attention to all of these delivers to you the keys to the dimensional kingdoms and realms. Ultimately, you are free to come and go as you choose. Yes choice and free will are in play still. But in the expanded way they are not restrictive by any means. In the absence of  time and space by need you are able to see the permutations of a choice before you as you set an intention. You can choose based on that relevant information. And your free will is aligned with higher frequency conscious action that celebrates life and affirms all of its layers. There is no need in dabbling in those actions that would compromise another. There is simply no purpose in the big picture. You will jettison the impulse to act in a lower frequency quickly as you consciously move into accepting the new, expanded you.

So, now let us play a bit in the land of wonder and imagination as we project out some Fifth Dimensional Living…

  1. Your moments are completely heart centered as you are in constant flow with the capacity to self love and self care. Doing so erases any need for drama or involving others in giving you the care that you don’t have. The woundings of this and previous incarnations are dis-integrated from memory and viscera to become stops along the way. In this dimension the constant infusion of Big Love erases any need for pain as we know it or can imagine. The duality is not here, and so you get to experience the nuances of Love in Action.
  2. There are no lessons to be learned any more. This whole idea came from the place that you were a limited being. In the Fifth this is not even a fleeting thought as you are solid in the knowing that as a spiritual being you are always complete and whole and, as such, free to experience all the combinations and permutations of what that means. Happy trails, little one!
  3. Trust comes with the territory. Once beyond the Third D and the amorphous thought based world of the Fourth D you have no need for thinking otherwise. Life happens as you live your frequency. It aligns and delivers you to you with endless opportunities to experience that in the energetic flesh.
  4. The physical takes on a different purpose. As the new thought is that we co-exist simultaneously in all the dimensional realms we stay in contact with all of our potential and actual expressions. It would appear that we can be fully in body and experience life through the frequency of the Fifth D and above. Imagine that! I am not quite able to…as yet. And, as you have let go of any lower frequency attachments you are now able to experience your physical without any limitations, exactly as designed. And honestly, I have no idea yet about what that means. I envision the physical being the companion of choice in the Higher Realms just for the sake of the experience of what it is like to be there in the comfort of your “own home”…or not…
  5. As a vibrational being your form and actions are dependent on intention. You are quite free to come and go. And as the new Dimensions reveal themselves to you you will grow in the choices available. For now, since we are opening up to the higher vibrations the dimensions will follow a sequence based on frequency. As you reach the frequency the next dimension  opens its arms to you and invites you in. Henceforth, you are free to come and go in and out of all dimensions opened as you choose. Can you say, “Cool!?”
  6. You will find that your thoughts always are of the Higher Frequency. Once you have tasted the expansion there is no longer any reason to go back to that, not even by choice. When all possibilities reveal themselves upon setting and intention for you to make selection, why would you desire to live in the limited, for any reason?
  7. There is an end game, or so it seems. Once we reach our true frequency then we are free to fly in our absolute wholeness…I think. This Cosmic Source is creating as it goes, so there is no way of knowing that we will ever reach the final resting place of returning to our own frequency. If Source continues to expand, then we, as permutations of it will do so as well. That is exciting…I think. How high frequency can we get? Time will tell is not accurate, for in a sense, we are already there at the place we are moving towards…fun stuff!
  8. Gratitude, as it has been championed in these waning Third D ways is paramount to the Higher Dimensions. It is the constant companion of experience and interaction as it is so soothing and inviting. We are applying Universal Law and making manifest the flow of that which we pay attention to and desire in a form that is aligned in frequency. Get it?
  9. Emotions are designed as part of our physical and energetic anatomy to enrich the experience of life. The past had a focus on fear and anger and associated grief due to the collective string of incarnational choices made by so many humans over and over. With the collective raising in vibration en masse there is less need (to come) in dwelling in those frequencies. Even though now we are immersed in huge washes of fear and anger as a human race this is actually the super cleanse taking place. As this processes we shall more and more capable of entering and integrating into the Big Love Celestial fabric that will put us in that eternal place of “All is well…always”. Though it has been said that emotions have been unique to the Third D Earth plane, I think they will be a constant companion no matter the level we find ourselves. They are that rich and expand the experience of life in so many ways.
  10. Leaving behind the duality realm opens up the full experience realm. Without the polarization and the meaning attached to the position, things just are. And as such, are open to a full experience of them for the sake of experiencing them in all of their expression. Beauty has always been present. We have been taught to categorize as good or bad. Even the grotesque has beauty contained within it. In these higher realms we shall see through the open heart to embrace the magnificence of the form no matter what it appears to be. In fact we shall quickly find that beauty is always present and we will turn to it for the depth of the enjoyable and connective experience. Start now by turning your eye to that beauty no matter what appears. For example, how is Trump beautiful?
  11. In line with the raising of vibration the Solar Plexus clears itself of the dependency on comparison, judgment, criticism, fault finding, blame, and the like. Again, moments are filled with experience. We see the capacity to see the big picture infusing all experience so we can make discerning choices about what is currently present. Life without that habitual stress sounds dreamy.
  12. Life is in relationship with itself and every permutation. Without the good/evil banner to blanket the moment we are free to experience the beauty of the infinite variations of heart to heart higher frequency connections. In the Fifth D  Sea of Love we welcome contact and engage with focus and purpose all that we encounter.
  13. Above the Fourth D it is all about growing into and expressing freely the Oneness. For us who have spent so many incarnations living in and believing in separation there will be a period of adjustment. The surrender of the old form of I Me Mine will take effort and focus. The devotion to our comfort zone ways must be replaced with the immediate willingness to be adventurous while holding to the knowing of trust…that all is in alignment, no matter the appearance. We shall discover the breadth of Oneness as we open to it. Once we see that there is actual personal identity in the midst of Oneness we shall be able to soften into the surrender needed to make it flow. Being myself while fully connected is a new concept. Be patient , Grasshopper…
  14. In the Higher Realms life is the unifying force. And all show up for it…meaning we show up for one another. No matter the circumstance it becomes I am here for you as you are here for me…and we are here to serve one another. There is an inherent joy in being present for another. And the witnessing that occurs in this willing action will go far in maintaining the perpetual state of health that will accompany the from now on.
  15. In the Fifth D and beyond we are charged with living consciously as our current frequency. We are directed to show up as ourselves in every now we experience. Doing so amplifies the Wholeness and deeply unifies the eternal connections between all of live and its forms. We are not ever agin told to improve or get rid of because we are aligned with our design. And honestly, anything unlike your true frequency has no place within you, so it is just gone.
  16. In the Fifth D anything is possible, and probable. The ability to create is amplified by your Celestial connection the the width and depth of the Akash, your personal, easily accessible Google. Your creativity is off the charts as you are a master of solving the moment’s opportunities to manifest the new form to meet that moment. Your artistic and musical and inventive and literary self are all accessible for your own pleasure. Your selection and creation affirms the flow and delivers your creations to the Oneness soup for dispensation.
  17. Free from the incessant stress of duality you will discover the peace that surpasses understanding. Your moments will be rich and soft, even while you feel and are fully engaged. Enjoy!
  18. Once you reach the Fifth D you are aligned with the practical application of all Spiritual Law. They are an essential element of your template design and are available for your unique and selected use at any time. You are the constant recipient of the Law in Action.
  19. Anything is possible and probable…

 These are the first guided expressions of living in the Ascended state and the progression through the dimensions until unification is reached. Entertain these visions, these realities, and see how you can put them into motion during your transformative state now. That is the opportunity that greets each breath now. Clinging to the old ways has lure and sometimes, even purpose…but once you have tasted the  Celestial cuisine that awaits you will not be willing or even able to turn away. Consider it a reward for the job well done in all of your previous incarnations.

More to come in the coming Session Actions 5-8…live free….

Session Action Four: Expanded Living in the  New Unified Heaven and Earth