Let me remind you of the Law of Reciprocity and the Law of So Within, So Without. The Multiverse is about balance. As humans we think that stuff just happens or that fate and luck play a role. No, the Cosmos is predictable… not in form, but in action. We see our inner reflection in the outer…constantly…if we look for it.

This idea has permeated our journey with the primary intent to activate our knowing, acceptance , and subsequent acting upon it. We are not isolated cells drifting through space, we are in a unified flow that interfaces 24/7 with itself and all the players contained, no matter the origin or form.

Humanity has spent too long thinking and acting like the king of the roost. There is truth to this…but not in the way we think. Lower frequency permutations of emotion and character have gone far to perpetuate a costly ignorance. Arrogance and entitlement and delusions of power/control over others separate one from the flow/. Fine, if you want that. If your sense of autonomy is narcissistic or self-inflated, then have at it. I would say the results are predictable, no matter how long or how many lifetimes it takes. One will find themselves stuck in an eddy that will take serious effort and even time to step back from.

The sooner that one can accept and celebrate the fact that we are in the unified flow and in that reciprocal relationship with the “outer world”, then the sooner the world will align (as we are heading in that direction, in my opinion). Perhaps it is an issue of accountability for our thoughts, choices, and actions that gets in the way. Many (most) humans have a challenging accepting responsibility for their actions. Too easy to blame another, point the finger, make up a story, lies, to “save face”. But what is ignored is the energetic cost of saving face. Our cells know our truth of design. And when we are out of integrity with that they will respond and react. At first it will not feel right. If one responds to this sensation then a balance can be reclaimed. If not, then there will be an upscaling in attempts to get attention to adjust. Hospitals are filled with ones who did not listen.

We are a carefully crafted design that is self balancing. It is also in the dimension where the consciousness has oversight, free will, to determine how to be with what is. The long human journey to now that each of us has taken has definitely deposited reams of misinformation to wade through. Not trusting our own perspectives and “knowings” we too often fall for the same old traps and choose self protection and all that that entails. The result is the same old Third D dance. Glimpses of higher frequency pepper our moments but they seem dreamy or distractive to what we are used to doing/being.

Why am I talking about this stuff again? Because we shall not reclaim our Universal flow in the flesh until we surrender controlling outcomes through the manipulation of form…using our historical ignorance. Repetition opens doors. The doors are the willingness to open up to a greater truth and actually activate it uniquely from within. Though this is built into our design, it is far from available yet to the masses…unless you develop the awareness and openness to make the choice to act in that frequency.

For the most part we have a sense of the big picture but we are still more devoted to the way it has been as the current way it is. And so we stumble and fumble and wish and hope and get bored.

Once again, your inner thoughts combined with the inner level of energetic debris (the less the better) become the conscious tools to cross the threshold into actively choosing to “manufacture your world”. The outer is going to reflect your inner…no exceptions. TO this you must align and start living in that flow by constantly and consciously looking for it in your personal succession of nows. Reclaiming the bigger truth is an active process. It is not just delivered…even though it is always there. Again, you have been mislead, for whatever reason, and carry contradictory beliefs that throw water on your fire of remembering. And so you slug along.

Until now. The virus has redirected your focus. As soon as you stop being scared and start to turn inward for the guidance the sooner you will be able to jump on board the Laws of Reciprocity and So Within and So Without…and so many others.

And, as you know, the moment you start to take that action, the results aligned will appear to grow your willingness to get on board with this track in increasing ways. The results feed and expand the inner knowing to blossom commitment. The commitment leads to constant focused action that delivers the forms. It is a self feeding process that will literally become a perpetual motion.

The Higher Dimensions lift us out of the forms of what has been. This exponentially grows the possibilities before you/within you. As we lift out we are, in this new paradigm, free to also go back to experience the what was physical in new ways, from the higher frequency. Everything will take on new meaning to you. The undoing of the ignorance is a beautiful gift of your directed efforts.

By design you are in constant contact with your inner self, energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically, cellularly, sub-atomically and quantumly.And, at this moment, this may simply sound like science fiction. And so it shall be until you make the first steps into acceptance and action. The car is outside the door waiting, has been for incarnations. You have to go out and get in. That means leaving behind the forms that are your comfort zone habits (oh, not the CZ again!) The familiar restricts you. The Universal influence in these virus times times has been to rip the blinders off your eyes and isolate you at home for your personal reset. You are not being punished here...rather, you are being rewarded for having transgressed into the Aquarian Age. And that has been by choice, collectively, though it appears that many are not capable of such a choice with their still restricted belief system.

Habits and thought forms dis-integrate in their own way and time for each. Underneath it all has been the Celestial influx of energy that has been stirring your own awareness pot, slowly revealing energies that will initiate personal change through new awareness. The seeds are planted and the growth cycle has begun…it is now just a matter of time.

Make the correlation between the inner and the outer. Look at your current world and see how it reflects your beliefs, your visions, your intentions, your actions. Look closely and look for the subtle nuances. Make it up if you must! But it has to be jump started. It is like putting on glasses that suddenly reveal what has been there all the while. You are so much more than you have allowed. It is time to believe this and time to act upon it to claim it. Your world depends on this.

Let’s make a spontaneous list of what is going on in the outside here on this 30th day of November in the year 2020:

  1. Nature is softer and more beautiful to the senses ( just as we are starting to appear to ourselves)
  2. The primary institutions of “normalcy” are in shift, chaos, collapse…take your pick. SO, too, are the belief systems within you and I, especially those that have bought into the manipulation of the “human condition” pundits…I.e. Original sin
  3. The greed and manipulations of civilizations are becoming visible to the masses, allowing us to see how we have been treated, thus expanded awareness to allow us to make new choices. How have you deceived yourself with your perspectives and definitions?
  4. The “virus” is growing and at the same time very confusing. Our devotion to forms is brought into question. Specifically, how we view ourselves as a physical being, health wise. Our self care is being called to primary action.
  5. Nature is cleansing via fire, water, air, and substance. Witness the hurricanes, the fires, the droughts, the floods, the wind storms. The inner level of repressed and held fear, sadness, and anger is off the charts. The Earth, in symbiosis, is showing us not only how to release but giving us a moment by moment update to the amount of debris humanity en masse clings to.
  6. The forced isolation has interrupted the economic manipulation that bred   cultures of purchase first to fill the inner hole. This addiction has been seriously interrupted, mainly to get people to look in the mirror again and find the missing substance that is blossoming from within
  7. The polarization of society and culture along political and economic lines is revealing our own inner hierarchy to us showing how we judge and prioritize parts of ourselves…for what?
  8. The explosion into conscious action regarding race relations is first showing each how they critique and hold prejudice against parts of self, using it to determine action or perpetuate self hatred and compromised self esteem
  9. The rising recognition and embracing of feminine power reflects the collective human arrival into the feminine dominated Aquarian Age. The inner balancing of the masculine with the feminine is upon us so that we can stand in the place of equality within.
  10. The exposure of extremes in viewpoint and belief and action are showing themselves incessantly in social media, giving each an opportunity to begin to activate the inner design capacities of discernment, compassion, and empathy, inviting each to show up for one another in different ways
  11. Humanity has long been taught to be separate. In the old form it was a doable thing, as long as my stuff was around enabling me. But nowadays the idea of connection is opening hearts and pulling minds to let go of fear based aloneness.
  12. Living distracted by the accoutrements of society is fast fading, opening us to the personal power of living consciously aligned with the human personal template.
  13. The polarization of people based on economics is not part of the new Aquarian times. The castles of the uber wealthy are showing cracks in the walls as those that have built protection have closed their hearts to the outside life…prisoners of their own disguise.
  14. The ugly side of social media, the bullying, and the gushing of hatred and crass judgment is becoming wearisome to many. Actual communication with individuals is increasing.
  15. Too many business are being shown for their manipulation of the consumer for the bottom line. The rapid shift of economics may look like virus based, but it is oh, so much more. The growing Oneness Connection has many turning from the way it was with all the beliefs and actions that fed the spirit of compromise

These are some of what is unfolding before us. The invitation is to start looking at everything with a new eye. Those things that have perpetuated the status quo are highly suspect and are losing their leg to stand on. Priorities are shifting more and more. And there is a growing turning away from keeping things the way there were. Much of that just does not work. People are beginning to see the cost of holding on and perpetuating them.

Pay attention. Identify the congruencies and the contradictions. Pay attention because that will sharpen your senses and understanding of the personal and collective big picture. It reveals itself more and more to being witnessed. Pay attention.

Remember, in these new frequencies, good and bad just don’t apply. Everything just is…what it is. The fast shifting news of these times is bringing the awareness of the now into the common consciousness. There has been the fake news of manipulation and control perpetuated upon the masses for thousands of years. Honestly, look around…for everything has meaning. The forms and the actions and the words and the ideas…all has a message for you to look within and find the place of alignment for you. Because this is all about you…and me…and the parade of humans incarnated from the beginning to the however long this lasts. Waking up, we are. And the best part of waking up is not Folgers in your cup, but the brilliant expansion of you into the Wholeness of your eternal design.

Are you ready for this? You don’t have to be. You can dance around in the same ol’ in  parallel worlds for as long as you want. While just down the Celestial Street, new worlds of expansion are partying on in their dimensional playground. It is all in your hands to make a choice.

Are you feeling the urge to get going? I believe you are. Now, to project other images of what is in these expanded dimensional realms is kind of a waste of time. Though it may prime your pump and ignite a yearning that translates into conscious action, none of us will know until we find ourselves there, coming and going with ease. This is the promise of our own cells, for they have been dutiful servants to that which you routinely desire while, all the while, unbeknownst to you, they have been secretly gathering, plotting the rebellion that is upon us.

The inner world and the outer world are designed to be in coherence, reflections of one another, ever oscillating to your personal visionary whims and experiences of Now. We are in process to make it so…pay attention, Grasshopper. The world we dream of is all around us…already. And it is expansive and seriously dimensional…and a thing of unparalleled beauty.

Session Action Five: Inner and Outer Worlds: An Overview