Over the long linear journey of time humankind was seduced by the power of free will choice and began to lose sight of their bromance with Earth and turned her into a provider with no limits. From balance to temporary imbalance until today the Earth herself has given the wake up call. As the humans wake up so too the Earth hastens the frequency and things heat up, literally and figuratively. Just like a fever in you or me that serves to burn out toxicity in an emergency inner-vention, the Great Mother is speeding up her frequency to cleanse and issue wake up orders. When the very home you live and rely on starts to stir, you listen…or, at least, some do.

In the spirit of this session we have to realize that there is a sweeping frequency change occurring, in us and in the Earth and, yes, even in the Cosmos. We are in a quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy we have never been through before and thus, we have no idea what the influences and the impact are. That is exciting and also worth remembering. Ever day, make that, every moment, is brand new Celestially. Adjustments are being made. We are being washed clean but having to wallow in our dirt and ignorance and arrogance for a while. Lower frequency is no longer a place to play in.

Nothing is wrong here so there is no need to jump on board the panic train that threatens to steal conscious focus at every turn. Rather, we are invited to keep allowing the flow of the energetic replacement of that pesky doctrine of limitations with the higher frequency knowing that is flooding the cells and tissues and, eventually, the minds of you and me and all living beings. Some say we stand at the precipice. That is the old spin that peddles fear in dark alley ways. The precipice is also a point of departure and a place of choosing to fly.

Being in the flow allows you to not be overwhelmed by the moment. And when you hold higher frequency tenets like the form of the moment is a prime gift of your own Higher Self, then you can navigate holding the big picture over all that arrives at your own altar of awareness. You can oscillate within the field of the extremes and use resistance to gain clarity and activate alternative strategies. The clearer one gets the more fluid life becomes. In that kind of flow not a whole lot matters and, at the same time, everything matters…as a cosmic gift with your name on it. Non-attachment blesses you with powerful nuances that deliver the personal pot of gold. Mistakes are useful and can catapult you into expansive awareness that serves your own greater good. As a higher frequency human in the flow your ever rising frequency feeds all around you as well as amplify the collective.

This in turn, will reawaken and re-establish the heart connection with the beloved Earth. That jump starts the symbiosis that will serve all of life. Blessing the Earth with attention and deep respect serves humanity and builds solid foundation that all but assures longevity. In your hands is the “good life”. It rises from conscious choice that is blessed with expansive awareness and a solid will center that engages the moment without hesitation. Practice this as life shows up to give you the next form adventure. The cooperative dance between you is remarkable to behold. It is the gift of a job well done as a carrier of the Light Frequencies that have showered us in these times. It only takes a handful to carry the chalice. That action activates the Celestial connection even more and the assistance floods from all parts of the Cosmos…all because you have said yes to you being you.

Yes, non-attached balance is the epitome of flow. Nothing matters and everything is important and useful. From this place we are the participating witness to living in the fullness. We stand completely open in heart, mind, and hand to engage the moment, no matter the form, knowing this is a present borne in Love…just for me…oh, you should have!! And you did! Thank you!!

Floating floating    Life is but a dream    I surrender Let Love flow    Merrily I go

In the laying out of planetary energy so very, very long ago, there was an unfathomable wisdom afoot. It appears that specific frequencies were dispersed with purpose: to attract the beings of resonance to gather and serve that tone for as long as was necessary. Living beings peopled the land and, at least in the early days, did so with conscious action because they knew where they wanted and needed to be. When the Earth began hosting humans, after that long gestation period when a myriad of forms were tried out, until the one we know so well evolved, there was a symbiosis that served both Earth and life. In that exchange a connection of unbreakable elements was established. The Earth became a servant, the provider, the mentor, the faithful companion, the inspiration to the peoples who made manifest across her surface. The peoples, at least in those early days, held the Earth in high esteem and respect for they knew the depth of the providence she brought and would bring. They knew that she was a living organism in direct cahoots with Source, just as they were, to a lesser degree back then.

Relationship was built and the servants remained faithful to their loving inner directive. The Earth kept the records for humanity and tethered them to their own Akash, that timeless, infinite record of successive incarnation. In time this would prove very important, indeed. In these fledgling days when life was morphing into a workable, thriving model, each loved the other so very much. It was a love that was much more Celestial than survival based, for the big picture was still known, on some level, to ALL involved.

 Course Launch Point

Access Session 14

Block Three Session 14 A: Activating the Flow of Non-Attached Balance Applied

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Session Action

Non-Attachment: A First Look

Session Action

Taking A Walk with Life

Session Action

Activation of Will

Session Action

How to Flow: a Short Course

Session Action

The Art of Letting Go

Session Action

The Futility of Resistance

Session Action

Giving with Love to Get with Love

Session Action

The Real Nature of Balance