It is all about being in the moment, being willing to respond to the magic of the unfolding now. The Cosmos is geared towards spontaneity, no matter how much humans attempt to maintain the status quo…life moves on and flows into the next manifestation of energy into form.
Remember the design. You, as The I Am That I Am Expressing As Me interface with the current forces in expression to have an experience. You bring to the instant your collection of you born out of your specific moments of living and what you did with them, thought about them, believed about them, remember about them, lived as them. You and I are a constant unfoldment of these thoughts, feelings and actions. And the Cosmos is designed to dance right along in real time…if not just the moment before…what?
Yes, consider the idea that the now unfolds just before it becomes the now, based on you and your relationship with the you in this breath (paired with your knowing about the Cosmos, of course). The more you “know and trust life” then the more it will feed you with the perfect experience to give you a celestial experience that blesses the Source with its unique flavor. This is a non-lead partner dance, unfolding just before the expression.
SO, again, as has been laid out so many times, your current you thrives on awareness, paying attention to the gifts of what is before you. That awareness leads to reflection and the application of your Higher Self giving you that which is the best thing for you, aligned with your personal incarnate mission, intentions set out before, spontaneous inspirations, and the wash of how you just responded. Crazy, huh?!
Essentially, if you want to get the best of the Earthly plane then you must be willing to flow with absolutely no resistance, for when you do resist, you put the kabosh on the easy unfoldment of the moment. The energetics of the the etheric soup must respond to everything you do in order to deliver in alignment and integrity. DO you get this? It is so simple…
And yet, it is not so easy, Grasshopper…for we have been indoctrinated with the incessant pull of the past that infects the future. The Now has been simply a passerby between what used to be and what will be. Flowing is just too out of control. And, as humans, maintaining the status quo has been force fed for a long long time, even though there are suggestions of being improvisational about your life. Always we get led back to leaning on the door of our own manufactured, albeit in ignorance, comfort zone.
Awareness leads to choice. Choice leads to action. Action leads to experience. Experience leads to new awareness…and so the cycle goes. Nothing is determined unless you do so just before it happens. Yes, it is that quick. But, Not if you are invested in the human constructs/distractions of time and space. Life happens simultaneously with the thought in the big picture. Hard to fathom in the realm of the linear unfoldment, and taking the classes to get the degree, and the experience needed to become the master, and yadda, yadda, yadda…
If you want to see the flow in action then go out into Nature and simply watch…and learn. Take the clouds, for instance. Then march through your personal space on a mission of simply being. Sure they contain much potential that may or may not make manifest…no big deal to the cloud. It simply does as it does. Never the same way twice. Ever changing. Ever in manifestation of energy into form. They have no investment in being seen, witnessed, or appreciated by you. Though if you do notice them and stay awhile, they will respond to your focus and give you a show that would not happen unless you were attending. The Law of Reciprocity in action here…
When was the last time you studied water? Talk about flow! Water is the perfect representation of allowing the what is to simply be to then respond and infuse energetically to create a new what is. I live near the beach in California. I go there almost daily to witness the ever changing unpredictability of waves in action…water flowing unencumbered by expectation. Each wave is an expression of what has been a catalyst and all that has happened between then and the now. It is influenced mightily by the forces around it, the geography of the ocean floor, the placement/size/shape of the rocks leading to the shore line, the weather, and the number of people witnessing its journey. Oh, yeah, it is common quantum physics to acknowledge the impact of the witness, and the intention of that witness… meaning you and me. Are you at the beach in a funk or are you there to infuse with the magnificence of the ever changing display? That means something…
Anyway, water comes up the beach in a wave, no two ever the same, despite the incessant search of surfers to find the perfect wave that repeats to give the perfect ride. Even the artificial human built wave machine in the desert that spits out wave after wave in boring continuity can stumble. Just saw a video where a wave machine at a water park in Chine malfunctioned due to an electrical issue and produce a tsunami of sizeable proportion on all the humans mindlessly bobbing in the water…leaving at least forty injured by the giant wave that tossed them about and into each other. The Universe can be so playful and spontaneous…actually, it always is. It is the unaware humans that are the sticks in the mud…looking for the easy way out.
When the water recedes it follows physical law and creates many small “rivers”, each acting the same in principle. The water flows through the sand to make a channel. Along the side the grains of sand are carried. The middle of the channel flows faster than the sides which are slowed by friction and the continuous depositing of the grains to create the “river banks”. It lasts until the next wave comes and the process begins again. Over and over, 24/7, oblivious to the stock market or what’s on TV or the current fashion trends. Flow…just flowing in an ever changing dance with new steps every time.
I was at the market last night and I heard the soundings of two children singing loudly. I went to see what was afoot. A young boy and his younger brother were engaged, while the parents were shopping in the bread section, in spontaneous dance and song. The older one would dance and the younger would make up the song for the dance. Magic in action…unbridled life in flow! As I stood at the counter waiting for my honey smoked pound of turkey I engaged the boys with words of appreciation and amazement. The moment they realized they were being witnessed they expanded their expression and repertoire. The dancing, one, maybe seven, went through a series of really spot on dances of the past. The father indicated he was currently working on old hip hop moves…to which the boy showed me a few. I asked him to repeat the display because it was just so cool. The younger singer exploded into a pitch perfect rendition of Jungle Bells, right on tempo to the dancing brother. Christmas in July, indeed. I thanked them for the display and went about shopping much inspired by the boys being children in flow…and, by the way, thank you to the parents who refrained from shushing the boys, despite the looks of disapproval of other shoppers who were struggling to maintain their temperament of grumpy and judgmental. Even on the other side of the store I heard the boys entertaining the soup cans and frozen foods. Sheer delight…and a perfect example of being in the flow.
When did you, if ever, set up the scaffolding around your spontaneous action and flow with the life you brought to your own altar of awareness? At what point have you shushed your child exuberance to be a good girl? Life is set up for living…no matter where in this Cosmos. Does the moon sit still/ Does the Earth stop spinning because it’s tired? Does the sun ever close its eyes for a cat nap?
Take the wind…that is flow in action. Resistance be damned! It blows around the resistance, just like water. Wind propels the weather, delivering it in mighty bursts to where it can do the most work of making humans become aware of the moment again. How many bundle up to protect and curse the wind and the damn sand blowing in their face? How many give up and go inside to their spontaneous comfort zone? Do you know that wind can cleanse an auric field in a flash. Stand in it and feel the tenderness of its hands cleaning off the energetic debris that you have gathered through your own unaware moments of living. Stand in that wind when you can. Be grateful for the ever present gift.
Let’s take another look at resistance. Resistance can be a gift as well as an impediment. Like the water and the wind which simply respond to the moment to set another course of action in the continuous flow, so too, can we live our moments. We are constantly being called upon in our own moments of living to be ourselves, the one of our original design, consciously. Resistance can call upon us to show up for ourselves in new ways, to push against the habits of the past to find a more fluid response to the what currently is. You can consciously use the resistance to activate dormant capacities and set into motion new neural pathways to be built upon, expanding you into additional ways to respond to the what is before you. This is personal evolution, the active reduction of our own doctrine of limitations that is still in place.
Each moment, when aware, begets a choice. That choice is the catalyst for taking action. The more open and aware and re-aligned we become, then the more we can take risks in the flow, inviting ourselves to face the moment in a new way with a new attitude…just to see what happens. This is sport…and it is what the dancing boys showed me at the display in the store.
Live, always choose living, for it will bring you the ripeness of this now moment, brought to you by the beloved relationship between your own Higher Self and Source. You are the one who gets to play out the invitation, as you choose. We all know what the same old is. And, of course, we can choose it for whatever reason (sometimes we just need a break). But, in the picture, life is the constant river, ever flowing in a delightful succession of nows. Where do you want to be in this? Floating down the stream allowing life to pique your awareness and dazzle you into engaging? Or, clinging to a rock trying to get to the safety of the shoreline, which is being constantly dis-integrated by the flow of the water…of life?
Choose wisely, my friend…and remember that in the bigger picture of it all…none of it matters. The adventure continues, as you allow.